Emails lost during the Bush administration.

Ohhhh what a tangled web we weave.. As usual, the same suspects who have ZERO integrity come on to public forums and LIE.. ANYTHING in order to create a diversion.


Lie about what?

The Bush White House admitted to:

1. Losing 22 Million Emails from WHITE HOUSE email servers.
2. Using private accounts.

What lie?
Brought this up the other day, seems it went down the conservative memory hole and was lost forever.
As we get deeper in to the missing email story, we learn that the recovered emails also include 33 DAYS OF MISSING OBAMA ADMINISTRATION EMAILS..


Stanzel, the former White House spokesman, said that the 94 days of e-mails to be recovered from back-up tapes consist of 61 calendar days already planned in the Bush era and an additional 33 days of recovery that the Obama White House have agreed to recover as part of the settlement of the court case.
As far as I'm concerned- throw Dumbya in a prison if you find he did something wrong/ illegal.. Unlike you LIAR LIBERALS, Conservatives don't want corrupt criminals serving this nation.

Congrats.. you just had your ASS handed to you..
Where did Sallow go??????? They found those 22 million emails. They didn't just disappear.. You and your kook Squad were having such a great meltdown over these supposed missing emails.. ROFLMAO

Tell your DNC puppetmasters they need to do a better job at sourcing your lies..
As far as I'm concerned- throw Dumbya in a prison if you find he did something wrong/ illegal.. Unlike you LIAR LIBERALS, Conservatives don't want corrupt criminals serving this nation.

Congrats.. you just had your ASS handed to you..

Can we get a conservative in here that remembers further back than 5 years ago? This one is broken.
As far as I'm concerned- throw Dumbya in a prison if you find he did something wrong/ illegal.. Unlike you LIAR LIBERALS, Conservatives don't want corrupt criminals serving this nation.

Congrats.. you just had your ASS handed to you..

Can we get a conservative in here that remembers further back than 5 years ago? This one is broken.

What's wrong WALL STREET SHITTER?? Got your ass exposed.. you and Sallow as LIARS..
Bush does not count because it has already been established that he is morally corrupt
As far as I'm concerned- throw Dumbya in a prison if you find he did something wrong/ illegal.. Unlike you LIAR LIBERALS, Conservatives don't want corrupt criminals serving this nation.

Congrats.. you just had your ASS handed to you..

Can we get a conservative in here that remembers further back than 5 years ago? This one is broken.

What's wrong WALL STREET SHITTER?? Got your ass exposed.. you and Sallow as LIARS..

The only thing that got exposed here is your short faulty memory and poor search skills.
ROFLMAO It's all in this thread.. The missing emails that were found- HUFFINGTON POST ARTICLE.. but there you go again.. Just can't help yourself with lying, can you? Come on.. keep it coming.. Froth at the mouth more lies.. we're waiting.

Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered

The ones we really wanted, the ones from the RNC servers will never be found. Keep spinning, maybe you will accidentally hit on something of substance.
ROFLMAO It's all in this thread.. The missing emails that were found- HUFFINGTON POST ARTICLE.. but there you go again.. Just can't help yourself with lying, can you? Come on.. keep it coming.. Froth at the mouth more lies.. we're waiting.

Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered

The ones we really wanted, the ones from the RNC servers will never be found. Keep spinning, maybe you will accidentally hit on something of substance.

LMFAO OMG.. Be specific liar.. Which ones when ALL 22 MILLION were recovered.. you eggheads never know when to stop.. You get your asses owned and you keep farting out shit..
"Bush did it too..........................'

need any more evidence the left-wing nutjobs still slavishly defending obama's criminality are morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt?
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Don't forget FDRs emails where he hid the attack on Pearl Harbor...which led to Truman's use of atomic weapons and incinerated small boys and girls....oh the horror!!!!
ROFLMAO It's all in this thread.. The missing emails that were found- HUFFINGTON POST ARTICLE.. but there you go again.. Just can't help yourself with lying, can you? Come on.. keep it coming.. Froth at the mouth more lies.. we're waiting.

Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered

The ones we really wanted, the ones from the RNC servers will never be found. Keep spinning, maybe you will accidentally hit on something of substance.

LMFAO OMG.. Be specific liar.. Which ones when ALL 22 MILLION were recovered.. you eggheads never know when to stop.. You get your asses owned and you keep farting out shit..

Since you do not remember I will remind you, it came to light that the vice president's office had been using email on the RNC servers to avoid the public records requirement to archive and eventually make public all official correspondence. Of course by the time congressional investigators found out the emails were long deleted and the servers themselves destroyed with no tape back-ups. That alone is is impeachment material but none of you people who claim to distrust the government gave a fuck.

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