Elon Musk suffers with the rest of us for defying wokism: son disowns him

it means democrats gained another young voter .
i think we can write off the young vote (the Rs)

well, then again.. maybe not. There was that poll that said 18-(34?) yr olds disapprove of the fake pres..

Nah you lying biff. If a kid is legit gay or whatever so be it. Indoctrinating kids be that teachers or parents is wrong. You are full of Bs.
yeh... strange how the days of teaching children the 3Rs is now just a wistful nostalgia in the hearts of American parents...
No. But it certainly means his offspring is a failure as a human being.

Maybe not,

Undoubtedly the kid is getting a lot of shit because although a year ago Elon was literally working to save the planet for The Climate Enthusiasts, he is not doing it in manner acceptable to the hard-core left lunatics.
The child may even be in physical danger

Having a different last name is probably not the worst idea in the world.
the one who is crazy is the son who converted into a modern [trans] democrat .. its a fact that males that vote democrat have sugar in their blood ... just like you do Tinker Bell ...
everyone has sugar in his blood

everything you eat turns to sugar in the bloodstream, which is why we could actually probably be healthier cutting back on carbs... u know, since the body just makes everything into glucose anyway
Nah you lying biff. If a kid is legit gay or whatever so be it. Indoctrinating kids be that teachers or parents is wrong. You are full of Bs.
Lying? Why are you folks so ashamed of your positions?? Reactionary right-wingers didn't just start demonizing gays a few weeks ago - this has always been you

Are you seriously telling me that reactionary right-wingers don't demonize gays/trans people??

Do you think it just stops at "oh, we are only saying you should be in jail if you give your child puberty blockers"?

Nope..it doesn't stop there...

So does this mean if a parent allowed their kid to see this guy -- they should lose custody and be charged with a crime??
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The implications for the LGBTQ community couldn't be better. The kid's personal priorities are so important to him that he will turn down the biggest meal ticket known to America!

Elon's best course of action is to put this to rest as quickly and as quietly as possible. He better hope the kid is generous with forgiveness!

Changes to the extreme right's agenda of hate are going to be with them as soon as they wake up tomorrow. Ya'all can bet on it!
Elon has been in the lefts cross hairs ever since he started making moves to buy twitter and stop the lefts censorship of free speech on the platform .. free speech is the enemy of the left ....
everyone has sugar in his blood

everything you eat turns to sugar in the bloodstream, which is why we could actually probably be healthier cutting back on carbs... u know, since the body just makes everything into glucose anyway
democrats have a LOT more of said sugar in their blood ..

weird... Why do I want to say this must be the dumbest person in the world... didn't inherit any of his father's intelligence, apparently..

yes, i know.. intelligence and wisdom are not interchangeable.

so this 18 yr old is a trans and

that's not the dumb part although I do think it is "dumb" as in against nature, against God ...

the dumb part (in case you yourself are rather dumb) is

What the....? !

you are going to disinherit "richest man in the world"?

Maybe Musk will adopt me? I could use a dad (mine passed away not long ago)
I think, or at least I'm hoping, that the tired is finally turning on the woke shit.
Even that annoying child is better than Brandon's spawn.
I know Hunter's dick stays on your mind -- but my comment had zero to do with Biden....

Again......according to dic suckers like you -- if you as a parent raise a tranny fag -- doesn't that mean you failed as a parent??

I mean, we already know if you raise a child that becomes addicted to drugs later in life -- that is the parent's fault -- so why not this??
I know Hunter's dick stays on your mind -- but my comment had zero to do with Biden....

Again......according to dic suckers like you -- if you as a parent raise a tranny fag -- doesn't that mean you failed as a parent??

I mean, we already know if you raise a child that becomes addicted to drugs later in life -- that is the parent's fault -- so why not this??
I don't care. Brandon raised a real scumbag. Between an annoying tranny and Brandon's scumbag spawn, I'd have to go with the tranny.
I don't care. Brandon raised a real scumbag. Between an annoying tranny and Brandon's scumbag spawn, I'd have to go with the tranny.
Cool.......I am pretty sure Hunter will never be president now.....not without your support
But what if Hunter gets off crack and starts a pillow company and becomes rich -- will you be on board then??

weird... Why do I want to say this must be the dumbest person in the world... didn't inherit any of his father's intelligence, apparently..

yes, i know.. intelligence and wisdom are not interchangeable.

so this 18 yr old is a trans and

that's not the dumb part although I do think it is "dumb" as in against nature, against God ...

the dumb part (in case you yourself are rather dumb) is

What the....? !

you are going to disinherit "richest man in the world"?

Maybe Musk will adopt me? I could use a dad (mine passed away not long ago)
Musk voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[302] In the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries, Musk endorsed candidate Andrew Yang and expressed support for his proposed universal basic income.[303] He also endorsed Kanye West's independent campaign in the 2020 general election,[304] but ultimately voted for Joe Biden in 2020.[302] In 2022, Musk said that he could "no longer support" the Democrats,[305][306][307][308] and leaned towards supporting Republican Ron DeSantis in the 2024 U.S. presidential election if he were a candidate.[309][310][311]
Musk voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[302] In the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries, Musk endorsed candidate Andrew Yang and expressed support for his proposed universal basic income.[303] He also endorsed Kanye West's independent campaign in the 2020 general election,[304] but ultimately voted for Joe Biden in 2020.[302] In 2022, Musk said that he could "no longer support" the Democrats,[305][306][307][308] and leaned towards supporting Republican Ron DeSantis in the 2024 U.S. presidential election if he were a candidate.[309][310][311]

Its very odd how the cult is trolling Musk that his son is trans.

Musk supports free speech, therefore we should make fun of him for having a trans child? Huh?

Progressives (Democrats) can not tolerate free speech.
If they don't totally control the narrative, they fall behind The Green Party in status.

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