Elizabeth Warren: Obama sided with Wall Street over people losing their homes

Don't think for one minuet this attack on Obama by Warren isn't planned and OK'ed with Obama himself folks

fall for it at all our Peril you vote that commie in. She's and EXTENSION of Obama and JUST as big a LIAR
then you have no clue as to who Warren is. which isnt shocking
"In an interview with Salon’s Thomas Frank, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren lashed out President Barack Obama and his administration for repeatedly protecting Wall Street’s interests over those of the American people."

""“They protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Not people who lost their jobs. Not young people who were struggling to get an education. And it happened over and over and over. So I see both of those things and they both matter.”

Elizabeth Warren Obama sided with Wall Street over people losing their homes

There ya go.

Oh yea, you can always tell when an election is coming up. The people who sided with Obama on all the issues and never said shit before are now coming out against him because they want votes.

It would have meant a lot more if she had said this at the time Obama was screwing people over.
The Subprime issue is ALL Dem

You mean like when the last Republican president was busy promoting an "ownership society"?


Son it ALL began with Willie Boy. You can't change that.
sure i can. One could say it started with Carter, and went into hyper drive when Reagan nominated Greenspan to run the fed. greenspan who was anti regulation was a big factor in that bubble.
In 2009, Obama protected Wall St, in 2010 he was obstructed from change. You Pub dupes are told he had total control lol- with 200 Pub filibusters. Idiots. And plenty of Dems too believe the tidal wave of Pubcrappe.
you look retarded

I tip my hat to you.
i cant stand his posting style anymore its just annoying

You and I aren't best buds but I admire integrity.
I admire and respect the opinion of hater dupes lol. I'm also sorry the facts are so repetitive and annoying.
I admire and respect the opinion of hater dupes lol. I'm also sorry the facts are so repetitive and annoying.

The next fact you post will be the first. You're repetitive use of the stupid term "hater dupe" is the primary reason most on this board agree you are retarded.
Sorry about the facts about GOP voters- especially Rushbots, Beckbots, Foxbots, TPers, etc etc etc. Considering about 80% of the board are those, you may be right. In fact, you are. SO? LOL
In 2009, Obama protected Wall St, in 2010 he was obstructed from change. You Pub dupes are told he had total control lol- with 200 Pub filibusters. Idiots. And plenty of Dems too believe the tidal wave of Pubcrappe.
you look retarded
Actually, my post tells it all, and where Warren's complaint goes too far. Going after financial institutions in 2009 was too dangerous for the economy. Your writing style also sucks lol. You also seem to hate typing...

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