
Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Ramadan is a time for peace...

RamadaNazis part 5

US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck
Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad | published: 04.03.24|09:19.
.. In footage from a protest held at Union Square in Manhattan, New York last Saturday, one of the organization’s activists, Abdallah Aqel, is seen passionately addressing the crowd and inciting provocative chants. Aqel and the surrounding protesters voiced praise for Hamas military wing spokesperson Abu Obaida, and called to "attack Tel Aviv." ...Rabbi Daniel Friedman, from the Jewish Center of Teaneck in New Jersey, recounted, "They come to the city every week, hold protests, and parade with Palestinian flags to pressure the Jewish community. Massive protests have been held against synagogues these past three weeks. Hate marches. They shouted at us that we need to go back to Auschwitz."
Patterson, NJ and a portion of Bay Ridge in Brooklyn NY have been called "little palestine" . And with more illegal immigration these will only swallow a worrying trend towards more racism.
These protestors probably don't even know about Auschwitz let's be honest, their age alone would predicate that. I would have to dig a little deeper in this situation, I can't imagine many people would wish that on anyone.

Regardless, we are living in evil times and people better understand this.
And when I said I don’t want any more Palestinians in this country, knowing how the vast majority want Jews dead, a liberal called ME the bigot.

IOW, if a Jew complains about Palestinians calling for the mass murder of Jews, a liberal will condemn the Jew.

It’s a sad, mixed-up crazy new world.
Ramadan is a time for peace...

RamadaNazis part 5

US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck
Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad | published: 04.03.24|09:19.
.. In footage from a protest held at Union Square in Manhattan, New York last Saturday, one of the organization’s activists, Abdallah Aqel, is seen passionately addressing the crowd and inciting provocative chants. Aqel and the surrounding protesters voiced praise for Hamas military wing spokesperson Abu Obaida, and called to "attack Tel Aviv." ...Rabbi Daniel Friedman, from the Jewish Center of Teaneck in New Jersey, recounted, "They come to the city every week, hold protests, and parade with Palestinian flags to pressure the Jewish community. Massive protests have been held against synagogues these past three weeks. Hate marches. They shouted at us that we need to go back to Auschwitz."

The DemoKKKrats LOVE this stuff.
Ramadan is a time for peace...

RamadaNazis part 5

US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck
Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad | published: 04.03.24|09:19.
.. In footage from a protest held at Union Square in Manhattan, New York last Saturday, one of the organization’s activists, Abdallah Aqel, is seen passionately addressing the crowd and inciting provocative chants. Aqel and the surrounding protesters voiced praise for Hamas military wing spokesperson Abu Obaida, and called to "attack Tel Aviv." ...Rabbi Daniel Friedman, from the Jewish Center of Teaneck in New Jersey, recounted, "They come to the city every week, hold protests, and parade with Palestinian flags to pressure the Jewish community. Massive protests have been held against synagogues these past three weeks. Hate marches. They shouted at us that we need to go back to Auschwitz."
Muslims "LEARN" all about the "non"genocide of Jews in Germany which is the ONLY reason they even know the term AUSCHWITZ---and chances are have
no idea in that country that death camp was located ---only that it was a nice place and jews were treated really nicely there. Teaneck is a kind of slightly
up-scale town in New Jersey---its one claim to fame is that KHADAFFY DUCK
had a house there. It has a significant Jewish population. Khadaffy visited and for GLAMOUR decided to set up a TENT for his own use as a BEDOUIN---which he fancied himself-----but the fire department said "NO"---this was
long ago Like 30 years ago??? Of course he blamed "DEM JOOOOS" Gee---NOSTALGIA!!!!!!
Here is a typical PalestiNazi from Paterson NJ. They came from that little Palestine every other day to harass Jews in Teaneck NJ.

