Embracing Evil . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
As cliché as it might sound a time did exist not so long ago when even the most vitriolic, passionate debate between members of/adherents to opposing American political ideologies could be settled amicably and/or rationally either by the "combatants" themselves or the proverbial third party "cooler" heads. Back then (another cliché perhaps) no political party's platforms were all "bad" or "all" good. Both ideological sides made good points, forwarded some truly constructive suggestions to improve American life, acted as a counterweight to each other, and of course, both sides came up with some truly awful suggestions and philosophies as well.

But those "golden" days of American politics are long gone to dust and blowing in the wind in the rearview. These days, more so than ever before in American history—perhaps in all human history—we are in a very black and white good versus evil, human survival versus human extinction, civilization stands or falls type of situation. For the purposes of this thread I am referring to Human Evil—just to clarify for the rabid atheists out there.

Human Evil. One side of the American political spectrum is reveling in pure human evil to the point where all of their running platforms, ideological narratives and cultural and social reform agendas create and spread malevolence of the likes Americans have never before witnessed within the borders of their own nation. What's even more stunning, perhaps, is the fearless and ruthless confidence in the tendency of those doing this human evil spreading to do it openly and to gloat while doing it publicly.

Yes, democrats—I am pointing at you and your political party. While the modern republican party is really not much better from the top down (no, our President is not one of them, an(R), republican politicians and ideologues are more greedy and hedonistic than evil, by and large. But I digress . . .

Ah, the democratic party circa 2020AD. As rational human beings have any of you out there ever sat down and imagined, for even a few moments at some point in your lives, what hell on Earth might actually be like, whether or not you believe in hell as a physical location or a spiritual one or simply a noun meaning really bad shit happening? If you have, good for you, but if not then in order to aid your imagination simply read through even a brief (factual) list of democratic party candidate running platforms. In such a list you will read about mass child murder, thought and speech control, broad support for pandemonium in the streets, open support for looting, murdering those fellow Americans who do not agree with the democrats ideologically, and countless other top ten hits of pure evil.

My overall point? We now live in a period of American history when no rational human being can sit on the fence as an ideological or political centrist without lying to himself and everyone he knows. One is either on the side of pure evil or stands with the side of good, albeit even "good" is a gray area these days—and is far from perfect or even close to paradisiacal. Either an American citizen stands for the survival of the human race and our civilization's continued existence or kneels to and joins the harbingers and executors of the eventual end of both.

Right, so I sympathize with all who read this post and know it is truth. What a massive, heavy burden to bear—having to choose a side in the ultimate conflict of mankind. Sorry, neither refusing to choose a side nor cherry-picking ideological narratives or platforms from both counts as dodging that burden. Doing either of those is allowing the choice of sides to be made for you.

Also, I get it . . . been there myself. Being good, siding with good—it requires much more effort than kicking back and saying "whatever, dude" and siding with evil or making no choice and allowing evil to take you along for the ride, all the way to the end of the line. But I'd say siding with ultimate good is pretty damn important. Think about it, please. Do you want the human race to no longer exist? Vote democrat. Do you want American civilization to fall? Vote democrat. Sure, you vote republican and it's gonna be status quo, with the uber-rich fat cats running the show, but at least there'll be an America to live in and new human generations to carry the torch. That's code for you get to keep your smart devices.

Last but not least? Of course the self-styled "cool" internet kid democrats, moral nihilists, anarchists, atheists, communists and wannabe revolutionaries will scoff and laugh and downvote this thread. They'll all do that because they truly believe that they know better than thousands of years of historical lessons learned the hard way by prior civilizations. They believe they know better than historical cycles that repeat, better than their elders, better than their ancestors. Hell, the cool internet kids believe they are the first children, men and women to experience the rise of civilizational chaos ever in the history of mankind and are uniquely capable of dealing with it (laughs loudly). They believe that their ways of thinking, their new speech, new ideas and viral new trending fads are all actually "novel" . . . that no generation before them has ever experienced the same or similar set of circumstances. They think they're all a bunch of little gods unto themselves. I truly feel bad for them. Realization of one's own mortality and limited intellect is quite a bummer.

And that, my friends, is why they are and will side with pure evil. Oh yeah, that . . . and because Donald John Trump's got their goat. Got their goat real, real good. Baa!
Well said! Especially the part about knowing better than the thousands of years of previous civilizations!
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.

Well stated, thanks.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
I would rather have Putin as our president than Obama. He is less of a communist.
" Do you want the human race to no longer exist? Vote democrat. "

The OP is a bit of a drama queen.

In other words, you have no counter argument?

In other words...
We've had several presidents from the democratic party and the nation did great under some, good under others, and poorly on a few. Pretty much the same record as republican presidents.
" Do you want the human race to no longer exist? Vote democrat. "

The OP is a bit of a drama queen.

In other words, you have no counter argument?

In other words...
We've had several presidents from the democratic party and the nation did great under some, good under others, and poorly on a few. Pretty much the same record as republican presidents.

And some Presidents, on both sides of the aisle, have had to deal with unexpected events.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
The disagreements with Obama were nothing like what the democrats have done for 4 years to Trump NOTHING.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
The disagreements with Obama were nothing like what the democrats have done for 4 years to Trump NOTHING.
When can we expect that depression? The Stock Market climbed 149% under Obama.

The complaint was that your blob was attacked the minute he took office. You made your silly predictions on election night.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
The disagreements with Obama were nothing like what the democrats have done for 4 years to Trump NOTHING.
When can we expect that depression? The Stock Market climbed 149% under Obama.

The complaint was that your blob was attacked the minute he took office. You made your silly predictions on election night.
The left has been attacking Trump since 2015.
" Do you want the human race to no longer exist? Vote democrat. "

The OP is a bit of a drama queen.

In other words, you have no counter argument?

In other words...
We've had several presidents from the democratic party and the nation did great under some, good under others, and poorly on a few. Pretty much the same record as republican presidents.
Part of any President's tenure is the fortunate timing of his election. Economic cycles can give or take away from the success of a President. Policies though could derail a promising period of time.
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
The disagreements with Obama were nothing like what the democrats have done for 4 years to Trump NOTHING.

A witch hunt. Nothing more, nothing less.

A rabble with pitchforks.

The revenge of Hillary?
Spot on as always. It is appalling to me what the Democrats have become. I would have never imagined in my lifetime I would see an American political party literally become an entity dedicated to opening our borders, cheering our adversaries, dividing the country and attacking the President from the very MINUTE he took office.

And as you stated, there is no room anymore for fence sitters and oh so intelligent Libertarians who snicker at both sides. Nope, that won't do. The stakes are much too high this time around.
You guys were attacking Obama before he took office:

Obama will destroy the economy, he will raise taxes, he will drive the deficit even farther south and he plans to force the price of electricty, gas and all sources of energy higher to " break our dependency" on them.
You are the one that does not know anything about Obama. Get ready for that Depression.
The disagreements with Obama were nothing like what the democrats have done for 4 years to Trump NOTHING.
When can we expect that depression? The Stock Market climbed 149% under Obama.

The complaint was that your blob was attacked the minute he took office. You made your silly predictions on election night.
The left has been attacking Trump since 2015.
And how long have you hated Obama

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