Emergence Of The American Police State: Example #1


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Because I am old enough to remember a time in America when state and community police agencies wouldn't dare to forcibly break into a private residence except under the most extreme and exigent circumstances. For that reason I was stunned to learn that paramilitary style "no-knock" raids take place on average of forty thousand times a year! That's about 110 times a day!

Not only are the majority of these raids conducted for such trivial reasons as the mere suspicion of marijuana possession, a significant percentage of them are "botched," meaning they are directed at wrong addresses in which innocent persons are assaulted, humiliated, terrified and, in some cases, killed. And, incredibly, the offending police are rarely if ever held accountable for these outrageous and oppressive invasions of privacy.

Details of this disturbing development are contained in an important exposè by the highly respected Cato Institute which may be freely accessed at: http://www.cato.org/pubs/wtpapers/balko_whitepaper_2006.pdf

The following is one of many similar excerpts from this report which I intend to post here on a daily basis. Those who are interested in this menacing development are urged to follow the link to Cato and learn what is being done to American Liberty.


On May 16, 2003, a dozen New York City police officers stormed an apartment building in Harlem on a no-knock warrant. They were acting on a tip from a confidential informant who told them a convicted felon was dealing drugs and guns from the sixth floor. There was no felon. The only resident in the building was Alberta Spruill, described by friends as a "devout churchgoer."

Before entering, police deployed a flashbang grenade. The blinding, deafening explosion stunned the 57 year-old city worker. As the officers realized their mistake and helped Spruill to her feet the woman slipped into cardiac arrest. She died two hours later.

A police investigation would later find that the drug dealer the raid team was looking for had been arrested days earlier and was still in police custody. He couldn't possibly have been at Spruill's apartment. The officers who conducted the raid did no investigation whatsoever to corroborate the informant's tip. Worse, a police source later told the New York Daily News that the informant had offered police tips on several occasions, none of which had led to an arrest. His record was so poor, in fact, he was due to be dropped from the City's informant list. Nevertheless, police took his tip about the ex-con in Spruill's building to the Manhattan District Attorney's office, which approved the application for a no-knock entry. A judge then issued the warrant resulting in Spruill's death. The entire process took only a matter of hours.
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I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.
I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.
So am I. But I don't think either of us are old enough to remember when another American saw fit to issue this advice:

"Whoever would make his own liberty secure must guard even his most despised countryman from oppression by government, for if he ignores this sacred duty he thus establishes a precedent which someday will surely reach to himself." (Thomas Paine)

Something to think about. Don't allow what once was to obscure the importance of what is.
"These are the times that try men's souls."

The stories you reference don't necessarily exhibit the blatant, wanton usurping of liberties.
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I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.

You must be a lot older than anyone who has ever lived since crime rates are currently lower than they have ever been since the FBI first started tracking them. Either that, or you are full of shit and trying to use that shit to defend police who break into homes and kill old women.
When I was a teenager in California, a "no knock" law was passed and there was a filmed raid into a house where a man was sitting in the front room with his son and then his wife and daughter was herded from the back room where they were in bathrobes and doing their hair. The guy turned out to be some kind of politician whose address had been phoned in to the police station with an accusation of "pot smoking". Of course they had no pot. The family was terrified. Both daughter and son crying. The "no knock" law was rescinded after about a week. I'm surprised it's still happening.
When I was a teenager in California, a "no knock" law was passed and there was a filmed raid into a house where a man was sitting in the front room with his son and then his wife and daughter was herded from the back room where they were in bathrobes and doing their hair. The guy turned out to be some kind of politician whose address had been phoned in to the police station with an accusation of "pot smoking". Of course they had no pot. The family was terrified. Both daughter and son crying. The "no knock" law was rescinded after about a week. I'm surprised it's still happening.

You are surprised because you have not been paying attention. Not only do police routinely raid the wrong house, they even give each other medals for bravery for it.

Botched SWAT Raid Officers Given Medals for 'Bravery Under Fire' - ABC News
Well folks, when we keep voting in big government guys on both sides of the aisle, and the general populace keeps getting more and more dependent on the government teat in order to exist, we really can't expect anything other than more and more government control. Unfortunately, the relative percentage of Americans who are self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature and because of good character, is a shrinking percentage. I don't forsee a change for the better any time in the near future.
I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.

