Employees: NY Times Run By Woke Lunatics


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Like you didn’t already know.

Following the drama surrounding the resignation of a New York Times veteran science reporter, employees inside the company have said the union designed to protect them is now more concerned with being “woke” than protecting employees.

Several Times employees spoke to the Washington Free Beacon, detailing the problems within the New York Times Guild, the employee union.

“The people I’m supposed to go to if I have a problem with management are the same ones who might try to get me fired,” one union member told the outlet. “The union is the last place I would go for support.”

The NYT is getting what it deserves.
Like you didn’t already know.

Following the drama surrounding the resignation of a New York Times veteran science reporter, employees inside the company have said the union designed to protect them is now more concerned with being “woke” than protecting employees.

Several Times employees spoke to the Washington Free Beacon, detailing the problems within the New York Times Guild, the employee union.

“The people I’m supposed to go to if I have a problem with management are the same ones who might try to get me fired,” one union member told the outlet. “The union is the last place I would go for support.”

I hope they all lose their jobs and have to trade blowjobs for food stamps. Then on to the Washington Post...
Like you didn’t already know.

Following the drama surrounding the resignation of a New York Times veteran science reporter, employees inside the company have said the union designed to protect them is now more concerned with being “woke” than protecting employees.

Several Times employees spoke to the Washington Free Beacon, detailing the problems within the New York Times Guild, the employee union.

“The people I’m supposed to go to if I have a problem with management are the same ones who might try to get me fired,” one union member told the outlet. “The union is the last place I would go for support.”

I hope they all lose their jobs and have to trade blowjobs for food stamps. Then on to the Washington Post...

They can learn to build solar panels now.
I just spent 3 minutes reading an article that said absolutely nothing.
"the statement suggested the union wouldn`t back Oneil".
Like you didn’t already know.

Following the drama surrounding the resignation of a New York Times veteran science reporter, employees inside the company have said the union designed to protect them is now more concerned with being “woke” than protecting employees.

Several Times employees spoke to the Washington Free Beacon, detailing the problems within the New York Times Guild, the employee union.

“The people I’m supposed to go to if I have a problem with management are the same ones who might try to get me fired,” one union member told the outlet. “The union is the last place I would go for support.”

That rag, the NYT, needs to clean house—as in fire everyone, burn the building down, pour acid over the ashes, build a new HQ, and hire all new employees. Perhaps then and only then shall it again be an impartial journalistic institution.
The saddest chapter in American journalism occurred during President Trump's term.

The once respected and revered New York Times became infested with woke "journalists" who decided to indoctrinate their readers instead of informing them.

The paper, which was on the brink of bankruptcy, realized that it could survive only by becoming the media leader of the Resistance.

So it shamelessly published anything, true or not, to give daily comfort to its liberal readers.

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