Emails lost during the Bush administration.

no leftard; you only PRETEND you expect better

every whine about Bush is a left-wing idiot crying he's inept and incompetent

When you compare your actions to Bush, you are not exactly setting the bar too high

I mean Bush celebrated torture.....Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to him?

When did he celebrate torture? (This should be good)

Bush Openly Confesses Torture Authorization, No Prosecutions for CIA Tape Destruction: Why We Care and Why Bush Should Worry | Center for Constitutional Rights

In his recently released memoir Decision Points, George W. Bush admitted that he enthusiastically authorized that certain detainees be waterboarded – or tortured, a crime under domestic and international law. When asked if he would authorize the torture of one detainee, former U.S. president Bush declared “Damn right!” The release of Bush’s memoir coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges for the destruction of CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.
When you compare your actions to Bush, you are not exactly setting the bar too high

I mean Bush celebrated torture.....Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to him?

When did he celebrate torture? (This should be good)

Bush Openly Confesses Torture Authorization, No Prosecutions for CIA Tape Destruction: Why We Care and Why Bush Should Worry | Center for Constitutional Rights

In his recently released memoir Decision Points, George W. Bush admitted that he enthusiastically authorized that certain detainees be waterboarded – or tortured, a crime under domestic and international law. When asked if he would authorize the torture of one detainee, former U.S. president Bush declared “Damn right!” The release of Bush’s memoir coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges for the destruction of CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.

George Soros-funded left-wing clap-trap

you're an idiot

boring loser
paid to post lemming nonsense here
They let Bush get away with it and even laughed at our shocked disappointed faces. The destroying evidence tactic worked time after time and here we are with the shoe on the other foot and all I can say is har-de-har-har in your fucking republican faces. Was protecting Dick Fucking Cheney and KKKarl Rove worth it to you at this point?

So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Why dont we stop and look at who got,and is getting screwed by these so called lost emails shall we?
Bushs so called lost emails....terrorist get screwed.
Obamas so called lost emails....America gets screwed.
So who's side are you on? No need to answer,we all know.
no leftard; you only PRETEND you expect better

every whine about Bush is a left-wing idiot crying he's inept and incompetent

When you compare your actions to Bush, you are not exactly setting the bar too high

I mean Bush celebrated torture.....Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to him?

if you're referring to waterboarding; that wasnt; never was, regarded as torture; idiot

oh and you nutjobs celebrate failure; call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

and it is you left-wing losers that keep using the "bush did it too" excuse for your failures

go whine to your buddies

Hey rightwinger......

Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Well wouldn't you think (in the exact words of Obama..“This is the most transparent administration in history,”)
Obama says his is ?most transparent administration' ever | TheHill
this administration would have learned from the Bush experiences?

At least Bush wasn't a hypocrite by stating "most transparent" and then as Obama hiding the emails regarding IRS harassment of political opponents!
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Why dont we stop and look at who got,and is getting screwed by these so called lost emails shall we?
Bushs so called lost emails....terrorist get screwed.
Obamas so called lost emails....America gets screwed.
So who's side are you on? No need to answer,we all know.

People with brown skin who hate white right wingers. That is the side they are on.

I hope you do not think that is an exaggeration.
When you compare your actions to Bush, you are not exactly setting the bar too high

I mean Bush celebrated torture.....Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to him?

Now we have a leftist hack interjecting torture in to a thread about missing emails.. LMFAO

You fucking loons are soo typical and too easy to best.. Honest to God..Pathetic

So George Bush lost some emails....Well Boo fucking hoo

Bush engaged in torture, gave up the worst terrorist attack in history, lied to invade Iraq, stood by and did nothing after Katrina, led us to the worst economic collapse in 75 years

And these stupid board liberals whine about a couple of emails?

We all know he didn't lie now.. the truth came out about the WMD's.. Most of us with common sense knew all along there were WMD's there and most had been moved in to Syria.. as to the emails, they have all been recovered and were over A NON ISSUE that BUBBA CLINTON himself did.. except he fired 93 US Attorneys who serve at the pleasure of the President.. You Zombie freaks tried to make a big deal of something your boy Bubba did and it backfired, as usual..

