Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

It's a constitutional right. There should NOT be impediments. In a true democracy we WANT everyone who is legally eligible to vote to do so. True? It SHOULD be easy
Whose interests are represented in Washington by Senators?

2 Wyoming Senators represent 450,000 people. 2 NY Senators represent 20 MILLION.

You're worried that states like Wyoming don't have ENOUGH representation?

I think the problem is that have a vastly oversize amount of representation
The United States is a federation of States. That's why each state has equal representation in the Senate. It used to be that each state government chose the people to represent the state, but some demagogues conned the public into changing that good sense arrangement.

Do you think it ever occurs to leftists to wonder what the purpose of HAVING states even is? I'm guessing if they've even thought about it, they assumed it was just to have a reference point on a map.
Believe it or not, leftwingers believe the United States created the states! They believe Virginia was created by the Constitution.

I kid you not. They are that stupid.

I wish that was surprising.
Whose interests are represented in Washington by Senators?

2 Wyoming Senators represent 450,000 people. 2 NY Senators represent 20 MILLION.

You're worried that states like Wyoming don't have ENOUGH representation?

I think the problem is that have a vastly oversize amount of representation
The United States is a federation of States. That's why each state has equal representation in the Senate. It used to be that each state government chose the people to represent the state, but some demagogues conned the public into changing that good sense arrangement.

Do you think it ever occurs to leftists to wonder what the purpose of HAVING states even is? I'm guessing if they've even thought about it, they assumed it was just to have a reference point on a map.
Believe it or not, leftwingers believe the United States created the states! They believe Virginia was created by the Constitution.

I kid you not. They are that stupid.

I wish that was surprising.
I have debated people on this very issue. It always comes up in discussions about the Civil War.
It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

Can't say I've ever really had a problem, because I've always had employers who take it as their civic duty to let people either come in late or leave early in order to take care of that. But I can see where that might be problematic in other cities, where travel is more difficult.
what are you talking about?

your post was asking if the Electoral College would still work in 2020.

it probably will.

after 2016, I have little doubt whoever the candidate is will do more campaigning than Hillary did.

They couldn't do worse
It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

And that right there is how we end up electing clowns like AOC. We make it way too easy and it attracts people that use our elections for entertainment and something to do instead of people who know the issues, history and current players in the game.

After all, if MLB allowed it's citizens to choose players, and my city allowed anybody to vote on them, and your city only allowed people with acute knowledge of baseball to vote on players, which one of us would have the better team?

In comparison, the reason we don't have a better government is because we get to choose representatives like my city chooses baseball players. Anybody can vote and it doesn't matter if Obama Money is your main concern.
In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

Can't say I've ever really had a problem, because I've always had employers who take it as their civic duty to let people either come in late or leave early in order to take care of that. But I can see where that might be problematic in other cities, where travel is more difficult.
There have been times when I had deadlines to make, and leaving early wasn't an option. When I got to the polls, there was a long line to wait in.
I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

You're 100% right. The motor voter law, in particular, invites voter fraud. With cities and states giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens, it is a piece of cake to illegally register to vote. You just check the box that says you want to register to vote too.

The authors of "The Cloward-Piven Strategy" were a driving force in getting the law pushed through Congress and signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

In the photo below, you see Cloward and Piven standing behind President Clinton as he signed the bill into law.


It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

And that right there is how we end up electing clowns like AOC. We make it way too easy and it attracts people that use our elections for entertainment and something to do instead of people who know the issues, history and current players in the game.

After all, if MLB allowed it's citizens to choose players, and my city allowed anybody to vote on them, and your city only allowed people with acute knowledge of baseball to vote on players, which one of us would have the better team?

In comparison, the reason we don't have a better government is because we get to choose representatives like my city chooses baseball players. Anybody can vote and it doesn't matter if Obama Money is your main concern.
So you think you should be the arbiter of who is or isn't smart enough to vote?

It wouldn't have anything to do with your partisan leanings...would it?
I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

It's a constitutional right. There should NOT be impediments. In a true democracy we WANT everyone who is legally eligible to vote to do so. True? It SHOULD be easy

Just where in the Constitution does it say voting should be easy?
Putin called, and he wants you to come back to Mother Russia to help him get set up to attack Israel.

I bet you are stoked, right?
In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

And that right there is how we end up electing clowns like AOC. We make it way too easy and it attracts people that use our elections for entertainment and something to do instead of people who know the issues, history and current players in the game.

After all, if MLB allowed it's citizens to choose players, and my city allowed anybody to vote on them, and your city only allowed people with acute knowledge of baseball to vote on players, which one of us would have the better team?

In comparison, the reason we don't have a better government is because we get to choose representatives like my city chooses baseball players. Anybody can vote and it doesn't matter if Obama Money is your main concern.
So you think you should be the arbiter of who is or isn't smart enough to vote?

It wouldn't have anything to do with your partisan leanings...would it?

Wait a minute........do you agree or disagree that we would have a better outcome if only people knowledgable of politics were allowed to vote?
I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

You're 100% right. The motor voter law, in particular, invites voter fraud. With cities and states giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens, it is a piece of cake to illegally register to vote. You just check the box that says you want to register to vote too.

The authors of "The Cloward-Piven Strategy" were a driving force in getting the law pushed through Congress and signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

In the photo below, you see Cloward and Piven standing behind President Clinton as he signed the bill into law.


Motor Voter needs to be eradicated, and them banned forever.
It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

I absolutely agree, because making it a holiday would bring more working people to the polls, and we all know how most working people vote. The ironic part of that is Democrats have suggested that in the past.
I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.

It's a constitutional right. There should NOT be impediments. In a true democracy we WANT everyone who is legally eligible to vote to do so. True? It SHOULD be easy
Who wants a true democracy? Perhaps we should vote on throwing you into a vat of drain cleaner. Do you have a problem with that?
Wait a minute........do you agree or disagree that we would have a better outcome if only people knowledgable of politics were allowed to vote?

Nope. It's our duty to be informed.

Who would determine who is and isn't knowledgeable and using what criteria?

That's complete bullshit

If it were me making that decision I would certainly exclude you based on your idiotic posts on this forum. You good with that?
In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

I absolutely agree, because making it a holiday would bring more working people to the polls, and we all know how most working people vote. The ironic part of that is Democrats have suggested that in the past.
Well, no, we need people who are intelligent and rational. Just knowing a few things about politics doesn't make you a good voter. Just look at all the morons in this forum who live and breath politics.
Who wants a true democracy? Perhaps we should vote on throwing you into a vat of drain cleaner. Do you have a problem with that?

You are the exact reason WHY we need as many people voting as possible. To drown out/counteract your insanity
It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday.

I agree. The day after taxes are due. End withholding first.

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