Elizabeth Warren: Obama sided with Wall Street over people losing their homes

where do most 1%'rs live? blue states

where do most corporations reside? blue states

why do corporations reside in blue states? because liberal politicians give them tax breaks and cater to special interests

No, it's mainly because most red states are uneducated, cultureless backwaters.
Reagan did the same in the 80's, farmers lost their asses over the grain embargo and fuel/fertilizer prices... what's new, Bush sr did it after Black Monday and the Savings and Loan crisis...
Yet when obuythurt does it you idiots kiss his ass.
Do you also know what I had for breakfast last Wednesday?
Did small investors actually lose much in the savings and loan debacle? Accounts are/were federally insured for up to 100K. Shareholders of banks lost money. The govt bought the assets/loans, and eventually resold them with little actual loss to taxpayers.

I'm not sure we can blame Reagan for farm closures. It was economically inefficient for small parcel family farms to continue because it became a business with low profit margin and lots of capitalization. Farmers were told to borrow money to buy more land. Interest rates were around 7% and then they climbed. Farmers weren't earing 7% profit.

Historic Mortgage Rates
(mortgage rates, but I think they correlate)

Like it or not, Obama didn't wipe out the shareholders of the investment houses that traded in the credit default swaps. Perhaps he could not, because the Chinese and Japanese owned a lot of the debt. Perhaps Warren is a bit of a demigod, because those folks who lost homes to underwater mortgages did not suffer deficiency judgments, and more or less walked away .... they lost any equity they might have had, but they didn't keep the debt.

The real impact has been there is less hiring of young workers for high income. The jobs created for those lost, are generally less paying. The growth in gnp since the recession has largely gone to the top 1%. Obama didn't do jackshite to address this, but I'm not sure Warren really is either
So tell me this liberal kookaid drinkers. Is Elizabeth warren a liar or is your bullshit myth that the republicans are the party of the rich and corporations just been totally shot to hell
So tell me this liberal kookaid drinkers. Is Elizabeth warren a liar or is your bullshit myth that the republicans are the party of the rich and corporations just been totally shot to hell
They both are, dah....he also. But I doubt she will ever admit it, none of them do.. They play the game and the plebs eat it up and make it an emotive issue..Cheer louder , we can't hear you..
So tell me this liberal kookaid drinkers. Is Elizabeth warren a liar or is your bullshit myth that the republicans are the party of the rich and corporations just been totally shot to hell
They both are, dah....he also. But I doubt she will ever admit it, none of them do.. They play the game and the plebs eat it up and make it an emotive issue..Cheer louder , we can't hear you..
The only ones I hear warning us about the party of the rich are the democrats
So tell me this liberal kookaid drinkers. Is Elizabeth warren a liar or is your bullshit myth that the republicans are the party of the rich and corporations just been totally shot to hell
They both are, dah....he also. But I doubt she will ever admit it, none of them do.. They play the game and the plebs eat it up and make it an emotive issue..Cheer louder , we can't hear you..
The only ones I hear warning us about the party of the rich are the democrats
So you never hear anything about Soros?
Warren will do the same thing. In fact, she is running the same play as Obama. Liberals need to have a villain to hate. While there are many, largely, it's The Banks. Wall Street knows this is part of the dance..... It's all rhetoric.
The difference is that Warren never supported the bailout or use of blank cheques to TARP, and has consistently wanted financial regulation or at the very least a real inquiry into the financial system. She is hardly the same as Obama, and Wall Street has hated her for quite a while now - compare that with Obama who turned into a pimp for Wall Street the first term he held office. Warren might be a Democrat no different in your eyes, but she is hardly part of the problem.
Pubs would have done worse- and they CAUSED it!- and then they blocked Obama measures to help worthy mortgage holders....Jeebus dupes are fos...

That's not what Warren says hater dupe.
Obama is a corporate shill, just like every other President in recent history.

Though, it does add to the hilarity of Republicans calling him a Communist who wants to bring down Capitalism. They can't make up their minds. :lol:
So tell me this liberal kookaid drinkers. Is Elizabeth warren a liar or is your bullshit myth that the republicans are the party of the rich and corporations just been totally shot to hell
Any voice helps to be honest, though it is really a minority in Congress or the Senate that actually want financial regulation, a real inquiry, or to audit or shutdown the Fed. Ron Paul and Elizabeth Warren are part of that minority, and until Warren actually runs for President - speculations that she would turn coat on a politically popular stance are silly. Anyone can be turned once they become President, just depends whether they have have a backbone or not. Obama didn't obviously, when it came to the bailout, keeping Americans in their homes, and foreign policy.
Warren at least speaks like she is for the middle class. The other candidates would love to throw the middle class under the bus. Both parties guilty as charged. This c ountry is clearly divided by class.
Reagan did the same in the 80's, farmers lost their asses over the grain embargo and fuel/fertilizer prices... what's new, Bush sr did it after Black Monday and the Savings and Loan crisis...
Are you just blabbering incoherently or was there supposed to be some kind of point?
Your lying Pub heroes screw you every time, misinformed one...duh.
And here the retard returns.
Pubs would have done worse- and they CAUSED it!- and then they blocked Obama measures to help worthy mortgage holders....Jeebus dupes are fos...

That's not what Warren says hater dupe.

“Democrats have not done all that they should, but at least we’re out there fighting for the right things,” whereas “Mitch McConnell has announced that if he gets the majority in the Senate, his first objective is to repeal healthcare and his second is to roll back the financial reforms, and in particular to target the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — the one agency that’s out there for American families, the one that has returned more than four billion dollars to families who got cheated by big financial institutions.”

“When I think about the president, for me, it’s about both halves,” Warren continued. “If Barack Obama had not been president of the United States we would not have a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Period. I’m completely convinced of that.”

“[H]e was the one who refused to throw the agency under the bus and made sure that his team kept the agency alive and on the table. Now there was a lot of other stuff that also had to happen for it to happen. But if he hadn’t been there, we wouldn’t have gotten the agency.”

And yet, she added, “[a]t the same time, he picked his economic team and when the going got tough, his economic team picked Wall Street.”

“They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Not people who lost their jobs. Not young people who were struggling to get an education. And it happened over and over and over. So I see both of those things and they both matter.”

She concluded on a somewhat more hopeful note, saying that while corporate entities have the “advantage, and boy have they played it out for 30 years now — concentrated money and concentrated power. And you can do a lot with concentrated money and concentrated power.”

“But our side — we have our voices and we have our votes. If people get engaged on the issues, the votes are on our side. Seventy-five percent of America wants to raise the minimum wage. That’s where we’ll head.”
Back in 2008-10, anyone who wouldn't protect Wall St would be an IDIOT. After 2/2010, Dems were blocked on EVERYTHING- Warren seems to be a Pub dupe on that point.
That's 30 years of voodoo and Reaganism...see sig pp1

"""“They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Not people who lost their jobs. Not young people who were struggling to get an education. And it happened over and over and over. So I see both of those things and they both matter.”
Pubs have fought Obama and Dems on assistance to victims of the Bush great depression every step of the way, calling them commies. You people are ridiculous lol...And Warren is a Pub dupe on this point. Try the rest of the article- she thinks YOU are a fool lol.
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In 2009, Obama protected Wall St, in 2010 he was obstructed from change. You Pub dupes are told he had total control lol- with 200 Pub filibusters. Idiots. And plenty of Dems too believe the tidal wave of Pubcrappe.
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