Emerging disease on the rise as it spreads throughout the world


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The CDC knew this was coming for a lot of years and spent a small fortune on grants for pharmaceutical companies to try to come up with some new anti-biotics.....

Bacteria Resistant to ALL Drugs Shows up in Denmark
A portion of the article read more at the link;

The GWU ended its statement by saying this:

“We must act swiftly to contain the spread of colistin-resistant bacteria, or we will face increasing numbers of untreatable infections. Leaders from every nation should immediately implement a ban on the use of colistin in animal agriculture. While China appears to be the biggest user of the drug, it is approved for use in the European Union and many other countries. It also is approved for use in food animals in the U.S., but drug companies holding those approvals are not actively marketing the drugs. Drug companies with these approvals should immediately withdraw these label claims to ensure that colistin is never used in U.S. animal agriculture, otherwise our livestock production facilities could become breeding grounds for untreatable superbugs."
The CDC knew this was coming for a lot of years and spent a small fortune on grants for pharmaceutical companies to try to come up with some new anti-biotics.....

Bacteria Resistant to ALL Drugs Shows up in Denmark ...
..Drug companies with these approvals should immediately withdraw these label claims to ensure that colistin is never used in U.S. animal agriculture, otherwise our livestock production facilities could become breeding grounds for untreatable superbugs."...

Also, heroics overtreating with antibiotics for human patients with failing immune systems is contributing to superbugs. Our hospitals and private MDs are at this moment already contributing hugely to the problem. In this case it will be "the team" taking one for the individual..

...But putting our entire "herd" at risk for heroics that end in tragedy anyway sooner rather than later is a "PC-policed topic"... All freedom of speech is disallowed when discussing the human half of the equation...

vv Even Paint agrees with me this time...
PaintMyHoust: 13027754 said:
Nature was always going to correct the human population or take the place back, one way or another.
Thats not true. We could keep ahead of it. It's just one planet in a universe of nature. Why would one little planet bother us?
Nature was always going to correct the human population or take the place back, one way or another.
The diseases just keep getting worse the more that they screw with nature and pollute it.
This like this: New virus may have given kids polio-like symptoms

Weak immune systems, too many unnecessary sanitary measures, and the profound overuse of antibiotics. Humanity never fucking learns.
They learn it just is a pretty tough way to have to learn for some.
PaintMyHoust: 13027754 said:
Nature was always going to correct the human population or take the place back, one way or another.
Thats not true. We could keep ahead of it. It's just one planet in a universe of nature. Why would one little planet bother us?
It is having a puke fest at the moment from over load.
The CDC knew this was coming for a lot of years and spent a small fortune on grants for pharmaceutical companies to try to come up with some new anti-biotics.....

Bacteria Resistant to ALL Drugs Shows up in Denmark ...
..Drug companies with these approvals should immediately withdraw these label claims to ensure that colistin is never used in U.S. animal agriculture, otherwise our livestock production facilities could become breeding grounds for untreatable superbugs."...

Also, heroics overtreating with antibiotics for human patients with failing immune systems is contributing to superbugs. Our hospitals and private MDs are at this moment already contributing hugely to the problem. In this case it will be "the team" taking one for the individual..

...But putting our entire "herd" at risk for heroics that end in tragedy anyway sooner rather than later is a "PC-policed topic"... All freedom of speech is disallowed when discussing the human half of the equation...

vv Even Paint agrees with me this time...
Well having that "herd mentality" is where they have gone too far.
Well having that "herd mentality" is where they have gone too far.
No, when talking about a large group of organisms, including homo sapiens, in a clinical way with regards to disease, you absolutely MUST think in terms of livestock and herds; because the same fate awaits humans as livestock for those engaged as their herdmasters who ignore the dangers of overtreating sick herd members who cannot recover anyway in spite of treatment. They are living laboratories for the creation of superbugs....and...I might add...those superbugs most keenly suited through specific genetic mutations to to infect the rest of the homo sapiens herd specifically.
The CDC knew this was coming for a lot of years and spent a small fortune on grants for pharmaceutical companies to try to come up with some new anti-biotics.....

Bacteria Resistant to ALL Drugs Shows up in Denmark
A portion of the article read more at the link;

The GWU ended its statement by saying this:

“We must act swiftly to contain the spread of colistin-resistant bacteria, or we will face increasing numbers of untreatable infections. Leaders from every nation should immediately implement a ban on the use of colistin in animal agriculture. While China appears to be the biggest user of the drug, it is approved for use in the European Union and many other countries. It also is approved for use in food animals in the U.S., but drug companies holding those approvals are not actively marketing the drugs. Drug companies with these approvals should immediately withdraw these label claims to ensure that colistin is never used in U.S. animal agriculture, otherwise our livestock production facilities could become breeding grounds for untreatable superbugs."

This is already a problem and has been ongoing for some time now. It's a result of livestock wherein use of antibiotics in food animals has definitely made it's way into our system via ingesting meat loaded with these drugs and hence our resistance to the very tool intended for our protection. These same drugs have been showing up in sea mammals such as porpoise, so it's not an isolated issue, but rather is worldwide throughout our oceans. Not only have livestock production facilities already become breeding grounds, but humans have inadvertently built up resistance to these antibiotics leaving us vulnerable to these untreatable superbugs.
The CDC knew this was coming for a lot of years and spent a small fortune on grants for pharmaceutical companies to try to come up with some new anti-biotics.....

Bacteria Resistant to ALL Drugs Shows up in Denmark
A portion of the article read more at the link;

The GWU ended its statement by saying this:

“We must act swiftly to contain the spread of colistin-resistant bacteria, or we will face increasing numbers of untreatable infections. Leaders from every nation should immediately implement a ban on the use of colistin in animal agriculture. While China appears to be the biggest user of the drug, it is approved for use in the European Union and many other countries. It also is approved for use in food animals in the U.S., but drug companies holding those approvals are not actively marketing the drugs. Drug companies with these approvals should immediately withdraw these label claims to ensure that colistin is never used in U.S. animal agriculture, otherwise our livestock production facilities could become breeding grounds for untreatable superbugs."

This is already a problem and has been ongoing for some time now. It's a result of livestock wherein use of antibiotics in food animals has definitely made it's way into our system via ingesting meat loaded with these drugs and hence our resistance to the very tool intended for our protection. These same drugs have been showing up in sea mammals such as porpoise, so it's not an isolated issue, but rather is worldwide throughout our oceans. Not only have livestock production facilities already become breeding grounds, but humans have inadvertently built up resistance to these antibiotics leaving us vulnerable to these untreatable superbugs.
All the more reason for our EPA & FDA to start banning anything in the marketplace that adds to the burden of immunological deficiencies. Either that or the states need to start taking actions to protect their citizens.

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