Elizabeth Warren- NO MASS LAW LICENSE

you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

I think she's moved on to claiming Warren was operating a law office without a license.

you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

Don't ya? :D What did I say. She'll be back between 11:00-11:30. :badgrin::badgrin:
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you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

I think she's moved on to claiming Warren was operating a law office without a license.

is that what she's saying now?

and they wonder why we make fun of them and don't believe a word they say?

obama derangement syndrome is pretty pathetic.

you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

I don't wonder, lies, half-truths, innuendo and rumors are the primary tools in the box of character assassins. Notice, there are few if any arguments in support of Scott Brown; Professor Warren could be running against a lemming (and maybe she is) for all a reader of this thread would know.
Methinks those attacking Professor of Law Warren are the scum of the earth. Much like faux 'news' they report as facts the opinion of other partisan hacks. Dishonest to their core and without substance they bear false witness against others and cannot differentiate between someone's opinion and what is probative of wrong doing.

Maybe Dreamy ought to look at the links she offered and look up these terms"

"of Counsel"

"Amicus Brief"

and learn the meaning of a "law office" as it relates to a professor of law and their actions as a friend of the court.

It's simple Dreamy, use google and you won't embarass yourself anymore (well, maybe).

I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Would not be my style but alas one can't choose who may say they are a supporter.

Warren is asking for the support of and the votes of the people of Massachusetts and based on her campaign and past history I would say she is is running a poor campaign with questionable claims and assertions about herself and Sen. Brown. That is the ugly side of politics and campaigns.
Why did she have to "admit" to anything ?

This should be fun.

She'll need a license since she won't be employed as a senator any time soon.

you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

I don't wonder, lies, half-truths, innuendo and rumors are the primary tools in the box of character assassins.
Notice, there are few if any arguments in support of Scott Brown; Professor Warren could be running against a lemming (and maybe she is) for all a reader of this thread would know.

You bet.

David Axelrod being the first case in point.
Methinks those attacking Professor of Law Warren are the scum of the earth. Much like faux 'news' they report as facts the opinion of other partisan hacks. Dishonest to their core and without substance they bear false witness against others and cannot differentiate between someone's opinion and what is probative of wrong doing.

Maybe Dreamy ought to look at the links she offered and look up these terms"

"of Counsel"

"Amicus Brief"

and learn the meaning of a "law office" as it relates to a professor of law and their actions as a friend of the court.

It's simple Dreamy, use google and you won't embarass yourself anymore (well, maybe).

I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Coulda fooled me; all you do is attack Professor Warren. What is it that attracts you to Senator Brown? He seems to me to be one of those who votes in his best interests, not in the best interest of his constituents or the nation (of course that has become typical of most members of Congress - both R's and D's).
Methinks those attacking Professor of Law Warren are the scum of the earth. Much like faux 'news' they report as facts the opinion of other partisan hacks. Dishonest to their core and without substance they bear false witness against others and cannot differentiate between someone's opinion and what is probative of wrong doing.

Maybe Dreamy ought to look at the links she offered and look up these terms"

"of Counsel"

"Amicus Brief"

and learn the meaning of a "law office" as it relates to a professor of law and their actions as a friend of the court.

It's simple Dreamy, use google and you won't embarass yourself anymore (well, maybe).

I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Coulda fooled me; all you do is attack Professor Warren. What is it that attracts you to Senator Brown? He seems to me to be one of those who votes in his best interests, not in the best interest of his constituents or the nation (of course that has become typical of most members of Congress - both R's and D's).

If it's typical then why ask the question?

you've already been told multiple times in this thread that YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ADMITTED IN MASSACHUSETTS TO FILE PAPERS WITH THE USSC.

i have to wonder why you people keep posting the same lies over and over...

I think she's moved
on to claiming Warren was operating a law office without a license.