You rats can run, but you can't hide.. The truth is unfolding before our eyes and it implicates a lot of your powerful Democrat Senators.. My guess is it goes all the way to Eric Holders office, possibly beyond.. NOTHING you rant about, that took place almost a decade ago will stop this train wreck.
They let Bush get away with it and even laughed at our shocked disappointed faces. The destroying evidence tactic worked time after time and here we are with the shoe on the other foot and all I can say is har-de-har-har in your fucking republican faces. Was protecting Dick Fucking Cheney and KKKarl Rove worth it to you at this point?

So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.


It puts a spotlight on how partisan these investigation truly are.

The Bush Administration LOST 22 Million emails from it's WHITE HOUSE server.

They used private emails to conduct government business.

They allowed the CIA to destroy video tapes of torture.

THAT was okay by Republicans.

Who uttered nary a peep when that was all done.

NOW? After providing Issa with close to a MILLION documents, the IRS (NOT THE WHITE HOUSE), estimate some 22,000 (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MILLION) emails are lost.


Blaming Bush is not an affirmative defense to the obama regime's criminal conduct.
Blaming Bush is not an affirmative defense to the obama regime's criminal conduct.

It's comical though.. I am so loving watch the rats scramble and try to throw anything against a wall to see if it will stick.. First Sallow claimed those emails were lost, never recovered.. He had to eat crow in this thread for his lies.. They're desperate. If this were a Republican or Libertarian Administration and they used the full power of the Federal Branch to influence an election, destroy people's lives, I'd want fucking heads to roll..but you don't EVER see that in the Leftist Zombie Kooks.
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Why dont we stop and look at who got,and is getting screwed by these so called lost emails shall we?
Bushs so called lost emails....terrorist get screwed.
Obamas so called lost emails....America gets screwed.
So who's side are you on? No need to answer,we all know.

People with brown skin who hate white right wingers. That is the side they are on.

I hope you do not think that is an exaggeration.

Not in the least.
I for one have had it with this crooked admin. When you lie and cheat to get elected and subvert the Constitution you should expect to get whats coming to you.
How that payback is brought about is yet to be determined.
Fuck you obama and all your subversive supporters!!!
They let Bush get away with it and even laughed at our shocked disappointed faces. The destroying evidence tactic worked time after time and here we are with the shoe on the other foot and all I can say is har-de-har-har in your fucking republican faces. Was protecting Dick Fucking Cheney and KKKarl Rove worth it to you at this point?

So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.


It puts a spotlight on how partisan these investigation truly are.

The Bush Administration LOST 22 Million emails from it's WHITE HOUSE server.

They used private emails to conduct government business.

They allowed the CIA to destroy video tapes of torture.

THAT was okay by Republicans.

Who uttered nary a peep when that was all done.

NOW? After providing Issa with close to a MILLION documents, the IRS (NOT THE WHITE HOUSE), estimate some 22,000 (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MILLION) emails are lost.



Terrorist supporter.
Yesterday we learned that only 36% of Americans support this corrupt Administration. You can count the idiot Sallow as one of the Obama Zombies who doesn't give a damn about the truth.. Circle the wagons and throw out shit from years, almost a decade ago. 8 US Attorneys were dismissed which happens under EVERY SINGLE NEW ADMINISTRATION and serve at the President's pleasure.. Liberals tried to turn it in to a scandal, just like Bush lied thousands died which we all know now was a big fucking lie by liberals as well.. It's a pattern we see .. Is it any wonder these liars elect the biggest liar that's ever served as President???

The operative word being "new". Presidents do that at the beginning of every term. Not in the middle of a term. And it was because the attorney's had too much integrity to go after opponents simply because they are opponents that they were replaced with Bible School Graduates.

I'm sick of you talking without a clue. You are ignorant. That scandal wasn't all that long ago. What are you? About 15 or 16?

What is it with these Republicans? When you point out real scandals that happened under Bush and the Republicans, they go "BOOOOOOOSH" as if that absolves the scandal.

Iraq was a scandal.

American soldiers dying from electrocution in substandard dwellings was a scandal.

Old and rusty equipment was a scandal.