You must be a lot older than anyone who has ever lived since crime rates are currently lower than they have ever been since the FBI first started tracking them. Either that, or you are full of shit and trying to use that shit to defend police who break into homes and kill old women.

I hear that all the time. Crime is way down.

I just don't believe it.

If you ARE into statitistics, this might be helpful.

PR-USA.net - Law Enforcement Fatalities Rise Sharply for Second Straight Year

For the second straight year, law enforcement fatalities nationwide rose sharply with 173 federal, state and local officers killed in the line of duty during 2011, according to preliminary data compiled and released today by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF).

This represents a 13 percent increase over the 153 officers killed in 2010 and an alarming 42 percent spike when compared to the 122 officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in 2009. The primary cause of death in 2011 was gunfire, which claimed the lives of 68 officers and nearly matched the decade-long high of 69 firearms-related deaths in 2007.

Police officers get paid to RISK their lives, they don't actually get paid to die.

Police officers get paid to RISK their lives, they don't actually get paid to die.

What the cops get PAID to do is to practice extortion and repression on ordinary folk for the benefit of their Capos- the ruling class.
Strange how many of those who vocally support liberty the most supported the Partiot act and still do.
I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.

You must be a lot older than anyone who has ever lived since crime rates are currently lower than they have ever been since the FBI first started tracking them. Either that, or you are full of shit and trying to use that shit to defend police who break into homes and kill old women.

I hear that all the time. Crime is way down.

I just don't believe it.

If you ARE into statitistics, this might be helpful.

PR-USA.net - Law Enforcement Fatalities Rise Sharply for Second Straight Year

For the second straight year, law enforcement fatalities nationwide rose sharply with 173 federal, state and local officers killed in the line of duty during 2011, according to preliminary data compiled and released today by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF).

This represents a 13 percent increase over the 153 officers killed in 2010 and an alarming 42 percent spike when compared to the 122 officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in 2009. The primary cause of death in 2011 was gunfire, which claimed the lives of 68 officers and nearly matched the decade-long high of 69 firearms-related deaths in 2007.

Police officers get paid to RISK their lives, they don't actually get paid to die.

I bet you think you are being clever.

Let me see if I can put your stats into perspective.

Police are getting killed in more traffic accidents, and you want me to read this and jump to the inevitable conclusion that people are more violent. Sorry if I am not as stupid as you would like, but all this proves is cops should be driving less. One of the most interesting things a local paper discovered after red light cameras were first installed is that 10% of all violations were police officers in patrol cars. A careful check of records later proved that exactly one officer who was caught on a red light camera was actually responding to a call that justified running the light.

Cops drive like they are the only people on the raod, and they expect people to get out of their way. It should come as no surprise to anyone that they are dying in more traffic accidents than ever before.

As for the gun deaths, there is no evidence of a trend at this point. It takes years to build a statistical trend like the one you are arguing exists, come back on 3 or 4 years and we can look at the numbers then.

By the way, if police are actually paid to risk their lives, something I dispute, then they are also paid to die, simple fact.
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I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were a much more civil, law-abiding populace.
So am I. But I don't think either of us are old enough to remember when another American saw fit to issue this advice:

"Whoever would make his own liberty secure must guard even his most despised countryman from oppression by government, for if he ignores this sacred duty he thus establishes a precedent which someday will surely reach to himself." (Thomas Paine)

Something to think about. Don't allow what once was to obscure the importance of what is.

Paramilitary policing policy and actions have been growing with alarming pace over the last few decades.

Community policing is taking a back seat in many areas.

The police work for us. They need to be reigned in on some issues.
Well folks, when we keep voting in big government guys on both sides of the aisle, and the general populace keeps getting more and more dependent on the government teat in order to exist, we really can't expect anything other than more and more government control. Unfortunately, the relative percentage of Americans who are self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature and because of good character, is a shrinking percentage. I don't forsee a change for the better any time in the near future.

