Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Is it just me??? Listing to Warren makes my ears hurt! She is the definition of SHRILL!!! I doubt seriously if anything she says will dissuade any Trump supporters.
Harvard law dean cited ‘affirmative action’ in 1994; Elizabeth Warren’s academic qualifications questioned

In a 1994 interview, then-Harvard Law School dean Robert Clark said his institution was actively applying an affirmative action policy to hiring female faculty, The Daily Caller has learned. The famed law school first offered Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren a professorship in 1992 and granted her tenure in 1995.

And charges leveled in a 1990 academic law journal raised serious questions about her qualifications to teach at Harvard at all.

In 1991, Rutgers Professor Phillip Schuchman reviewed Warren’s co-authored 1989 book “As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America” in the pages of the Rutgers Law Review, a publication Warren once edited. Schuchman found “serious errors” which result in “grossly mistaken functions and comparisons.”

Warren and her co-authors had drawn improper conclusions from “even their flawed findings,” and “made their raw data unavailable” to check, he wrote. “In my opinion, the authors have engaged in repeated instances of scientific misconduct.”

The work “contains so much exaggeration, so many questionable ploys, and so many incorrect statements that it would be well to check the accuracy of their raw data, as old as it is,” Schuchman added.

Harvard Law School appears to have overlooked that review, in part, because of its commitment to hiring a woman professor.

“We’re clearly trying to add more women to the faculty,” Clark told the Harvard Law Record in March 1994.

“Clark said HLS was engaging ‘affirmative action’ to the extent it was working to increase the number of women considered and interviewed,” wrote the Record’s Greg Stohr. “He also said the Law School would be willing to hire a qualified woman, even if her area of expertise did not fit an immediate need, but he stopped short of saying the school would lower its qualification requirements for women.”

Except that nowhere does the Dean of the Harvard Law School say that Elizabeth Warren was hired because of affirmative action. Nor was her supposed Native ethnicity even raised according to the Washington Post article. And again, you're quoting the Daily Caller, a publication you would never accept as a source.

As well, in the Washington Post article, the man who hired Warren, said she was hired because Harvard was impressed with her book. The one your conservative reviewer panned. The one that the American Bar Association gave the Silver Gavel Award to, and the book which was the basis of her being hired at Harvard.

Read the links dipshit. Read what they say. Don't skim them for a "gotcha" quote, because there aren't any.

Your obstinate refusal to accept that this is just another made up conservative scandal with no basis in fact, shows what a brainwashed idiot you really are.

Quite wasting bandwidth with your useless drivel. 60,000 posts, and no one of them containing truth or enlightenment. You just parrot conservative dogma.

Get out of Grandma's basement and learn to think for yourself.
Harvard law dean cited ‘affirmative action’ in 1994; Elizabeth Warren’s academic qualifications questioned

In a 1994 interview, then-Harvard Law School dean Robert Clark said his institution was actively applying an affirmative action policy to hiring female faculty, The Daily Caller has learned. The famed law school first offered Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren a professorship in 1992 and granted her tenure in 1995.

And charges leveled in a 1990 academic law journal raised serious questions about her qualifications to teach at Harvard at all.

In 1991, Rutgers Professor Phillip Schuchman reviewed Warren’s co-authored 1989 book “As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America” in the pages of the Rutgers Law Review, a publication Warren once edited. Schuchman found “serious errors” which result in “grossly mistaken functions and comparisons.”

Warren and her co-authors had drawn improper conclusions from “even their flawed findings,” and “made their raw data unavailable” to check, he wrote. “In my opinion, the authors have engaged in repeated instances of scientific misconduct.”

The work “contains so much exaggeration, so many questionable ploys, and so many incorrect statements that it would be well to check the accuracy of their raw data, as old as it is,” Schuchman added.

Harvard Law School appears to have overlooked that review, in part, because of its commitment to hiring a woman professor.

“We’re clearly trying to add more women to the faculty,” Clark told the Harvard Law Record in March 1994.

“Clark said HLS was engaging ‘affirmative action’ to the extent it was working to increase the number of women considered and interviewed,” wrote the Record’s Greg Stohr. “He also said the Law School would be willing to hire a qualified woman, even if her area of expertise did not fit an immediate need, but he stopped short of saying the school would lower its qualification requirements for women.”

Except that nowhere does the Dean of the Harvard Law School say that Elizabeth Warren was hired because of affirmative action. Nor was her supposed Native ethnicity even raised according to the Washington Post article.

As well, in the Washington Post article, the man who hired Warren, said she was hired because Harvard was impressed with her book. The one your conservative reviewer panned. The one that the American Bar Association gave the Silver Gavel Award to, and the book which was the basis of her being hired at Harvard.

Read the links dipshit. Read what they say. Don't skim them for a "gotcha" quote, because there aren't any.

Your obstinate refusal to accept that this is just another made up conservative scandal with no basis in fact, shows what a brainwashed idiot you really are.

Quite wasting bandwidth with your useless drivel. 60,000 posts, and no one of them containing truth or enlightenment. You just parrot conservative dogma.

Get out of Grandma's basement and learn to think for yourself.

And again, you're quoting the Daily Caller, a publication you would never accept as a source.

Of course that is their response/

Do you seriously expect them to admit to being complete fools and got played by a little 18 year old kid?


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