Emails lost during the Bush administration.

That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

Booooooosh Boooooooosh Boooooosh

The fall back for everything of their disaster of a president.

Maybe you did not read it, but it has been proven conclusively that the OP claims are a lie.

Now, what are your comments about that?

Well with all the proof you just presented how could I not see your point. Womp Womp!

Hey, does it piss you off that all of the claims you and your types made about Bush, Cheney and Halliburton were also flat out lies?

Wow...all that evidence made me forget all about 6 years ago. Links galore. *Fog Horn*

Oh, what were you saying about the "so what" comment?

I said That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

The old far left stance!

Liar, Liar pants on fire!

WOW! Just goes to show that the far left has not grown up, just that they grew old.
I thought the White House didn't have anything to do with the IRS scandal?
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

EPSTEIN: Let me just finish the point. During the Bush administration, the Valerie Plame investigation, a contributor on this network came on to concede that 5 million emails may have been lost by the White House during the course of the U.S. attorney investigation, e-mails were misplaced, during the course of the torture memo investigation e-mails were lost. This isn't the first time this has happened. I think the question is, and the question for Cleta, is there any demonstration of any bad faith here? All of the administration ...

Dem Strategist on IRS Emails: Bush Admin Lost Emails All The Time | Video | RealClearPolitics

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007, during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost or deleted.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove lost emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted.[5]
Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Not to mention destruction of evidence. Not a peep.

2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The CIA interrogation tapes destruction occurred on November 9, 2005.[1] The videotapes were made by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during interrogations of Al-Qaeda suspects Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in 2002 at a CIA black site prison in Thailand.[2] 90 tapes were made of Zubaydah and 2 of al-Nashiri. Twelve tapes depict interrogations using torture.[3] The tapes and their destruction became public knowledge in December 2007.[4] A criminal investigation by a Department of Justice special prosecutor decided in 2010 to not file any criminal charges related to destroying the videotapes

Nice that you care so much for terrorist but dont give a flying fuck about Americans.
Personally? They can torture as many terrorist as it takes to get the info needed. And I dont care how they go about it.
I am more concerned about the IRS being used as a political weapon against America myself.
Here's the real question: Why can't you liberals act 1/100th as outraged that the IRS is blatantly breaking the laws and targeting private citizens for political reasons? This thread has implicated that the White House is involved somehow.

BTW, those lost Bush emails were recovered in 2007.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said the Bush administration had been dismissive of congressional requests that the administration recover the e-mails. Leahy said it was "another example of the Bush administration's reflexive resistance to congressional oversight and the public's right to know."

That sounds quaint compared to the disgust and disrespect this administration has shown congress.
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Not to mention destruction of evidence. Not a peep.

2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The CIA interrogation tapes destruction occurred on November 9, 2005.[1] The videotapes were made by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during interrogations of Al-Qaeda suspects Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in 2002 at a CIA black site prison in Thailand.[2] 90 tapes were made of Zubaydah and 2 of al-Nashiri. Twelve tapes depict interrogations using torture.[3] The tapes and their destruction became public knowledge in December 2007.[4] A criminal investigation by a Department of Justice special prosecutor decided in 2010 to not file any criminal charges related to destroying the videotapes

Nice that you care so much for terrorist but dont give a flying fuck about Americans.
Personally? They can torture as many terrorist as it takes to get the info needed. And I dont care how they go about it.
I am more concerned about the IRS being used as a political weapon against America myself.

The subject is the destruction of evidence. Or rather lack of outrage about that. The GOP should call the NSA and ask for a copy of the emails. :D
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.
Here's the real question: Why can't you liberals act 1/100th as outraged that the IRS is blatantly breaking the laws and targeting private citizens for political reasons? This thread has implicated that the White House is involved somehow.

