Elizabeth Warren: Obama sided with Wall Street over people losing their homes

In 2009, Obama protected Wall St, in 2010 he was obstructed from change. You Pub dupes are told he had total control lol- with 200 Pub filibusters. Idiots. And plenty of Dems too believe the tidal wave of Pubcrappe.
You are the idiot, idiot
where do most 1%'rs live? blue states

where do most corporations reside? blue states

why do corporations reside in blue states? because liberal politicians give them tax breaks and cater to special interests

Eighty-percent of the population of the US lives within 200 miles of water. Most blue state are next to water. Do the math.

Please name the tax breaks that liberal politicians gave to the 1% such as myself. I use many to pay less effective tax than you, and none that I use were created by Democrats.
How many programs did Obama have for bailing out homeowners? Yes, few of them were actually effective, and they all depressed the housing and job market far beyond what would have happened if he had just stayed on the links. But accusing Obama of being in bed with Wall St is hysterical. Especially coming from Fauxcohontas, biggest fucking hypocrite in the Democratic Party.

The need to be bailed out came from BushCo/corporate America/wall street.
"Hi ya ya ya

Hi ya ya ya

Hi ya ya ya

Hi ya ya ya..."

"Gather round, young tribe. Chief Liz "Geronimo" Warren here to tell story of great evil that threatens us children of earth."

" Many moons ago the white man travel to this land seeking to exploit our land and resources. First they trick us to believe they are our friend. But they no friend. Next they trick us into selling our ancester's land for pittance. Next they take our homes. Next they force us from land of ancestors. What that tell us? It tell us we are stupid, gullible idiots."

"White man feel bad for how they treated great injun nations. So they give us land back. They give us sovereignty. They give us money. They give us equal protection under white man law. They create system where we have opportunity to obtain great wealth if we work hard."

"But none that matter. We want our ancestral land back. We want live in what amount to third world shit hole country. We must rid world of white man and evil capitalist system. It offer nothing to our people who just want to sit round and smokem peace pipe and finger squaw. "

"White man have big steel tee pee the height of 3, maybe 4, mighty oak trees stacked together. They make great money in these big steel and glass tee pees. But white man did not build those tee pees. We build those tee pees. Well, not us exactly; but those of us who pay taxes, they build big steel tee pees. If no them, then white man not make big money. White man build big fortunes on broken back of injun ancestors. "

"Now we demand what is ours. True, we did not actually construct the infrastructure, nor did we go to school in order to learn skills needed to run corporations. And none of us actually capable of tasks required of CEOs. All we really did was just sit on ass and drink white man's fire water while the white man converted our primitive third world land into wealthy and prosperous land where all have equal opportunity. "

"But none that matter. Clearly, if white man never travel to our land we would have built up our own land and populated it with many, many Fortune 500 companies. We could have made this land into great land of wealth. We just not get to it yet because we busy sewing loin cloths and hollowing out logs. White man come here and stole our plans. We were constructing system of great laws and social cohesion. But again, white man beat us to it. By hey distract us with fire water and pale skinned women."

"We fuckem up big time, let white man steal our plans to transform ancestral land into thriving industrial center of wealth and prosperity. Now white man take all credit."

"How we fix this? We fix by taking their money. It should be our money afterall, so it not really stealing. We must vote Democratic an enact tough tax regulations to steal as much of our money back from white man as we can. That is social justice!" HOW!

Hi ya ya ya

Hi ya ya ya

Hi ya ya ya
In 2009, Obama protected Wall St, in 2010 he was obstructed from change. You Pub dupes are told he had total control lol- with 200 Pub filibusters. Idiots. And plenty of Dems too believe the tidal wave of Pubcrappe.
you look retarded
Actually, my post tells it all, and where Warren's complaint goes too far. Going after financial institutions in 2009 was too dangerous for the economy. Your writing style also sucks lol. You also seem to hate typing...

I do...going after them? Nobody has done anything about them period.

Here have some money, you're saved now...oh and zero interest and nobody has to go to jail..

Fuck that those peopletters shoI'll have been given a knife and told that they have disgrace to the nation
How many programs did Obama have for bailing out homeowners? Yes, few of them were actually effective, and they all depressed the housing and job market far beyond what would have happened if he had just stayed on the links. But accusing Obama of being in bed with Wall St is hysterical. Especially coming from Fauxcohontas, biggest fucking hypocrite in the Democratic Party.

The need to be bailed out came from BushCo/corporate America/wall street.
You need a new gig.
where do most 1%'rs live? blue states

where do most corporations reside? blue states

why do corporations reside in blue states? because liberal politicians give them tax breaks and cater to special interests

Eighty-percent of the population of the US lives within 200 miles of water. Most blue state are next to water. Do the math.

Please name the tax breaks that liberal politicians gave to the 1% such as myself. I use many to pay less effective tax than you, and none that I use were created by Democrats.
who are you kidding? you pay no taxes on your welfare checks
Let's see one per enter, guess all those green energy tax breaks came from repubs, oh and all that tax free business on internet from pubs, oh I forgot all those start up face books that pay min taxes, and all those breaks for those minority token businesses and labor unions, heck let's throw in the student loan giveaways as pre tax break largess. Let's just dispense with this notion that greed only exists on one side of the aisle, it's everywhere.

All you need to know about Elizabeth Warren is that she said you didn't build that. She is cut from the same cloth of demagoguery as Obama. She is unamerican, socialist, and a success hater. She is the mother who gives everyone a trophy at the baseball game whether you were on the winning team or the losing one. She believes in equality of results but inequality of contribution and effort. She is a textbook case of someone who has completely devolved from our founders. As someone has already posted, we do not need another incompetent and inexperienced radical who wants to fundamentally transform America to lead this country into further decay.

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