Email Shows Military Prepared Benghazi Rescue

And years later we discover this major item because of a court order. Hillary should be fully prosecuted for lying under oath.

US Military Was Ready To Respond To Benghazi During The Fighting |
There was a rescue mission ready in Tripoli, which would have taken a few hours to get there.

But the soldiers waiting on the plane, were told to get off the aircraft, go back to their barracks, and wait. After that, the order to get back on the plane and go, was never given.

***NOTE about liberal obfuscation*** The soldiers who were ready to rescue, were never told "stand down". But what they were told, resulted in the same thing. Various liberals have said that since the actual words "stand down" were never spoken to those soldiers, that meant that no "stand down' order was ever given.

Now that we know that Hillary knew the rescue mission was loaded up, primed and ready... who originated the order to get off the plane and go back to the barracks?

From what I've read it was the Libyan Govt. The troops were ready to go but they had to wait for permission from Libya to actually head out.

It wasn't a stand down order but it got the same results.
And the fact we don't know if and who requested permission is disgusting.
And frankly, only a coward would wait to obtain permission from the Libyans.
Republicans cutting security at Benghazi: Had horrendous consequences.

Yeah, they should have more hearings. They have been so effective so far.

The facts are that the stories about the Democrat malfeasance at Benghazi have proven true...

...the reason the hearings are ineffective is documented by your post: "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
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The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
Until today, Snopes was denying the facts.

FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene.

FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied.

FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks.

FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks."
Benghazi Bungle

They'll probably increase the size of those dots now.
snopes thinks it's all a rumor.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.

Yeah you did, you know I'm right. You're clueless and only spew the party lines. Worthless...and out classed. Next time come prepare you lying twit
Gawd Almighty, you guys are so stupid, honest to goodness, you are programmed to believe bull crap.....programmed to be easily brainwashed, I am beginning to think it's in your genes to be fooled.

It was 2:30am/update! (1:30AM daylight savings), the morning of September 12th BENGHAZI TIME when this communication was sent.... 7:30pm on September 11th eastern standard time, is 1:30AM* September 12th Benghazi time....they are 7/6 hours ahead of us in their time.

the incident and the deaths occurred HOURS AND HOURS before this message was sent.

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The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

There is nothing you or sockgirl can teach me about politics.
The latest email stating US forces were ready to roll is devastating to the evil bitch and the "narrative". They let them die and could have tried to save them.

OH my heavens...whatever will we do????

GFY, you're a mindless troll, didn't know we had 10,000 troops in Afghan, whined about "conservatives" small government and too stupid to realize (or check) and see DHS has over 240,000 employees, it's bloated. You come unprepared...then get shellacked and resort to idiotic trolling. Sit down, you're a nothing , sock. Americans died to Clinton's ineptness or agenda and you post "oh my heavens, whatever will we do?" Pathetic

Too long,didn't read, don't care.
take eight hours to read it cc. that might give you a better understanding/grasp of the situation.

There is nothing you or sockgirl can teach me about politics.

I do all the time, you're clueless. Plus too indoctrinated to learn anything new. Get past I think anything else. You're nothing but an overbearing, clueless twit.
The most central point is how little it means to Liberal fellow-travelers, as seen in this thread, that the proven truth is that the Obama administration, et al, allowed the Americans at Benghazi to die rather than use our armed forces to save them.

The explanation is that it would have negatively influenced Obama's re-election.

There is an allegory that explains how little the truth influences those Liberal fellow-travelers:


The contemporary 'pod-people' will continue to vote Democrat.

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