Elmer Fudd Gets RED-flagged


Platinum Member
Apr 27, 2020
It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).

You know who is next.
It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).

"Be vewy quiet, we're hunting capitalists . . ."

Seems like the message, what with the sickle and all . . .
It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).

I knew this was coming, that's why I have all of them!
Fucking ridiculous! Grr!
Damn the PC crowd. We need a smaller tv station and bring back all the stuff mainstream won't play.
Unfortunately PC is no longer a crowd we can ignore. They are mostly Democrat funded far leftists supported by George Soros' 'foundations' which also includes BLM and Antifa. We are at war for our American traditions, values and Constitution. They have infiltrated our DC bureaucracy and if you don't believe that, just look at the lengths they went through to unseat our duly elected President. After that, we have the 'lockdown' because of a flu virus!!!! NOW we have world-riots based on the killing of a thug by a thug re-named and re-processed as police violence. The only ones seen perpetrating violence are the black-garbed, mask wearing looters, brick throwers, Molotov cocktail throwers, and arsonists on the streets exercising their anarchic 'rights' which they grant to themselves by tearing down society.
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It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).

That he carries a sickle is no random choice. He just needs a hammer added next season.
It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).

That he carries a sickle is no random choice. He just needs a hammer added next season.
Yeah and he'll be sporting an Anti-Fa flag.
Next, there will be a Supreme Court hearing on whether Daffy Duck being black or Donald Duck being white is a racist statement. Stay Tuned! That's not all, Folks!

It seems Disney Looney Toons has red-flagged Elmer Fudd and taken his shotgun. Now, like a good Disney Socialist, he carries a sickle (maybe a scythe for the purists who will challenge me on it - not much difference between the two).


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