Moldy hospitals

9 billion in cash thrown away

three quarters of the Christian population being killed or chased from their homeland

women being forced into Burkas

the looting of museums and government buildings




And why weren't any investigated? Because Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency. This is why the GOP is a scummy party. And look at these USMB Republicans. "BOOOOOSH". They are worse than al Qaeda. They caused more damage.
When you compare your actions to Bush, you are not exactly setting the bar too high

I mean Bush celebrated torture.....Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to him?

When did he celebrate torture? (This should be good)

Bush Openly Confesses Torture Authorization, No Prosecutions for CIA Tape Destruction: Why We Care and Why Bush Should Worry | Center for Constitutional Rights

In his recently released memoir Decision Points, George W. Bush admitted that he enthusiastically authorized that certain detainees be waterboarded – or tortured, a crime under domestic and international law. When asked if he would authorize the torture of one detainee, former U.S. president Bush declared “Damn right!” The release of Bush’s memoir coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges for the destruction of CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.

Then go prosecute him, grill him and find out what happened to all of those emails.

Now let's deal with Obama and his IRS mess shall we?
Now we have a leftist hack interjecting torture in to a thread about missing emails.. LMFAO

You fucking loons are soo typical and too easy to best.. Honest to God..Pathetic

So George Bush lost some emails....Well Boo fucking hoo

Bush engaged in torture, gave up the worst terrorist attack in history, lied to invade Iraq, stood by and did nothing after Katrina, led us to the worst economic collapse in 75 years

And these stupid board liberals whine about a couple of emails?

We all know he didn't lie now.. the truth came out about the WMD's.. Most of us with common sense knew all along there were WMD's there and most had been moved in to Syria.. as to the emails, they have all been recovered and were over A NON ISSUE that BUBBA CLINTON himself did.. except he fired 93 US Attorneys who serve at the pleasure of the President.. You Zombie freaks tried to make a big deal of something your boy Bubba did and it backfired, as usual..

You rats can run, but you can't hide.. The truth is unfolding before our eyes and it implicates a lot of your powerful Democrat Senators.. My guess is it goes all the way to Eric Holders office, possibly beyond.. NOTHING you rant about, that took place almost a decade ago will stop this train wreck.

Liberals are so freak'n stupid with their constant whimpering of ....Boosh did it too!

Big fucking deal. Of course Bush did it. We didn't expect better of Bush.

When you are talking about a president who celebrates torture, invaded a country because....They are going to give nukes to terrorists and trashed a strong economy

You don't expect him to keep track of a couple of emails
So that makes destroying emails and tampering with evidence OK now? I'm not sure I get your point here.


It puts a spotlight on how partisan these investigation truly are.

The Bush Administration LOST 22 Million emails from it's WHITE HOUSE server.

They used private emails to conduct government business.

They allowed the CIA to destroy video tapes of torture.

THAT was okay by Republicans.

Who uttered nary a peep when that was all done.

NOW? After providing Issa with close to a MILLION documents, the IRS (NOT THE WHITE HOUSE), estimate some 22,000 (NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A MILLION) emails are lost.



Terrorist supporter.

I know you are but what am I?
When did he celebrate torture? (This should be good)

Bush Openly Confesses Torture Authorization, No Prosecutions for CIA Tape Destruction: Why We Care and Why Bush Should Worry | Center for Constitutional Rights

In his recently released memoir Decision Points, George W. Bush admitted that he enthusiastically authorized that certain detainees be waterboarded – or tortured, a crime under domestic and international law. When asked if he would authorize the torture of one detainee, former U.S. president Bush declared “Damn right!” The release of Bush’s memoir coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges for the destruction of CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.

Then go prosecute him, grill him and find out what happened to all of those emails.

Now let's deal with Obama and his IRS mess shall we?

Emails were's a fucking lie

From HuffPo:
Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered
According to liberal logic if bush did it, bush was the worst president ever.

The real fact is both presidents may have lied kept secrets and destroyed evidence so both are equally deceptive. Meaning Obama is just as crappy a President as Bush according to liberal logic.

Thanks for pointing that out sallow face. :dig:

You just made a great case for Obama being the worst president ever.
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