Elon Musk has enraged the Left

well yeah, we are all subject to the law, nobody is above the law...that's why a full scale investigation needs to be done......but I find it hard to believe the Trump campaign wanted this story about Hunter censored
The House Republicans should investigate Trump's involvement here.
This will force the Democrats to cheer it on.
I doubt he would either but asking Twitter to not post it is hardly a crime.

Why does a full investigation of campaign finance need to be done? Has there been some sort of revelation?
It very well could be if it was done as an in-kind political contribution to the campaign. We've been over this.

Yes, we know that Tweeter was engaged in a cover up to censor this real story that was damaging to the campaign. Nobody is above the law....including President Xiden
It very well could be if it was done as an in-kind political contribution to the campaign. We've been over this.

And you have yet to show me that it is illegal to both accept campaign donations from Twitter and to ask them not to post something.

Yes, we know that Tweeter was engaged in a cover up to censor this real story that was damaging to the campaign. Nobody is above the law....including President Xiden
Not posting something is not a coverup. It is excercising first amendment rights that Twitter has.

Of course we have no idea if this happened, it is just partison nonsense.

And you have yet to show me that it is illegal to both accept campaign donations from Twitter and to ask them not to post something.

Not posting something is not a coverup. It is excercising first amendment rights that Twitter has.

Of course we have no idea if this happened, it is just partison nonsense.

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1) it's not illegal to accept campaign donations...if they reported it. Did they report this? Michael Cohen was convicted of one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution....I am not saying anyone in the Xiden camapign or at tweeter did this..but we will have to see after an investigation.

2) well we know that tweet is a lie....we know the FBI was aware of the laptop, had it, and in fact knew it wasn't russian disinformation....so why was tweeter still delating all the post about it, even after meeting with the FBI weekly? hmmmm
I don't care about twitter, no one does.
So why are you posting in a thread about Twitter? You really aren't so important that anyone is waiting for you to tell them what you don't care about. And, quite frankly, a lot of people do care about Twitter, or they wouldn't be getting their panties in a bunch about the changes Musk is making.
well yeah, we are all subject to the law, nobody is above the law...that's why a full scale investigation needs to be done......but I find it hard to believe the Trump campaign wanted this story about Hunter censored
Yeah , they wanted their russian collusion story buried.
1) it's not illegal to accept campaign donations...if they reported it. Did they report this?

I have no reason to believe they didn't.

Michael Cohen was convicted of one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution....I am not saying anyone in the Xiden camapign or at tweeter did this..but we will have to see after an investigation.

Why would you think so? Why are you wanting to verify Biden's donations but nobody else.

Your desire to see if the Biden campaign claimed all donations seems arbitrary.

2) well we know that tweet is a lie....we know the FBI was aware of the laptop, had it, and in fact knew it wasn't russian disinformation....so why was tweeter still delating all the post about it, even after meeting with the FBI weekly? hmmmm
Not sure. You would have to ask Trump. It was his FBI.

Maybe Trump's FBI was asking about this?

I have no reason to believe they didn't.

Why would you think so? Why are you wanting to verify Biden's donations but nobody else.

Your desire to see if the Biden campaign claimed all donations seems arbitrary.

Not sure. You would have to ask Trump. It was his FBI.

Maybe Trump's FBI was asking about this?

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1) show me....it's suppose to be public. So, simply provide the link.
2) Who's everyone else? Trump? Why would trump want tweeter and facebook to delete this story?
3) why? why do you think Xiden is above the law?
4) sadly it looks like Wray went rogue to help Xiden get elected. Now whisleblowers are coming out of the wood works asking that Wray step down, and highlighting his corruption for the demafasict stakinst tactics....https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/aug/30/allegations-political-bias-widespread-misconduct-p/
5) yeah....why was she locked out of her according for simply talking about the Hunter Xiden laptop story from the NY Post? That's a good question....at this point it looks like it, and all the other people who were censored for discussing it, were censored out of political bias....was it simply just a FBI/tweeter campaign to undermine the election? Or was there some sort of in kind political donations going on? I don't know...I believe the House will get to the bottom of it
Geez...you dembot cultist can't even accept the reality of your own partisan witchhunts:

"the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

Case closed.
Ya, because the former 1-term administration stonewalled the investigation. Still Mueller did not rule it out.
Ya, because the former 1-term administration stonewalled the investigation. Still Mueller did not rule it out.
haqha what are you talking about? He full cooperated and it was concluded well before he left office...yes Mueller did...I literally quoted him concluding it didn't happen

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