chrome_screenshot_Apr 3, 2024 2_10_00 PM EDT.png
Muslims "LEARN" all about the "non"genocide of Jews in Germany which is the ONLY reason they even know the term AUSCHWITZ---and chances are have
no idea in that country that death camp was located ---only that it was a nice place and jews were treated really nicely there. Teaneck is a kind of slightly
up-scale town in New Jersey---its one claim to fame is that KHADAFFY DUCK
had a house there. It has a significant Jewish population. Khadaffy visited and for GLAMOUR decided to set up a TENT for his own use as a BEDOUIN---which he fancied himself-----but the fire department said "NO"---this was
long ago Like 30 years ago??? Of course he blamed "DEM JOOOOS" Gee---NOSTALGIA!!!!!!
sunni disagrees! ??? I have no idea with what----Khadaffy duck DID have a
house in Teaneck---maybe that episode in which they denied him the "right" to set up his Bedouin tent was MORE than 30 years ago----anyway it was amusing
sunni disagrees! ??? I have no idea with what----Khadaffy duck DID have a
house in Teaneck---maybe that episode in which they denied him the "right" to set up his Bedouin tent was MORE than 30 years ago----anyway it was amusing
Does anyone know how many Arab immigrants (legal or not) live in little pAleStInE Paterson NJ?
Does anyone know how many Arab immigrants (legal or not) live in little pAleStInE Paterson NJ?
There's also a Palestine Texas. Probably many others across the nation. Anything that you can think of is also the name of a city in Texas.
There's also a Palestine Texas. Probably many others across the nation. Anything that you can think of is also the name of a city in Texas.
East Palestine in OH and Palestine TX have No connection to:

CURRENT propaganda pallywood in the Holyland by FAKESTINIANS - AKA -mostly- grandchildren of Arab immigrants there. It is the source/reason of the knick naming on Paterson, NJ - for it has many immigrant Arabs as well as in parts of Brooklyn.


The Romans renamed part of ISRAEL as Palestine, to erase Jewishness, after Bar Kochva revolt. Jesus was in ISRAEL. There is no mention of "palestine" in the Bible and not even in Muhammad's Quran.

Up until 1948 the re-establishment of State of Israel, all inhabitants were called Palestinians, Jew or Arab. The (Jewish) Palestine Post was renamed the Jerusalem Post - for example.
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East Palestine in OH and Palestine TX have No connection to:

CURRENT propaganda pallywood in the Holyland by FAKESTINIANS - AKA -mostly- grandchildren of Arab immigrants there. It is the source/reason of the knick naming on Paterson, NJ - for it has many immigrant Arabs as well as in parts of Brooklyn.


The Romans renamed part of ISRAEL as Palestine, to erase Jewishness, after Bar Kochva revolt. Jesus was in ISRAEL. There is no mention of "palestine" in the Bible and not even in Muhammad's Quran.

Up until 1948 the re-establishment of State of Israel, all inhabitants were called Palestinians, Jew or Arab. The (Jewish) Palestine Post was renamed the Jerusalem Post - for example.
not entirely true ^^^ Before 1948 the ONLY inhabitants of the Palestine mandate---or historic "palestine" for the preceding approx 2000 years were ALL called JEWS -----the word PALESTINIAN meant Jew living in "palestine" aka ancient Judea/Israel until the 1960s when arabs decided to ADOPT the moniker "palestinian" PALESTINIAN = JEW. Check old periodicals----
old literature. MICROFILM in large libaries. My hubbie came to the Palestine Mandate as an infant---1941. His government papers refer to him as "PALESTINIAN" because he is a jew. Had he been a muslim or christian---
he would have been labeled either an "arab" or a "syrian"
not entirely true ^^^ Before 1948 the ONLY inhabitants of the Palestine mandate---or historic "palestine" for the preceding approx 2000 years were ALL called JEWS -----the word PALESTINIAN meant Jew living in "palestine" aka ancient Judea/Israel until the 1960s when arabs decided to ADOPT the moniker "palestinian" PALESTINIAN = JEW. Check old periodicals----
old literature. MICROFILM in large libaries. My hubbie came to the Palestine Mandate as an infant---1941. His government papers refer to him as "PALESTINIAN" because he is a jew. Had he been a muslim or christian---
he would have been labeled either an "arab" or a "syrian"
The Arabs don't even pronounce the P - which is why I often write Balestine...or bAlEsTiNiAns..

Or Filastin / Falastin.

'There's no normal anymore'.
Jewish rally in Teaneck park attracts hundreds in response to antisemitic events targeting the town.
By Leah Adler
21 March 2024, 9:59 am
...The planned car rally was just the latest in a long line of pro-Palestinian events held in Teaneck in recent months. On the previous Sunday, March 10, a protest outside Congregation Keter Torah, an Orthodox synagogue in town, against a private event showcasing Israeli real estate being held on the premises, drew about 1,000 participants, according to BCJAC estimates, and resulted in two arrests.