BTW, those lost Bush emails were recovered in 2007.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said the Bush administration had been dismissive of congressional requests that the administration recover the e-mails. Leahy said it was "another example of the Bush administration's reflexive resistance to congressional oversight and the public's right to know."Bush E-mails Found: 22 Million Missing E-mails From George W. Bush White House Recovered

That sounds quaint compared to the disgust and disrespect this administration has shown congress.

They do not care cause they want the IRS to target Tea Party people and white right wingers.

That is not what they are telling you.

Inside and not so deep down, they are smiling and saying...."good for the IRS!"

That is why.

The more important question is this. Is the Obama administration and that Chicago political machine putting it out on purpose that they are targeting right wing donors cause they know nothing will come of it legally, and the more important issue is they want right donors to know they are being targeted and there is nothing they can do about it?

Try to understand that. The Obama chicago slimebags have gotten away with everything and their pathetic know it all sheep could not care less. So, since they know nothing is going to happen, the real goal is to cut off funding from donors to conservative groups and they are illegally using a useless institution like the IRS as a type of gestapo to gain power.

All to the delight of the sheep on the left. It is pathetic and we are living through the disintegration of the country that has been going on for 50 years. We are the witnesses to 50 years of left wing education and the communists that have absolutely infiltrated the highest offices in our land.

They all love it that the IRS is targeting conservative groups and don't think for one second that they are not cheering out loud about it.
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Yes, and it was front page news. Can't find the IRS scandal unless you dig really hard. Liberal media bias.

"It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives' process for releasing presidential and agency records. Presidential records of the Bush administration won't be available until 2014 at the earliest."

That is beside the point, this is the IRS. How is Bush being used to justify the IRS targeting political opponents of the president during an election year? Supposedly Obama has nothing to do with it.

I'm curious do you believe that this really is a phony scandal? That there is no evidence that the law was broken?

[ame=]Trey Gowdy Grills IRS Commissioner Koskinen - YouTube[/ame]
Booooooosh Boooooooosh Boooooosh

The fall back for everything of their disaster of a president.

Maybe you did not read it, but it has been proven conclusively that the OP claims are a lie.

Now, what are your comments about that?

Well with all the proof you just presented how could I not see your point. Womp Womp!

Wow...all that evidence made me forget all about 6 years ago. Links galore. *Fog Horn*

Oh, what were you saying about the "so what" comment?

I said That should be the name of the chapter concerning Republicans thoughts on the entire Bush Admin

The old far left stance!

Liar, Liar pants on fire!

WOW! Just goes to show that the far left has not grown up, just that they grew old.

Look at that! He just keeps bringing more links and evidence, how could I not believe this guy?

Let me guess, its already been proven somewhere and you want to encourage me to go find it wherever that may be because you're too tired to link up? right? Right? Give me that obligatory "I'm not finding it for you" I know you can do it. :D
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.
Yes, and it was front page news. Can't find the IRS scandal unless you dig really hard. Liberal media bias.

This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.


Meaning since YOU think they are breaking the law it would be ok IF it were found that Obama WAS involved in this, right?
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.'s time for ALL Americans to stand up and say NO MORE!!! I dont care what side of the aisle you identify with,this polarizing political gamesmanship has to stop or we are doomed as a country.
What the hell happened to right and wrong? It wasn't that long ago that all Americans would have been outraged at the behavior we are seeing in washington...from both parties.
All they're doing at this point is taking turns screwing us.
Liberals destroyed in this thread. I have rarely seen an utter ass kicking like this. Wait, I see it every day.

Now, watch the hurt liberals claim there is no debate and I am being childish.

Meanwhile, all that has been established in this thread is the liberals are liars, they are hypocrites, and they are losers. Then again that is established in every thread. The good ones are the ones where the liberals are owned in the threads they start.

It is funny watching them like each other for all of their totally and completely invalid points too. It is hilarious actually.

I would suggest to liberals that they should not start anymore threads. They will not listen, cause they are blinded by their moronic arrogance.
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