Elizabeth Warren: Out of her mind! Ask the 9 year old Trans child who will select the next Sec. o


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
This woman will say anything to get one vote! Scratch getting a Secretary of State that knows about education and what it needs. And it's not a 9 year old making decisions.:1peleas:
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9 year olds cannot be held accountable for any business decision. It is not binding. Warren is an idiot.
Any parent who allows a 9-year-old to identify as transexual should be shot.
You have to give the top democratic presidential candidates credit. They are funnier then any Saterday Night Live skit in the last ten years.
Screeching Cheeks with a level of desperation that's quite laughable at this point.... in fact, laughing at that shitstain could become a soft religion in this country.
Beto went loco just before he checked out too. Blame it on desperation.

It’s bad news for the Democrats. The Democrats need Warren to split the far left vote and stop the senile Communist.
You have to give the top democratic presidential candidates credit. They are funnier then any Saterday Night Live skit in the last ten years.
Tehy aren't funny. They are downright scarey. But for a few votes, those morons can be in charge of the rest of us. THAT is something to worry about.
Warren: Transgender Child Must Approve Education Secretary
Michael Bloomberg can slurp Big Gay Ice Cream by the quart; he is still an amateur when it comes to pandering to pervs — a major requirement for achieving the Democrat presidential nomination. Elizabeth Warren shows how it’s done:

Warren told attendees at a town hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sunday that, if she is elected president, her education secretary will have to be approved by a transgender child.

A “transgender child” is a helpless kid who has been groomed by his or her progressive parents to be a cross-dressing trophy child. They are encouraged to behave in a way certain to result in ostracization, which serves to enforce liberal ideology regarding the supposed oppression of politically revered sexual deviants. Unconscionably, these kids are often given hormone treatments to prevent their normal development; freakification via sexual mutilation is presented as their inevitable future. It is unclear how many of these sacrificial pawns go on to commit suicide.

In its wickedness, the liberal media promotes this phenomenon enthusiastically. Journalists burble with delight that a 19-year-old boy named Jazz Jennings, who was groomed from kindergarten to be transsexual, is getting corrective surgery on his clitoris.

Warren promises that she will subject candidates for Secretary of Education to an interview by one of these disoriented children, to guarantee that the candidate is sufficiently enthusiastic about using the government’s control of education to push the twisted LGBT agenda onto children of all ages. Add this to the long list of reasons to abolish Jimmy Carter’s pernicious Department of Education.

We have come a long way since openly evil individuals like Elizabeth Warren were burnt at the stake for witchcraft. Whether we have been traveling in a sensible direction is debatable.

Warren’s outlandish pandering doesn’t stop there. She has promised that at least half her cabinet will consist of women and sexually insane people who proclaim themselves to be “nonbinary.” The latter comprise a tiny minority of the population, despite the aggressive efforts of liberal social engineers.

Anyone who objects that cabinet members should be selected for more meaningful qualifications is sure be denounced for “discriminating.”

Noooooo..they would do that would they ...pfft commies

On tips from Rapinhoe, Varla, and Wilberforce.

All links highlighted
God shes an idiot
Warren Says Her Secretary of Education Would Have To Be Vetted By 9-Year-Old ‘Trans’ Child

Warren says that she will have a "young trans person" interview her future Secretary of Education and only hire this future secretary if the young trans person approves.

This in reference to a question
about sex education/LGBTQ history in public schools.

Warren Says Her Secretary of Education Would Have To Be Vetted By 9-Year-Old 'Trans' Child

There is no such thing as a trans child. There is such thing as abusive parents refusing to get the proper help for their child that is needed.

These are the same leftist that berated the Republicans for what children went through after the surge at the border that overwhelmed our resources. These hypocrites were crying about children being separated from their parents, but have no problem with abusive parents that influence the confusion of their own child instead of getting treatment.

It's not a question of whether or not this child should pick any member of her cabinet, the better question is how can anybody consider electing people like this into positions of our government.
I approve of this plan.

ANY 9 year old would know more about education that the blithering idiot LieAwatha.

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