Emails lost during the Bush administration.

This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.

First off, I never said the president had anything to do with it. It is the premise of your thread. That because Bush lost emails, which many conservatives condemned as well, that somehow justifies this blatant criminal behavior of a incredibly powerful federal agency.

Second, you have no point to make. Stay on subject. There is absolute proof that there was systematic political harassment, including federal law enforcement harassment, of political organizations critical of a sitting president during an election year.

Your dismal of this shows how far the left is willing to sink all for political expedience. They never cared about warrantless wire taps or any of the bullshit Randy Rhodes and Air America spewed.
The scandal made its way to page 19-C of the NY Times.

It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?
The scandal made its way to page 19-C of the NY Times.

It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?

Only leftists can look you in the eye and go on long winded diatribe about the evils of Fox News and then go on to extoll MSNBC and not see the laughable hypocrisy. To be a liberal is to be able to hold two complete contradictory ideas within your mind with complete ease and harmony.
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.

First off, I never said the president had anything to do with it. It is the premise of your thread. That because Bush lost emails, which many conservatives condemned as well, that somehow justifies this blatant criminal behavior of a incredibly powerful federal agency.

Second, you have no point to make. Stay on subject. There is absolute proof that there was systematic political harassment, including federal law enforcement harassment, of political organizations critical of a sitting president during an election year.

Your dismal of this shows how far the left is willing to sink all for political expedience. They never cared about warrantless wire taps or any of the bullshit Randy Rhodes and Air America spewed.

Good on you for addressing the law breaking tea party and the Supremes deciding on a partisan split that legislation preventing the corrupting influence of wealth is invalid.

And you first point out that you weren't linking this to the President and THEN point out it was "political" harassment?

By whom?

The IRS??

The scandal made its way to page 19-C of the NY Times.

It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?

Only leftists can look you in the eye and go on long winded diatribe about the evils of Fox News and then go on to extoll MSNBC and not see the laughable hypocrisy. To be a liberal is to be able to hold two complete contradictory ideas within your mind with complete ease and harmony.

This "scandal" is only important to you folks.

It's a circus.

There, were..some real issues raised by the "investigation" but those have all been buried by a very partisan witch hunt.

The email thing just piles it higher and deeper.
First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.

First off, I never said the president had anything to do with it. It is the premise of your thread. That because Bush lost emails, which many conservatives condemned as well, that somehow justifies this blatant criminal behavior of a incredibly powerful federal agency.

Second, you have no point to make. Stay on subject. There is absolute proof that there was systematic political harassment, including federal law enforcement harassment, of political organizations critical of a sitting president during an election year.

Your dismal of this shows how far the left is willing to sink all for political expedience. They never cared about warrantless wire taps or any of the bullshit Randy Rhodes and Air America spewed.

Good on you for addressing the law breaking tea party and the Supremes deciding on a partisan split that legislation preventing the corrupting influence of wealth is invalid.

And you first point out that you weren't linking this to the President and THEN point out it was "political" harassment?

By whom?

The IRS??


The title of your thread, your lame attempt at justifying the IRS' criminal and systematic corruption, is "Emails lost during Bush administration", and the OP is some illogical attempt at linking the two.

And there was political harassment. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this issue, because you don't seem to have a basic understanding of it.

I'll hold your hand through this.

[ame=]Powerful: Becky Gerritson calls harassment by IRS a willful act of intimidation - YouTube[/ame]
It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?

Only leftists can look you in the eye and go on long winded diatribe about the evils of Fox News and then go on to extoll MSNBC and not see the laughable hypocrisy. To be a liberal is to be able to hold two complete contradictory ideas within your mind with complete ease and harmony.

This "scandal" is only important to you folks.

It's a circus.

There, were..some real issues raised by the "investigation" but those have all been buried by a very partisan witch hunt.

The email thing just piles it higher and deeper.

He put scandal in quotation marks.

They are pathetic and utterly hopeless.


"It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest."

That is beside the point, this is the IRS. How is Bush being used to justify the IRS targeting political opponents of the president during an election year? Supposedly Obama has nothing to do with it.

I'm curious do you believe that this really is a phony scandal? That there is no evidence that the law was broken?

[ame=]Trey Gowdy Grills IRS Commissioner Koskinen - YouTube[/ame]

The phony scandal is the one where the President is accused of directing his IRS to target his enemies.

The inquiry into the targeting of conservative 501c groups has unveiled a true scandal in that the IRS changed the law in 1959, but nobody who benefits from that really wants to do anything about that.....
It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?

Only leftists can look you in the eye and go on long winded diatribe about the evils of Fox News and then go on to extoll MSNBC and not see the laughable hypocrisy. To be a liberal is to be able to hold two complete contradictory ideas within your mind with complete ease and harmony.

This "scandal" is only important to you folks.

It's a circus.

There, were..some real issues raised by the "investigation" but those have all been buried by a very partisan witch hunt.

The email thing just piles it higher and deeper.


Just admit you think that the groups being investigated SHOULD be investigated and that Obama would be correct in directing this.
HEY! Look over there...

^^^ What's the purpose of this post?
It can be found on page A-5 in the Houston Chronicle. And of course hard hitting journalism was nowhere to be found.
And libs wonder why Fox and conservative radio are so popular.
Where the hell else are we going to get both sides of the story?