Elizabeth Warren represented not just Travelers but allegedly other companies in the late 1990s and did so working out of and using her Harvard Law School office in Cambridge, which she listed as her office of record on briefs filed with various courts. True or false?
:lol: Funny, but I don't really see the comparison. Not that I really care about an election in some podunk state. :D

her whole answer to anyone questioning her about the issue is essentially *my mom told me so, stop picking on me*

i don't care about the law license, but i'd prefer not to vote for another liar who thinks i'm too stupid to notice.

at least we're not new hampshire.


i think we're all told certain things about our families. i doubt we verify. i can promise you i've never done any research to confirm that my grandparents were from belarus.

It's pretty evident you don't do any research on anything.
Methinks those attacking Professor of Law Warren are the scum of the earth. Much like faux 'news' they report as facts the opinion of other partisan hacks. Dishonest to their core and without substance they bear false witness against others and cannot differentiate between someone's opinion and what is probative of wrong doing.

Maybe Dreamy ought to look at the links she offered and look up these terms"

"of Counsel"

"Amicus Brief"

and learn the meaning of a "law office" as it relates to a professor of law and their actions as a friend of the court.

It's simple Dreamy, use google and you won't embarass yourself anymore (well, maybe).

I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Coulda fooled me; all you do is attack Professor Warren. What is it that attracts you to Senator Brown? He seems to me to be one of those who votes in his best interests, not in the best interest of his constituents or the nation (of course that has become typical of most members of Congress - both R's and D's).

That's not at issue in this thread, is it ? "He seems..." is a great way to kill your credibility.
Methinks those attacking Professor of Law Warren are the scum of the earth. Much like faux 'news' they report as facts the opinion of other partisan hacks. Dishonest to their core and without substance they bear false witness against others and cannot differentiate between someone's opinion and what is probative of wrong doing.

Maybe Dreamy ought to look at the links she offered and look up these terms"

"of Counsel"

"Amicus Brief"

and learn the meaning of a "law office" as it relates to a professor of law and their actions as a friend of the court.

It's simple Dreamy, use google and you won't embarass yourself anymore (well, maybe).

I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Coulda fooled me; all you do is attack Professor Warren. What is it that attracts you to Senator Brown? He seems to me to be one of those who votes in his best interests, not in the best interest of his constituents or the nation (of course that has become typical of most members of Congress - both R's and D's).

I do support Sen. Brown and work in one of his local campaign offices once or twice a week. Our founders created and adversarial form of government in this Republic for a reason. To keep the Feds from having too much power.

He is a US Senator keep in mind. His votes affect the country not just my state. I believe he does represent the people and no elected office holder can please all the people all the time nor should they try. I did not support a puppet. I support a man who I believe has the right ideas and understands what this country needs. Electeds need to listen to the people, follow the laws and US Constitution and serve the country and the people as directed by that which should guide all good people, honesty and integrity.

He is in the Peoples' Seat not Ted Kennedy's seat as some on the left mistakenly believed.
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I'm not embarrassed at all sir. I am Brown supporter not a Warren supporter.

Coulda fooled me; all you do is attack Professor Warren. What is it that attracts you to Senator Brown? He seems to me to be one of those who votes in his best interests, not in the best interest of his constituents or the nation (of course that has become typical of most members of Congress - both R's and D's).

I do support Sen. Brown and work in one of his local campaign offices once or twice a week. Our founders created and adversarial for of government in this Republic for a reason. To keep the Feds from having too much power.

He is a US Senator keep in mind. His votes affect the country not just my state. I believe he does represent the people and no elected office holder can please all the people all the time not should they try. I did not support a puppet. I support a man who I believe has the right ideas and understands what this country needs. Electeds need to listen to the people, follow the laws and US Constitution and serve the country and the people as directed by that which should guide all good people, honesty and integrity.

I applaud that you are involved. That is great !

Your statement about the founders is spot on ! Keep pushing.

Good luck in November....we are all "Hoping" for a big "Change". Brown will help make that happen.

Warren would be just another nose-up-the-ass senator for Obama who somehow thinks he is a cross between Nero and God.

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