Emails lost during the Bush administration.

Yesterday we learned that only 36% of Americans support this corrupt Administration. You can count the idiot Sallow as one of the Obama Zombies who doesn't give a damn about the truth.. Circle the wagons and throw out shit from years, almost a decade ago. 8 US Attorneys were dismissed which happens under EVERY SINGLE NEW ADMINISTRATION and serve at the President's pleasure.. Liberals tried to turn it in to a scandal, just like Bush lied thousands died which we all know now was a big fucking lie by liberals as well.. It's a pattern we see .. Is it any wonder these liars elect the biggest liar that's ever served as President???

The operative word being "new". Presidents do that at the beginning of every term. Not in the middle of a term. And it was because the attorney's had too much integrity to go after opponents simply because they are opponents that they were replaced with Bible School Graduates.

I'm sick of you talking without a clue. You are ignorant. That scandal wasn't all that long ago. What are you? About 15 or 16?

What is it with these Republicans? When you point out real scandals that happened under Bush and the Republicans, they go "BOOOOOOOSH" as if that absolves the scandal.

Iraq was a scandal.

American soldiers dying from electrocution in substandard dwellings was a scandal.

Old and rusty equipment was a scandal.

Moldy hospitals

9 billion in cash thrown away

three quarters of the Christian population being killed or chased from their homeland

women being forced into Burkas

the looting of museums and government buildings




And why weren't any investigated? Because Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency. This is why the GOP is a scummy party. And look at these USMB Republicans. "BOOOOOSH". They are worse than al Qaeda. They caused more damage. an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."

Neither the Center for Public Integrity nor determined anything sinister about Halliburton’s no-bid" contracts for the Iraq war. Two nonpartisan, nonaligned, public interest organizations have investigated the Halliburton allegations and found them to be specious allegations made for purely political purposes.

An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

Whenever one of these puppets bring up the Halliburton cliche (they never have anything other than their cliches, better known as the puppet strings put out by the democrat puppet masters) just show them how wrong they are.

Not just factcheck, but I also cited the LA Times. Showing how it was actually Clinton that awarded Halliburton no-bid contracts.

They hate facts, and I have dispatched this dick before. Rdean of course forgets or ignores the facts as presented and goes right back to the cliches.

They are pathetic. and the fact they always think they are oh so smart is what makes them funny.
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Bush Openly Confesses Torture Authorization, No Prosecutions for CIA Tape Destruction: Why We Care and Why Bush Should Worry | Center for Constitutional Rights

In his recently released memoir Decision Points, George W. Bush admitted that he enthusiastically authorized that certain detainees be waterboarded – or tortured, a crime under domestic and international law. When asked if he would authorize the torture of one detainee, former U.S. president Bush declared “Damn right!” The release of Bush’s memoir coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges for the destruction of CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.

Then go prosecute him, grill him and find out what happened to all of those emails.

Now let's deal with Obama and his IRS mess shall we?

Emails were's a fucking lie

From HuffPo:
Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered

The point is that deanie is a hack who will never admit the King did anything wrong ever.

He doesn't care that the IRS may or may not have done anything wrong, he ONLY cares about covering for the Boi in the WH.

Boosh did it is no more than a deflection tactic used by 12 year minds with zero reasoning skills.
They let Bush get away with it and even laughed at our shocked disappointed faces. The destroying evidence tactic worked time after time and here we are with the shoe on the other foot and all I can say is har-de-har-har in your fucking republican faces. Was protecting Dick Fucking Cheney and KKKarl Rove worth it to you at this point?

So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.


It puts a spotlight on how partisan these investigation truly are.

The Bush Administration LOST 22 Million emails from it's WHITE HOUSE server.

They used private emails to conduct government business.

They allowed the CIA to destroy video tapes of torture.

THAT was okay by Republicans.

Who uttered nary a peep when that was all done.

NOW? After providing Issa with close to a MILLION documents, the IRS (NOT THE WHITE HOUSE), estimate some 22,000 (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MILLION) emails are lost.