Only leftists can look you in the eye and go on long winded diatribe about the evils of Fox News and then go on to extoll MSNBC and not see the laughable hypocrisy. To be a liberal is to be able to hold two complete contradictory ideas within your mind with complete ease and harmony.

This "scandal" is only important to you folks.

It's a circus.

There, were..some real issues raised by the "investigation" but those have all been buried by a very partisan witch hunt.

The email thing just piles it higher and deeper.

So there were real issues that were raised, and they just were never resolved because of what exactly? The very nature of the offense, the criminal offense of a incredibly power federal institution--Nixon was impeached based primarily on this very damn issue--is partisan.

The weight of the IRS was exploited to harass private citizens opposed to the president during an election year.

The only thing accumulating is the bullshit you and the left continue to come up with to dismiss, ignore, and ridicule this criminal behavior of which no one has been held accountable.
Last edited:
First off, I never said the president had anything to do with it. It is the premise of your thread. That because Bush lost emails, which many conservatives condemned as well, that somehow justifies this blatant criminal behavior of a incredibly powerful federal agency.

Second, you have no point to make. Stay on subject. There is absolute proof that there was systematic political harassment, including federal law enforcement harassment, of political organizations critical of a sitting president during an election year.

Your dismal of this shows how far the left is willing to sink all for political expedience. They never cared about warrantless wire taps or any of the bullshit Randy Rhodes and Air America spewed.

Good on you for addressing the law breaking tea party and the Supremes deciding on a partisan split that legislation preventing the corrupting influence of wealth is invalid.

And you first point out that you weren't linking this to the President and THEN point out it was "political" harassment?

By whom?

The IRS??


The title of your thread, your lame attempt at justifying the IRS' criminal and systematic corruption, is "Emails lost during Bush administration", and the OP is some illogical attempt at linking the two.

And there was political harassment. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this issue, because you don't seem to have a basic understanding of it.

I'll hold your hand through this.

[ame=]Powerful: Becky Gerritson calls harassment by IRS a willful act of intimidation - YouTube[/ame]

You are pissing in the wind by communicating to them. It will give you bad digestion and may wreak havoc on your intestines.

No, bring joy to your system by talking about them in their own demented threads.

Liberalism is a psychosis. I mean really. Their hypocrisy, double standards, double talk, and shifting ways are too much for anyone to handle. Especially when you lay out the pure logic.

They will never ever see it. They have climbed way too high on the ladder of liberal bullshit and they are totally incapable of seeing their lies or the other stuff. It is just way too far to fall for them.

Imagine what that must be like. Being wrong about everything. Wooo wee what a free fall.
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.

Here are the results of the House ethics investigation into Charlie Rangel. I maintain that he more than deserved targeting. The irony of a tax cheat who chaired the committee in Congress that writes the tax laws. You can't make this up!

The House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to censure Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.), who pleaded for leniency but now finds his 40-year career tarnished after his colleagues rebuked him using a rare form of public punishment for ethics violations.

The vote was 333-79, with 77 Democrats and two Republicans voting against censure, the harshest form of punishment short of expulsion from Congress.

Rangel was found guilty by the ethics panel of 11 counts of violating ethics rules, including charges that he improperly solicited millions of dollars from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at City College of New York, failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms, maintained a rent-stabilized apartment as a campaign office in a Harlem apartment building and failed to pay income taxes on a villa in the Dominican Republic.
The simple fact is that every time the Right thinks they have found some scandalous activity by Obama, it is quickly found to pale in comparison to the same things that happened in the Bush administration, on a much wider, larger scale.
So in Dec. of 2017 when they find these "missing" emails, who's gonna care, Hillary?

"It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest."

That is beside the point, this is the IRS. How is Bush being used to justify the IRS targeting political opponents of the president during an election year? Supposedly Obama has nothing to do with it.

I'm curious do you believe that this really is a phony scandal? That there is no evidence that the law was broken?

[ame=]Trey Gowdy Grills IRS Commissioner Koskinen - YouTube[/ame]

The phony scandal is the one where the President is accused of directing his IRS to target his enemies.

The inquiry into the targeting of conservative 501c groups has unveiled a true scandal in that the IRS changed the law in 1959, but nobody who benefits from that really wants to do anything about that.....

So there is indeed a scandal that the IRS criminally acted to harass private citizens opposed to a sitting president during an election year, but just do not say the president--who was outraged and two weeks later insisted it was only a few rogue agents, before an investigation had concluded--because there is not evidence of that.

But we do not really know if the White House was involved, because we don't know who was ultimately involved, do we?

So why don't you shut the hell up, and hope that those responsible are found and prosecuted.
The simple fact is that every time the Right thinks they have found some scandalous activity by Obama, it is quickly found to pale in comparison to the same things that happened in the Bush administration, on a much wider, larger scale.

Boooooosh again everyone. You all smell that?

The simple fact is that every time the Right thinks they have found some scandalous activity by Obama, it is quickly found to pale in comparison to the same things that happened in the Bush administration, on a much wider, larger scale.

And what scandal would you be referring to?
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Don't tell me there is a double standard!

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