Elizabeth Warren’s Female Staffers Made 71% of Male Staffers’ Salaries in 2016

Her male workers hunt the land and provide for the tribe. The women are just gatherers.
Wrong. They are allowed so much for staff, in which they can figure what to pay each. And they are not forbidden to pay above their allowance out of their own pockets, if they wish.
Yeah, that's why she makes sure her female staffers are paid so well.

It should start at home.

Cuckoo for coco puffs!
oooh i bet trumbot morons believe this factoid must prove something about something. derrrp

if true, don't you think ms warren publicly advocating for change in gender bias salary structure qualifies as an attempt to change the injustices she's seen around her entire life of employment..??

chalk up this bogus point factoid as another fake news piece prepped for parroting by the national nimrod chorus.
.She does not set their pay.....civil service does
Pocahontas treat 'em squaws no good. She give braves heap big money, but squaws only get Indian arrowhead shoved where Sun God don't shine.
Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?

that's a good question - the deeper question is, why does she only hire men for the important jobs?

cuz she want them done right?

the women that work for her should Sioux
Interesting that Warren trusts men more than women to be on her senior staff and allocates women staffers to more menial positions. That is a bigger issue than pay equity.

Perhaps no women applied for these jobs. You can't conclude that mostly male senior staff is a sign of discrimination. Trump has women in senior staff positions, but that doesn't mean he respects or trusts women with responsibility. He's given a couple of token spots to unqualified women, including his daughter, but there are no women other than Ivanka in his closest circle. Even Lying Kelly is kept out of top level meetings.

Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?
Hilarious. Suddenly the left become concerned that wage equality must factor in exact same job descriptions.

When have liberals ever claimed secretaries should be paid the same as CEOs

Another conservative fantasy

Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?
Hilarious. Suddenly the left become concerned that wage equality must factor in exact same job descriptions.

When have liberals ever claimed secretaries should be paid the same as CEOs

Another conservative fantasy

It's not a conservative fantasy, it is one of the many false ways that conservatives try to discredit the women's movement, or really any movement which seeks to enforce the rights of those who aren't white and male. Freedom and opportunity should only exist for white males. The rest of us need to pry our rights from their cold dead fingers.
So conservatives support a gender based quota for government jobs? Seriously?

nah, we should be fair about the wimminz in her office making less, maybe they're just lower on the totem pole...

Everyone is overlooking the more blatant issue here.

All of them are way overpaid.
Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?

that's a good question - the deeper question is, why does she only hire men for the important jobs?

cuz she want them done right?

the women that work for her should Sioux

So conservatives support a gender based quota for government jobs? Seriously?
No. I am gender neutral when it comes to cutting as many government jobs as needed to get government back into the box it belongs.
Interesting that Warren trusts men more than women to be on her senior staff and allocates women staffers to more menial positions. That is a bigger issue than pay equity.

If true, this ^^^ might be a reasonable observation - I doubt that is the reason as expressed; it is simple an opinion of an uninformed partisan and likely misogynist.

On the other hand, many conservatives patronize women, but don't take them seriously. Have you followed the Fox News / O'Reilly saga? Maybe like O'Reilly they seek companionship when employing women?
Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?

that's a good question - the deeper question is, why does she only hire men for the important jobs?

cuz she want them done right?

the women that work for her should Sioux

So conservatives support a gender based quota for government jobs? Seriously?
No. I am gender neutral when it comes to cutting as many government jobs as needed to get government back into the box it belongs.

and then drowned in a bathtub? With Trump in office, that might be a good idea. No governance is better than incompetent governance on steroids which we now have; let's keep the civil servants and fire the Pols.
Keep in mind that conservatism, philosophically (after the truth serum is applied) believe that an employer should have the right to discriminate against women, if they desire.

Were women paid less than men for doing the same jobs on that staff?
Hilarious. Suddenly the left become concerned that wage equality must factor in exact same job descriptions.

When have liberals ever claimed secretaries should be paid the same as CEOs

Another conservative fantasy
Only what's his name multiple times.
Funny how you leftards were happy with that moron using the median incomes of both sexes to claim a wage gap.

So Shitforbrains, looks like you got your answer.

"The president is relying on a simple calculation from the Census Bureau: a ratio of the difference between women’s median earnings and men’s median earnings. (The median is the middle value, with an equal number of full-time workers earning more and earning less.) That leaves a pay gap of 23 cents."

President Obama’s persistent ’77-cent’ claim on the wage gap gets a new Pinocchio rating
Keep in mind that conservatism, philosophically (after the truth serum is applied) believe that an employer should have the right to discriminate against women, if they desire.
Fauxhontus is doing a great job of sex descrimination.

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