So are you suggesting the Democrats are OK in "losing" emails? I'm not really following you here. Shouldn't it be the opposite? SHouldn't Democrats demonstrate their rejection of failed GOP policies are produce emails and other docs in a full and forthright manner?
The ones we really wanted, the ones from the RNC servers will never be found. Keep spinning, maybe you will accidentally hit on something of substance.

LMFAO OMG.. Be specific liar.. Which ones when ALL 22 MILLION were recovered.. you eggheads never know when to stop.. You get your asses owned and you keep farting out shit..

Since you do not remember I will remind you, it came to light that the vice president's office had been using email on the RNC servers to avoid the public records requirement to archive and eventually make public all official correspondence. Of course by the time congressional investigators found out the emails were long deleted and the servers themselves destroyed with no tape back-ups. That alone is is impeachment material but none of you people who claim to distrust the government gave a fuck.

In that case I am sure you support the impeachment of Obama and the criminal prosecution of Lois Lerner since that is here and now. Did I get that right?
Losing emails is not the issue. It's not merely lost emails. It's lost emails concerning the government's targeting of particular Americans to affect the outcome of the election.
Losing emails is not the issue. It's not merely lost emails. It's lost emails concerning the government's targeting of particular Americans to affect the outcome of the election.

you have to understand the progressives dont see a problem with this...Fascism is something they actually like they just dont like to truthfully name it.
We all know that corruption has happened in the past with all of the administrations in the different Departments of our Government.

This one is different because it involves all of us and the IRS.
This Department needed to stay neutral of any sides in any types of opinions.
When you have any employees taking political sides that destroys the trust of the people.
Now they are going to expand into our Health Care.
Do you all want an agency that is no longer neutral in it's judgments whether they are for or against you, in your taxes or in your health care?
This agency can take you money, freeze you assists and put you in jail
This is a very scary thing folks.
It involves us not just the people who work in the different departments.
The creditability of the Department has been broken.

Even if there were direct emails linking the KIng Bammy to the targeting you would not care, would you?

You'd support him in it.
LMFAO OMG.. Be specific liar.. Which ones when ALL 22 MILLION were recovered.. you eggheads never know when to stop.. You get your asses owned and you keep farting out shit..

Since you do not remember I will remind you, it came to light that the vice president's office had been using email on the RNC servers to avoid the public records requirement to archive and eventually make public all official correspondence. Of course by the time congressional investigators found out the emails were long deleted and the servers themselves destroyed with no tape back-ups. That alone is is impeachment material but none of you people who claim to distrust the government gave a fuck.

In that case I am sure you support the impeachment of Obama and the criminal prosecution of Lois Lerner since that is here and now. Did I get that right?

What has Lois Lerner got to do with Obama?
Criminality in a Department does not mean the WH had anything to do with it.
Obama and Jay Carney were the ones who put the WH into this.
Both of them should have kept their opinions to themselves and should have answered the press with- "This in an investigation and we remain neutral about this issue until the investigations have been completed".
Instead Obama and Carney added the WH into it and then blamed the Republicans for doing it.
Since you do not remember I will remind you, it came to light that the vice president's office had been using email on the RNC servers to avoid the public records requirement to archive and eventually make public all official correspondence. Of course by the time congressional investigators found out the emails were long deleted and the servers themselves destroyed with no tape back-ups. That alone is is impeachment material but none of you people who claim to distrust the government gave a fuck.

In that case I am sure you support the impeachment of Obama and the criminal prosecution of Lois Lerner since that is here and now. Did I get that right?

What has Lois Lerner got to do with Obama?
Criminality in a Department does not mean the WH had anything to do with it.
Obama and Jay Carney were the ones who put the WH into this.
Both of them should have kept their opinions to themselves and should have answered the press with- "This in an investigation and we remain neutral about this issue until the investigations have been completed".
Instead Obama and Carney added the WH into it and then blamed the Republicans for doing it.


Lois Lerner worked for obama; that what she has to do with obama
criminality in this department DOES indicate the White House had something to do with it; they report to the President
why do you think obama and carney said what they said?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.


It puts a spotlight on how partisan these investigation truly are.

The Bush Administration LOST 22 Million emails from it's WHITE HOUSE server.

They used private emails to conduct government business.

They allowed the CIA to destroy video tapes of torture.

THAT was okay by Republicans.