Yigal Gross of Teaneck, BCJAC’s spokesperson, sees these two protests, part of the string of other car rallies, demonstrations, and walkouts that have taken place in Teaneck since October 7, as “a targeted and malicious campaign to intimidate and harass the community.” The sheer number of events that have taken place in the township, along with their disruptive nature and hateful rhetoric, and the fact that so many of the participants do not live in Teaneck, make this clear, he said in an interview after the BCJAC rally.

At the demonstration outside Keter Torah, paintballs were thrown at cars, and two perpetrators later were charged with bias crimes. That demonstration also featured “shocking and hateful slogans,” Rachel Cyrulnik of Teaneck, BCJAC’s vice president, said after the BCJAC rally. “We heard, ‘Go back to Germany,’ ‘Go back to Auschwitz,’ ‘Rape is resistance,’ ‘Are you scared yet,’ ‘Globalize the Intifada,’ and of course, ‘From the river to the sea.’

“One protester told an officer who was cleaning something on the floor, ‘get on the floor and eat it, you pig,’” Ms. Cyrulnik continued...

Other protests have “used slogans like ‘flood Teaneck streets’ and ‘flood Teaneck’s parks,’ terminology from the Al Aqsa Flood operation” — the October 7 attack — to evoke a sense of fear, Mr. Gross said. And the car rallies have involved honking, throwing things at pedestrians, running red lights, and obstructing the flow of traffic, he added...
'There's no normal anymore'.
Jewish rally in Teaneck park attracts hundreds in response to antisemitic events targeting the town.
By Leah Adler
21 March 2024, 9:59 am
...The planned car rally was just the latest in a long line of pro-Palestinian events held in Teaneck in recent months. On the previous Sunday, March 10, a protest outside Congregation Keter Torah, an Orthodox synagogue in town, against a private event showcasing Israeli real estate being held on the premises, drew about 1,000 participants, according to BCJAC estimates, and resulted in two arrests.

Yigal Gross of Teaneck, BCJAC’s spokesperson, sees these two protests, part of the string of other car rallies, demonstrations, and walkouts that have taken place in Teaneck since October 7, as “a targeted and malicious campaign to intimidate and harass the community.” The sheer number of events that have taken place in the township, along with their disruptive nature and hateful rhetoric, and the fact that so many of the participants do not live in Teaneck, make this clear, he said in an interview after the BCJAC rally.

At the demonstration outside Keter Torah, paintballs were thrown at cars, and two perpetrators later were charged with bias crimes. That demonstration also featured “shocking and hateful slogans,” Rachel Cyrulnik of Teaneck, BCJAC’s vice president, said after the BCJAC rally. “We heard, ‘Go back to Germany,’ ‘Go back to Auschwitz,’ ‘Rape is resistance,’ ‘Are you scared yet,’ ‘Globalize the Intifada,’ and of course, ‘From the river to the sea.’

“One protester told an officer who was cleaning something on the floor, ‘get on the floor and eat it, you pig,’” Ms. Cyrulnik continued...

Other protests have “used slogans like ‘flood Teaneck streets’ and ‘flood Teaneck’s parks,’ terminology from the Al Aqsa Flood operation” — the October 7 attack — to evoke a sense of fear, Mr. Gross said. And the car rallies have involved honking, throwing things at pedestrians, running red lights, and obstructing the flow of traffic, he added...
for those who do not know---Teaneck is a town in New Jersey with a large population of upper middle class jews. There are several muslim enclaves
nearby including Jersey City and Paterson. The town is suburban residential
The original poster views are disgrace to the honorable people of Israel. The original poster and Sayaras is open about their anti-Muslim anti-Islam viewpoints. Nobody of any importance in the United States is against Jews. Some random picture of a left-wing guy giving a Nazi salute is a joke.

The whole anti-Muslim thing seems like it was big 15-20 years ago. Now with people like Andrew Tate becoming Muslim and people like Tucker Carlson and many others recognizing the civilized ways of Middle Eastern countries…while the lunatic is taking control in the USA…yeah it’s a different time.

Some Jews in Israel hate Christians. They even have some of them on camera, saying “Christians should be killed according to the Torah”. How ignorant would one have to be to then believe Jews Christians. Anti-Muslims apply the same logic in their views.

Want pro Nazism? look at the president of Ukraine, who gives a standing ovation to a Nazi from World War II some of the pro Israel people support Ukraine and they are the most ugly hypocrites in the world.

There have been some left-wing marijuana
smoking hippies protesting Israel and they pose no physical threat to anybody
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