Elizabeth Warren's Smart Stand on Israel Will Anger Lefties


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Elizabeth Warren's Smart Stand on Israel Will Anger Lefties

Published on Aug 29, 2014
"The Israeli military has the right to attack Palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if Hamas has put rocket launchers next to them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said last week at a local town hall, according to the Cape Cod Times.
Elizabeth Warren's Smart Stand on Israel Will Anger Lefties

Published on Aug 29, 2014
"The Israeli military has the right to attack Palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if Hamas has put rocket launchers next to them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said last week at a local town hall, according to the Cape Cod Times.

So The Young Turks consider Warren's comments to be "voluntary stupidity" and political pandering. I found TYT talking heads to be involuntarily stupid.
Meh, Americans aren't ready to stand up to their Zionist-controlled media.

While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.
Her comments are the EXACZT same comments from the Obama Administration. They are usually followed by, yeah, but here". SHe will talk out of both sides of her mouth because she is a liar. She cant alienate Israel supporters because there is too much money to be had there.
Elizabeth Warren's Smart Stand on Israel Will Anger Lefties

Published on Aug 29, 2014
"The Israeli military has the right to attack Palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if Hamas has put rocket launchers next to them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said last week at a local town hall, according to the Cape Cod Times.

Warren isn't ignorant of Israel's Dahiya doctrine or what that means for civilians living Israeli occupation:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli General Gadi Eizenkotthat pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure utilized by militant groups.[citation needed]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.[1] Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

She's also smart enough to know Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for Greater Israel, AND she will never be elected president if she admits that obvious truth in public.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?
Seems you spoke out of turn.
Doesn't bother me one bit. It is her thoughts and ideas about the situation.

Elizabeth Warren's Smart Stand on Israel Will Anger Lefties

Published on Aug 29, 2014
"The Israeli military has the right to attack Palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if Hamas has put rocket launchers next to them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said last week at a local town hall, according to the Cape Cod Times.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

You guys just naturally play the victim, huh?

Peace. Prosperity. Good health. And more...

It can ALL be yours if you will just reach a permanent peace with Israel.

Recognize their right to exist in peace.

Be reasonable about the right of return. Accept Jerusalem as an international city under the jurisdiction of the UN or something.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

You guys just naturally play the victim, huh?

Peace. Prosperity. Good health. And more...

It can ALL be yours if you will just reach a permanent peace with Israel.

Recognize their right to exist in peace.

Be reasonable about the right of return. Accept Jerusalem as an international city under the jurisdiction of the UN or something.
2000 dead Palestinians, mostly civilians and including hundreds of children who were technically protected persons under the Israeli occupation versus a handful of dead Jews, virtually all combatants.

What's your definition of "victim?"

Israel had a chance last June to negotiate with a Unity Government and proved once again it values acquiring more land over discussing a just peace. It isn't a new strategy if you know anything about the spread of Zionism in Palestine over the last century.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

You guys just naturally play the victim, huh?

Peace. Prosperity. Good health. And more...

It can ALL be yours if you will just reach a permanent peace with Israel.

Recognize their right to exist in peace.

Be reasonable about the right of return. Accept Jerusalem as an international city under the jurisdiction of the UN or something.
2000 dead Palestinians, mostly civilians and including hundreds of children who were technically protected persons under the Israeli occupation versus a handful of dead Jews, virtually all combatants.

What's your definition of "victim?"

Israel had a chance last June to negotiate with a Unity Government and proved once again it values acquiring more land over discussing a just peace. It isn't a new strategy if you know anything about the spread of Zionism in Palestine over the last century.

Save your bull shit for a noob who knows no better.

There is no moral equivalence when comparing the Jews vs the Palestinians.

The Jews shine by comparison.
I agree. Israel has a right to protect itself - even from cowards who hide behind civilians then whine about civilian casualties.
Israel has the same right to defend itself my Imaginary Cherokee ancestors had against the white invaders - Liz "Cheekbones" Warren
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

We can and have discussed that camel crap in the proper forum. The subject at hand is JoeB's BS about Jew control of your mind. Try to focus, Princess.
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

You guys just naturally play the victim, huh?

Peace. Prosperity. Good health. And more...

It can ALL be yours if you will just reach a permanent peace with Israel.

Recognize their right to exist in peace.

Be reasonable about the right of return. Accept Jerusalem as an international city under the jurisdiction of the UN or something.
2000 dead Palestinians, mostly civilians and including hundreds of children who were technically protected persons under the Israeli occupation versus a handful of dead Jews, virtually all combatants.

It is not the responsibility of Israel to protect Gazans from abuse by their duly elected Hamas gov't:
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas says Hamas are to blame for loss of 2 000 lives in Gaza Mail Online
...While the rest of the world sees Israel for exactly what it is, we get the Zionist Propaganda from all news media sources.

We can view a vast array of American and international news sources and decide for ourselves which is true and which is camel crap. Claiming the Jooos "control" this and that is just intellectually lazy hate mongering.
"Jooos control" the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, population registry and three of four land borders in Gaza, don't they?

We can and have discussed that camel crap in the proper forum. The subject at hand is JoeB's BS about Jew control of your mind. Try to focus, Princess.
Time to buy a new bird, Abe?

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