Who uttered nary a peep when that was all done.

NOW? After providing Issa with close to a MILLION documents, the IRS (NOT THE WHITE HOUSE), estimate some 22,000 (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MILLION) emails are lost.


So are you suggesting the Democrats are OK in "losing" emails? I'm not really following you here. Shouldn't it be the opposite? SHouldn't Democrats demonstrate their rejection of failed GOP policies are produce emails and other docs in a full and forthright manner?

Hypocrisy and double talk is all they are about. Not to mention the information they use to accuse Booooooosh is either exaggerated, untrue or in no way relevant to the case here.

It is sort of like the numbers of people that died by terror attacks over seas during the Boooooosh administration and comparing that to the Benghazi debacle. They actually list things that happened and by doing that they effectively show how they have no understanding of the overall point.

Then again, even if they did know what the point is (Obama lying to everyone for political expediency and most likely follows Axelrod's lead) they would not care. They will call names.....chant something about Cheney, or Halliburton or both.

You can have a more enlightening conversation talking to a wall. They are losers and the scourge and true human liberty everywhere around the world.
In that case I am sure you support the impeachment of Obama and the criminal prosecution of Lois Lerner since that is here and now. Did I get that right?

What has Lois Lerner got to do with Obama?
Criminality in a Department does not mean the WH had anything to do with it.
Obama and Jay Carney were the ones who put the WH into this.
Both of them should have kept their opinions to themselves and should have answered the press with- "This in an investigation and we remain neutral about this issue until the investigations have been completed".
Instead Obama and Carney added the WH into it and then blamed the Republicans for doing it.[/QUOTE


Lois Lerner worked for obama; that what she has to do with obama
criminality in this department DOES indicate the White House had something to do with it; they report to the President
why do you think obama and carney said what they said?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Until something is found that the WH controlled Lois Lerner's very biased opinions nothing will come of it.
You can have very biased employees and be the boss of them and not be involved with their very biased opinions.
So far everything points to Lois Lerner's corrupt biased opinions on this matter.
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Not to mention destruction of evidence. Not a peep.

2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The CIA interrogation tapes destruction occurred on November 9, 2005.[1] The videotapes were made by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during interrogations of Al-Qaeda suspects Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in 2002 at a CIA black site prison in Thailand.[2] 90 tapes were made of Zubaydah and 2 of al-Nashiri. Twelve tapes depict interrogations using torture.[3] The tapes and their destruction became public knowledge in December 2007.[4] A criminal investigation by a Department of Justice special prosecutor decided in 2010 to not file any criminal charges related to destroying the videotapes
"Bush did it too..........................'

need any more evidence the left-wing nutjobs still slavishly defending obama's criminality are morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt?

I also heard a rumor Washington cut a cherry tree down. You know since we are discussing other presidents to hide Obama's lies.

That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

simply hilarious coming from left-wing nutjobs that say "so what" regarding THEIR OWN SCANDALS;

AND use the "BUSH DID IT TOO" excuse on top of that

so you are corrupt on a whole higher level idiot; you have your own scandlas you cant even begin to blame on bush (IRS, BENGHAZI...ECT)

and other scandals you try to pin on bush ( Fast N Furious, obamaphoners, record welfare and food stamps)

libs are losers who lie to themselves

That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

Booooooosh Boooooooosh Boooooosh

The fall back for everything of their disaster of a president.

Maybe you did not read it, but it has been proven conclusively that the OP claims are a lie.

Now, what are your comments about that?

Hey, does it piss you off that all of the claims you and your types made about Bush, Cheney and Halliburton were also flat out lies?

Oh, what were you saying about the "so what" comment?


That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

Booooooosh Boooooooosh Boooooosh

The fall back for everything of their disaster of a president.

Maybe you did not read it, but it has been proven conclusively that the OP claims are a lie.

Now, what are your comments about that?

Well with all the proof you just presented how could I not see your point. Womp Womp!

Hey, does it piss you off that all of the claims you and your types made about Bush, Cheney and Halliburton were also flat out lies?

Wow...all that evidence made me forget all about 6 years ago. Links galore. *Fog Horn*

Oh, what were you saying about the "so what" comment?

I said That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

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