No one is "self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature" --- "good character" is built and nurtured.


and Big government? eye of the beholder sweetie, eye of the beholder :eusa_clap:
Well folks, when we keep voting in big government guys on both sides of the aisle, and the general populace keeps getting more and more dependent on the government teat in order to exist, we really can't expect anything other than more and more government control. Unfortunately, the relative percentage of Americans who are self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature and because of good character, is a shrinking percentage. I don't forsee a change for the better any time in the near future.

No one is "self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature" --- "good character" is built and nurtured.


and Big government? eye of the beholder sweetie, eye of the beholder :eusa_clap:

Sure they are. Those are traits that are ingrained in some of us from the time of childhood. Maybe your nature is not so responsible and law-abiding, but I assure you some of us have good character to the bone.

And yes- Big Government. When almost half the population is dependent on government for their survival and livelihood, it's Big Government any way you want to slice it.
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Well folks, when we keep voting in big government guys on both sides of the aisle, and the general populace keeps getting more and more dependent on the government teat in order to exist, we really can't expect anything other than more and more government control. Unfortunately, the relative percentage of Americans who are self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature and because of good character, is a shrinking percentage. I don't forsee a change for the better any time in the near future.

No one is "self-supporting, self-sufficient, and law-abiding by nature" --- "good character" is built and nurtured.


and Big government? eye of the beholder sweetie, eye of the beholder :eusa_clap:

Sure they are. Those are traits that are ingrained in some of us from the time of childhood. Maybe your nature is not so responsible and law-abiding, but I assure you some of us have good character to the bone.

And yes- Big Government. When almost half the population is dependent on government for their survival and livelihood, it's Big Government any way you want to slice it.


and btw, Big Government would be when everyone depended on the government for survival -- like most companies and industries do.
The process is legal and Constitutional. It requires a specific request be approved by a District Attorney and a Judge.

If locally you feel it is being abused your recourse is to vote out the District Attorney and any Judges that are elected that you feel are abusing the system.

It does NOT signify a Police State.
The process is legal and Constitutional. It requires a specific request be approved by a District Attorney and a Judge.

If locally you feel it is being abused your recourse is to vote out the District Attorney and any Judges that are elected that you feel are abusing the system.

It does NOT signify a Police State.

or vote out the politicians that nominate and judges (great states do NOT elect judges):D
The process is legal and Constitutional. It requires a specific request be approved by a District Attorney and a Judge.

If locally you feel it is being abused your recourse is to vote out the District Attorney and any Judges that are elected that you feel are abusing the system.

It does NOT signify a Police State.
First, refer back to the word, emerging.

Then visit the website I recommended and read up on the persistently increasing militarization of America's police agencies during the past three decades, which is mainly attributable to Ronald Reagan's escalation of Nixon's War on Drugs. It is very clear at this time that the apparatus of a police state is being positioned. Between the "Patriot" Act, the Homeland Security mandates, and the Pentagon pouring all this surplus military hardware into our state and local police agencies it's looking less and less like America all the time.

Something else you might want to read is, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich. In the Second Chapter you will find the term, Heimatschutzministerium, which translates in English to, Homeland Security.
The process is legal and Constitutional. It requires a specific request be approved by a District Attorney and a Judge.

If locally you feel it is being abused your recourse is to vote out the District Attorney and any Judges that are elected that you feel are abusing the system.

It does NOT signify a Police State.
First, refer back to the word, emerging.

Then visit the website I recommended and read up on the persistently increasing militarization of America's police agencies during the past three decades, which is mainly attributable to Ronald Reagan's escalation of Nixon's War on Drugs. It is very clear at this time that the apparatus of a police state is being positioned. Between the "Patriot" Act, the Homeland Security mandates, and the Pentagon pouring all this surplus military hardware into our state and local police agencies it's looking less and less like America all the time.

Something else you might want to read is, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich. In the Second Chapter you will find the term, Heimatschutzministerium, which translates in English to, Homeland Security.

Policing policies and tactics are being militarized, but they evolve/emerge that way because of politicians and budgeting...

you are both correct on many points. stop fighting and see what you have in common

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