Ellen DeGeneres and Portia get a divorce

I clicked on the link and my WebRoot had a hissy and told me to get out. So I did.
Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi Divorce After Cheating Scandal Before Rehab [RUMORS]: Tell-All Book Spills Couple Secrets As Marriage Crumbles : TV : Mstarz

Apparently the relationship was built upon drugs, alcohol, selfishness, and ruthless arguing. Who knew?

So are there any positive gay role models out there left other than Barney Frank?

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Tammy Cruise and OPrah

Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi Divorce After Cheating Scandal Before Rehab [RUMORS]: Tell-All Book Spills Couple Secrets As Marriage Crumbles : TV : Mstarz

Apparently the relationship was built upon drugs, alcohol, selfishness, and ruthless arguing. Who knew?

So are there any positive gay role models out there left other than Barney Frank?

View attachment 30697

You're like the nosy old lady gossiping at the fence.

Ellen DeGeneres Responds To Divorce Rumors As Only She Can
huh? ^^^^

I am living in darkness here WTF

For someone claiming to have no interest in this, your horse faced ass sure is blabbering on in this thread, huh [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION]?
Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi Divorce After Cheating Scandal Before Rehab [RUMORS]: Tell-All Book Spills Couple Secrets As Marriage Crumbles : TV : Mstarz

Apparently the relationship was built upon drugs, alcohol, selfishness, and ruthless arguing. Who knew?

So are there any positive gay role models out there left other than Barney Frank?

View attachment 30697

You're like the nosy old lady gossiping at the fence.

Ellen DeGeneres Responds To Divorce Rumors As Only She Can

I think it a fair thing to sit back and watch the outcomes of allowing gays to marry. Like it or not the fall out from gay marriage will forever be under a microscope.
I like Ellen but I could care less about this

they can enjoy the same divorce misery as "straight" people do

now that's what being equal is all about
Ellen DeGeneres, Portia De Rossi Divorce After Cheating Scandal Before Rehab [RUMORS]: Tell-All Book Spills Couple Secrets As Marriage Crumbles : TV : Mstarz

Apparently the relationship was built upon drugs, alcohol, selfishness, and ruthless arguing. Who knew?

So are there any positive gay role models out there left other than Barney Frank?

View attachment 30697
Apparently you fell for a National Enquirer-style garbage tabloid trash story and carted it here to have a little venomous spit-fest. Who knew?
Same sex marriage was voted down in California, one of the most liberal states.

This isn't a majority ruled country. The courts did their job.

Then hopefully they will do there job on stopping the murder of innocent babies, through abortion.
They do need to review this. It's purpose was for birth control but there is loads of contraception and birth control out there. A case where a pregnancy would need to be aborted should be rare.

But I agree, such a devaluing of human life, so sad.
Nice deflection, the courts legalized it even though a majority are against it.

So? The USA isn't a majority ruled country. The courts do that a lot.

Same sex marriage was voted down in California, one of the most liberal states.

Wouldn't be anymore....and it only was voted down, barely, due to a lot of Mormon money. It's ironic to see what happened in Utah. Ironic? Actually hysterically funny. :lol:

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