Elon Musk suffers with the rest of us for defying wokism: son disowns him

I think his new name is Vivian.
Yes, that is the 18 year old chosen name.......which, at 18....he is free to do whatever....

But.....Elon's youngest is named X Æ A-12 and his other kid is named Exa Dark Sideræl -- but hey, he is rich, so it's fun....

If that was some woke-radical left tranny who named themselves that -- we would probably pass a law to make it illegal or something....
This raises the inconvenient question of 'nature' or 'nuture' for Elon.

He's going to have to spend a lot of money to buy himself out of this mess.

And so now, will Elon's sympathetic audience address the question of nature/nurture.

If anyone wants my answer they can have it if they are capable of asking in a decent and appropriate way.

What will Elon himself say when he eventually goes hat in hand to his son? LOL

i don't see that happening. It looks like Musk cares about truth... something liberals cannot comprehend, seeing as how they see truth as.. some kind of Godzilla out to get them at thefirst chance

If Musk is wise he will let his son be... an 18 yr old

until he no longer an 18 yr old... pray for him... but.. that's usually all u can in these cases...
Which girlfriend is the baby mama? Musk has very little to do with any of his children.
looks like that's the way they want it...

they will return maybe... when they need more cash?

dunno... and besides, who are u to tell me anything about Musk? If you are a lib: nothing
Yes, that is the 18 year old chosen name.......which, at 18....he is free to do whatever....

But.....Elon's youngest is named X Æ A-12 and his other kid is named Exa Dark Sideræl -- but hey, he is rich, so it's fun....

If that was some woke-radical left tranny who named themselves that -- we would probably pass a law to make it illegal or something....
way i see things is

Musk is evolving (ie growing, maturing)

Evolving is another thing that is just like Truth, to a liberal:

The implications for the LGBTQ community couldn't be better. The kid's personal priorities are so important to him that he will turn down the biggest meal ticket known to America!

Elon's best course of action is to put this to rest as quickly and as quietly as possible. He better hope the kid is generous with forgiveness!

Changes to the extreme right's agenda of hate are going to be with them as soon as they wake up tomorrow. Ya'all can bet on it!
A lot of crazy surrounds this guy. I dont know much about him but he is a flake with his twitter obsession, dated the debatably crazy Amber Heard, is estranged from this kid of his, and has regular crazy tweets. Why cant successful people be normal? Maybe you cant be crazy successful with some crazy in you?
says the one who voted for the senile baby killer Corn pop
So when Republicans are going around demanding the parents of trans people be arrested -- they were just being full of shit -- or were they only talking about parents whom they don't worship simply because they are rich??

By the way, let's hope his youngest son doesn't decide to change his name because of what his pops named him...imagine if the tranny kid changed his name to "X Æ A-12" -- you reactionary right-wingers would go ape shit....but since Elon himself named his kid this -- it's totally awesome, huh?
Kid is 18 and can what he wants. Did Elon give him puberty blockers and cut his dick off. No. So stfu liar.
looks like that's the way they want it...

they will return maybe... when they need more cash?

dunno... and besides, who are u to tell me anything about Musk? If you are a lib: nothing
I admire him. I don't particularly care about his children. They won't go hungry. Vivian won't be the last child raised by a vindictive parent screaming "I hate you". Even his children can't find him. He lives in a $70,000 shack in rural Texas completely off the grid.
Kid is 18 and can what he wants. Did Elon give him puberty blockers and cut his dick off. No. So stfu liar.
But the claim is -- if you as a parent have a son who is a tranny fag - you failed as a parent

Or does that not apply to the folks you worship?

You can't have it both ways
way i see things is

Musk is evolving (ie growing, maturing)

Evolving is another thing that is just like Truth, to a liberal:

Speaking of truth.....

Can Kamala Harris overturn the election in 2024 if she simply alleges voter fraud?

Or is the "TRUTH" really -- Republicans are full of shit
Elon is too egotistical. He made all of his workers
A lot of crazy surrounds this guy. I dont know much about him but he is a flake with his twitter obsession, dated the debatably crazy Amber Heard, is estranged from this kid of his, and has regular crazy tweets. Why cant successful people be normal? Maybe you cant be crazy successful with some crazy in you?
He's completely out of touch with reality.
The implications for the LGBTQ community couldn't be better. The kid's personal priorities are so important to him that he will turn down the biggest meal ticket known to America!

Elon's best course of action is to put this to rest as quickly and as quietly as possible. He better hope the kid is generous with forgiveness!

Changes to the extreme right's agenda of hate are going to be with them as soon as they wake up tomorrow. Ya'all can bet on it!
How much?
I admire him. I don't particularly care about his children. They won't go hungry. Vivian won't be the last child raised by a vindictive parent screaming "I hate you". Even his children can't find him. He lives in a $70,000 shack in rural Texas completely off the grid.
If he is completely off the grid -- how you do know where he lives and how much it costs?

And how come you folks never worshiped this Elon?? He was still rich then....

Or even this one??

are you saying all one has to do is make you feel they hate the same people/things you hate -- and then you will blindly worship them?? Sounds gay
But the claim is -- if you as a parent have a son who is a tranny fag - you failed as a parent

Or does that not apply to the folks you worship?

You can't have it both ways
Nah you lying biff. If a kid is legit gay or whatever so be it. Indoctrinating kids be that teachers or parents is wrong. You are full of Bs.

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