Ramadan is a time for peace...

RamadaNazis part 5

US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck
Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad | published: 04.03.24|09:19.
.. In footage from a protest held at Union Square in Manhattan, New York last Saturday, one of the organization’s activists, Abdallah Aqel, is seen passionately addressing the crowd and inciting provocative chants. Aqel and the surrounding protesters voiced praise for Hamas military wing spokesperson Abu Obaida, and called to "attack Tel Aviv." ...Rabbi Daniel Friedman, from the Jewish Center of Teaneck in New Jersey, recounted, "They come to the city every week, hold protests, and parade with Palestinian flags to pressure the Jewish community. Massive protests have been held against synagogues these past three weeks. Hate marches. They shouted at us that we need to go back to Auschwitz."
There always left wing assholes and kill the joo muzzies in union square
When you're on 14th st The e only thing to do is figure out which way to head for some serious bacon sandwich action
Muslims always agitate for revolution. It starts with protests that get bigger and bigger fed by immigration.
This is a mainstream opinion on the left in America and Europe.
Who told you that? i live in Europe and to say the left in Europe believe that is just deranged nonsense, it's always been the left who have stood with jews in the past against rightwing fascist nutters, check out the British Union of fascists in Britain under Oswald Mosley and who confronted them on the streets, unless the term left means something totally different in your Country.
based on the fact that arabic is a semitic language and
they generally have origin in and culture of the levant--they
can be considered semitic
Correct. They are ethnically identical.

This is why you can have IDF race-soldiers killing unarmed Israelis assuming they were unarmed Palestinians.
give up---you have nothing to say
Patterson, NJ and a portion of Bay Ridge in Brooklyn NY have been called "little palestine" . And with more illegal immigration these will only swallow a worrying trend towards more racism.
the Patterson, NJ of my childhood was a lovely city. I got older and had
a little summer internship in that town and got attacked sorta sexually
near the waterfall (those who know patterson would know the area)
Now---it is so rife with crime that just the public bus lines that access
the town are dangerous. I met my first muslim there----age 14---uhm --
a very long time ago. I learned new concepts like "MUSLIM LAND"
that included 'jerusalem' and "Jews have no business there"
Patterson, NJ and a portion of Bay Ridge in Brooklyn NY have been called "little palestine" . And with more illegal immigration these will only swallow a worrying trend towards more racism.
the "go back to Auschwitz" expletive derives from the same source as does
the expletive "EUROPEAN ZIONISM"

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