Embalmers are reporting unusual ‘fibrous’ clots


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Today Corona criminals and their supporters said sorry guys, we were wrong, let us make peace.....
Millions have already died, billions will come
German Nazis, even the smallest ones have been persecuted for indefinite time
Therefore anyone who was/is involved in the biggest genocide of the human history must be punished for committed crimes
Otherwise humanity will face new genocides tomorrow

Richard Hirschman, a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Alabama, said he’s been seeing the clots since May 2021. He’s been in the profession since 2001.
He told The Counter Signal he “absolutely” thinks it’s related to the COVID-19 vaccine and maybe the novel coronavirus. Since first discovering the clots over a year ago, he now reports seeing them in bodies he treats 50-70% of the time.
Hirschman sent the clots to a lab, which determined they were low in iron, potassium and zinc, suggesting that the clots formed from something other than blood.
Embalming refers to preserving human remains by treating them with chemicals to forestall decomposition.
In an interview with Frontline Health, Hirschman said he’d seen clots before, but “the stuff coming out” of corpses he’s treating is not normal.
“I know what blood looks like,” he said.
It’s not normal blood. Something about the blood has changed.”

He said there was an increase in clotting during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it wasn’t until after the vaccine rollout that the “really unusual fibrous structures started appearing.”
An AFP fact check said Hirshmans’ claims are “baseless.” Experts who spoke to AFP said, “there is no data connecting the anecdotal observation to the shots.”
But other embalmers are speaking out.
Expert embalmer Wallace Hooker told The Epoch Times he thinks the vaccines could have something to do with the clots. He sees about 300 bodies per year.
“At least 25 percent of what I was embalming would display a significant amount of clotting,” he told The Epoch Times.
Licensed Missouri funeral director Anna Foster said she started seeing more frequent and larger clots after the COVID pandemic.

“I often sit with the families to make the arrangements. Families tend to tell us about the lead-up to the individual’s death, and knowing I embalmed the person the night before led me to keep track of these cases,” she told The Epoch Times.’

“In the beginning, none had ever been diagnosed with COVID, but they had all been vaccinated. Later, a couple had had COVID but not recently, and they were also vaccinated.”
The European Medicines Agency listed blood clots as a “very rare” side effect of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines.

Health Canada also lists “blood clots with low platelets” among the “rare reactions that have been reported” after two shots of the vaccine.

Is it like the Kurt Russell movie "The Thing", where they stick a hot piece of metal into a petri dish of blood and the blood jumps out of the dish?
Today Corona criminals and their supporters said sorry guys, we were wrong, let us make peace.....
Millions have already died, billions will come
German Nazis, even the smallest ones have been persecuted for indefinite time
Therefore anyone who was/is involved in the biggest genocide of the human history must be punished for committed crimes
Otherwise humanity will face new genocides tomorrow

Richard Hirschman, a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Alabama, said he’s been seeing the clots since May 2021. He’s been in the profession since 2001.
He told The Counter Signal he “absolutely” thinks it’s related to the COVID-19 vaccine and maybe the novel coronavirus. Since first discovering the clots over a year ago, he now reports seeing them in bodies he treats 50-70% of the time.
Hirschman sent the clots to a lab, which determined they were low in iron, potassium and zinc, suggesting that the clots formed from something other than blood.
Embalming refers to preserving human remains by treating them with chemicals to forestall decomposition.
In an interview with Frontline Health, Hirschman said he’d seen clots before, but “the stuff coming out” of corpses he’s treating is not normal.
“I know what blood looks like,” he said.
It’s not normal blood. Something about the blood has changed.”

He said there was an increase in clotting during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it wasn’t until after the vaccine rollout that the “really unusual fibrous structures started appearing.”
An AFP fact check said Hirshmans’ claims are “baseless.” Experts who spoke to AFP said, “there is no data connecting the anecdotal observation to the shots.”
But other embalmers are speaking out.
Expert embalmer Wallace Hooker told The Epoch Times he thinks the vaccines could have something to do with the clots. He sees about 300 bodies per year.
“At least 25 percent of what I was embalming would display a significant amount of clotting,” he told The Epoch Times.
Licensed Missouri funeral director Anna Foster said she started seeing more frequent and larger clots after the COVID pandemic.

“I often sit with the families to make the arrangements. Families tend to tell us about the lead-up to the individual’s death, and knowing I embalmed the person the night before led me to keep track of these cases,” she told The Epoch Times.’

“In the beginning, none had ever been diagnosed with COVID, but they had all been vaccinated. Later, a couple had had COVID but not recently, and they were also vaccinated.”
The European Medicines Agency listed blood clots as a “very rare” side effect of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines.

Health Canada also lists “blood clots with low platelets” among the “rare reactions that have been reported” after two shots of the vaccine.

What a lazy effort
Is it like the Kurt Russell movie "The Thing", where they stick a hot piece of metal into a petri dish of blood and the blood jumps out of the dish?

Peoples are dying in droves, MS presstitutes hide the problem
Most of scientists warn that anyone who received a mRNA 'jab' dies within 3 - 5 years
The changed blood is just a side effect, the most harmless is a gene reprogramming of human bodies
So I only have a few years to live?

So I am going to transform into something sub-human before I die? Like a werewolf?

I hope not but all existed 'conspiracy theories' about SCAMdemic CONvid-1984 have been fulfilled since January, 2020
You can say 'thank' to your presstitutes, doctor and politicians

Since 2002 mRNA 'vaccines' were being tested, all animals ( from mouse until apes ) died abnormally quick
Therefore they'd received no approval.
But suddenly CDC and another authorities worldwide allowed their usage
Result were predicted by Deagel Forecats 2025 (s.below)

We've warned through two years on USMB abot danger of the 'vaccines'
Many laughed at us
Now they're scared and ask what to do

The only advise would be to pray to God

The 2025 WORLD DEPOPULATION MAP as PROJECTED Deagel Military Experts Website HOT TOPIC


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Conspiracy theory nonsense for Americans.

Even Trump won't use this crap to reverse his claim on the vaccines being safe and effective.
Owned by NWO corporate MS whore presstutes, corrupted politicians and dirty scum 'cops' enforced the genocide
The Rest of decimated humanity must punish all of them
I just had a DR.s appointment and after I left I realized my doctor never mentioned the covid vaccine or booster....
He is a very good doctor but it surprised me that it didn't come up... He did ask if I got the flu vaccine but nothing on covid...
I just had a DR.s appointment and after I left I realized my doctor never mentioned the covid vaccine or booster....
He is a very good doctor but it surprised me that it didn't come up... He did ask if I got the flu vaccine but nothing on covid...

Any doctor knows mRNA 'vaccines' are equal to death sentence
But many of them prefer money and keep silence
Conspiracy theory nonsense for Americans.

Even Trump won't use this crap to reverse his claim on the vaccines being safe and effective.

Of course Trump knew the 'vaccine' were a bio-weapon, but he continued to woo for it even after hundred thousands had already died


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