Elizabeth Warren: The system was rigged against Bernie and in favor of Hillary

Fauxcahontas thinks everything that doesn't end up the way she wants it to is rigged

As a Bernie supporter, I GUARANTEE that the primary was rigged against Bernie.
It wasn't rigged against Bernie. We let him run. You don't get all the rights and privileges (super delegates) if you are not a Democrat, unless you win the votes which he did not. He got slaughtered w/o the supers.

The only Democrat in the race was favored, as it should be.

As for Donna Brazile's lying hit piece.

Both Hillary and Bernie signed the agreement. Hillary paid off all the DNC bills. Bernie said FU and paid zilch.

Bernie does not care one iota about the Democratic Party. He only wants to destroy it.

Graphic representation of the DNC primaries. It was all one big hallucination
Tossing Hillary under the bus is first smart thing the Democrats have done since the election.

It's amazing that it took a fucking YEAR for them to start GETTING IT.

Stupid shits.....and that's who 65 million people wanted to run the country. HOLY SHIT.
Elizabeth Warren throws Hillary under the bus. Warren says DNC system was rigged in Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

This is bad news for Republicans, as Democrats lose when they are associated to the very unpopular Hillary. This makes the democrats' chances better in 2018 and 2020, as they align more with Bernie or Warren, both of whom would defeat Trump easily.

The DNC chose corporate, establishment whore, Tom Perez, to be the DNC chair, and the Bernie Bros know it. Tom Perez purged all Bernie Bros from top positions in the DNC.

You're smoking crack if you think this in any way helps the DNC. The DNC can't help itself. They will nominate more corrupt pieces of shit as candidates in 2018 and 2020.
Elizabeth Warren throws Hillary under the bus. Warren says DNC system was rigged in Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

This is bad news for Republicans, as Democrats lose when they are associated to the very unpopular Hillary. This makes the democrats' chances better in 2018 and 2020, as they align more with Bernie or Warren, both of whom would defeat Trump easily.

The DNC chose corporate, establishment whore, Tom Perez, to be the DNC chair, and the Bernie Bros know it. Tom Perez purged all Bernie Bros from top positions in the DNC.

You're smoking crack if you think this in any way helps the DNC. The DNC can't help itself. They will nominate more corrupt pieces of shit as candidates in 2018 and 2020.

..and hopefully they lose like the corrupt piece of shit did a year ago.

The DNC is a monument to Democratic corruption. It is so perfect that they effectively stole the election from themselves by stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders for Queen Hillary. Bernie very well may have won which would have had it's own dire consequences. Thank you DNC!!!
The idea that the Democrat Party who was supported by Hillary Clinton for decades would not have power in the party, the idea that the party would not prefer such a person over a guy who was never a Democrat until he wanted to be their nominee Both are obvious & the erxact same shit the GOP does for those that support theor partyu.

'Bernie Sanders & his horde of crybabies thatg opted not to vote Clinton should STFU & take blame for the orange POS sitting in the White House. Fuck Bernie Sanders. He had all these great ideas that he could not get passed in his 900 years in the freakin Senate.

Bernie's wife single handedly bankrupted Burlington College...that was pretty bad ass...it's seems like it would be difficult for one person to bankrupt a University, but she fucking did it. They are very special socialists!

The unraveling of Jane Sanders' Burlington College legacy
She was there when the board opted to make the purchase of a new campus. She was pushed out the followung year. When the school closed 3 years later, it had paid off 9 million of its 11 million loan. It closed when the bank refused to renew its million dollar loan.

May =be the decision was bad but it looks like they almost had the debt paid off 3 years later.

I think the bank decided it could make more money if a developer bought it & built all kinds of more profitable buildings.
The idea that the Democrat Party who was supported by Hillary Clinton for decades would not have power in the party, the idea that the party would not prefer such a person over a guy who was never a Democrat until he wanted to be their nominee Both are obvious & the erxact same shit the GOP does for those that support theor partyu.

'Bernie Sanders & his horde of crybabies thatg opted not to vote Clinton should STFU & take blame for the orange POS sitting in the White House. Fuck Bernie Sanders. He had all these great ideas that he could not get passed in his 900 years in the freakin Senate.

And you Hillarybots ended up nominating the only person on this planet who could lose to Trump, so YOU should STFU and take the blame for Trump's Presidency.

Bullshit. No Democrat could hsve won with Bernie's crybabies refusing to vote for anyone but Bernbie.
Elizabeth Warren throws Hillary under the bus. Warren says DNC system was rigged in Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

This is bad news for Republicans, as Democrats lose when they are associated to the very unpopular Hillary. This makes the democrats' chances better in 2018 and 2020, as they align more with Bernie or Warren, both of whom would defeat Trump easily.
/——/ Yes, America demand less freedom and higher taxes just to be fair and on the same level as Cuba.
Fauxcahontas thinks everything that doesn't end up the way she wants it to is rigged

As a Bernie supporter, I GUARANTEE that the primary was rigged against Bernie.

In this case you’re right, but in all fairness, as a Bernie supporter you have no credibility.

and as even you admit you're a bucktoothedmoron, your evaluation of me. Sorry.

Well I didn’t want to say anything to embarrass you, but with regard to your screen name- it’s spelled L U N A C Y not HURNARCY. Glad I could help.

More moronic trolling from a bucktoothed moron...you certainly don't falsely advertise.

But, congratulations on being able to spell. It's sad you can't see the difference between the word your family obviously used to describe your behavior and my name, but what can be expected from a person like you?
Fauxcahontas thinks everything that doesn't end up the way she wants it to is rigged

As a Bernie supporter, I GUARANTEE that the primary was rigged against Bernie.
It wasn't rigged against Bernie. We let him run. You don't get all the rights and privileges (super delegates) if you are not a Democrat, unless you win the votes which he did not. He got slaughtered w/o the supers.

The only Democrat in the race was favored, as it should be.

As for Donna Brazile's lying hit piece.

Both Hillary and Bernie signed the agreement. Hillary paid off all the DNC bills. Bernie said FU and paid zilch.

Bernie does not care one iota about the Democratic Party. He only wants to destroy it.

Oh sure...Hillary's 6 for 6 coin flip wins shows the system was OH SO fair. And you Hillarybots now are smearing your own...Donna Brazile is a Hillarybot and always was, but she had the poor taste and told the truth, so she has to be destroyed.
Fauxcahontas thinks everything that doesn't end up the way she wants it to is rigged

As a Bernie supporter, I GUARANTEE that the primary was rigged against Bernie.
It wasn't rigged against Bernie. We let him run. You don't get all the rights and privileges (super delegates) if you are not a Democrat, unless you win the votes which he did not. He got slaughtered w/o the supers.

The only Democrat in the race was favored, as it should be.

As for Donna Brazile's lying hit piece.

Both Hillary and Bernie signed the agreement. Hillary paid off all the DNC bills. Bernie said FU and paid zilch.

Bernie does not care one iota about the Democratic Party. He only wants to destroy it.
/—-/ Donna should stay clear if Marcy Park

Oh sure...Hillary's 6 for 6 coin flip wins shows the system was OH SO fair. And you Hillarybots now are smearing your own...Donna Brazile is a Hillarybot and always was, but she had the poor taste and told the truth, so she has to be destroyed.
/—-/ Donna should steer clear of Marcy Park. Just saying
Wow, Liz Warren is a misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic Indigenous People Supremacist!
I wish the election was rigged against Bernie, why they let a non party member run on there ticket just seems a little to democratic for my taste.

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