Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

The fact that you see nothing wrong with what he’s saying says far more about you,

No. The fact that you got douche chills over any of it is a remarkable tell about you, troll.
You focus on a word because you have no defense for what he’s saying.
Weak shit. Per usual. Dodging twatery.
You can’t even identify what he said that you (as a quivering pussy) deem “chilling.”

Damn, you’re quite a faggot, Fakey.
Cohen is a convicted multiple perjurer whitey, Simp. :auiqs.jpg:
For committing crimes at the behest of and at the direction of Trump, dope.
The prosecution didn’t choose him as a witness. Trump chose him as an accomplice.
And so is SEX outside of Marriage.

Tell me you never fucked a girl or guy that you didn't marry w/out ever fucking anybody else.

Then MAYBE I'll listen to your FAKE STANCE.
While it is true that premarital sex is viewed as sinful by some Christians, that's hardly a mainstream Christian view. By contrast, a very large percentage of Christians view abortion as sinful, specifically because they consider it murder. The 10 Commandments do mention adultery, but they don't mention premarital sex. So, the sin is more generally understood to mean sex outside of marriage when you are married. It's not a prohibition on sex between 2 unmarried people. That interpretation is more specific to certain Christians, like evangelical Baptists.
Netanyahu shut down Al Jazeera today.
Trump would do the same with MSNBC .
Tough guy Bonespurs Trump feewings hurt & he's whining like a little bitch over MSNBC, no doubt.

Anyone who doesn't praise the orange fascist pig will be shiut down, or him & his hired goon squad will attempt it.
1. We disagree. Stupid "always wrong" Joe Biden has a 75% wrong track number. That by definition is a "shit-show"
2. We do agree that House Republicans fucked-up by giving Biden a $7.3T 2024 Budget. (Trump's was $4T)
I don't go by numbers dished out by the right. I'm looking at the end of COVID, record job creation on top of jobs recovered from COVID, low unemplyment, rise in wages, lower black unemployment than Trump, more black businssses opening than under trump, more money going to HBCU's than Trump, America is more respected in the world than we were under Trump. There is no shit show, not by Biden.
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While it is true that premarital sex is viewed as sinful by some Christians, that's hardly a mainstream Christian view. By contrast, a very large percentage of Christians view abortion as sinful, specifically because they consider it murder. The 10 Commandments do mention adultery, but they don't mention premarital sex. So, the sin is more generally understood to mean sex outside of marriage when you are married. It's not a prohibition on sex between 2 unmarried people. That interpretation is more specific to certain Christians, like evangelical Baptists.
Pre marital sex is mentioned in the bible, its called fornication.
Are you not paying attention, Vrenn? The Trump Campaign is kicking the Biden Campaign's butt at the moment and that's despite Trump's being stuck in a New York courtroom by order of a liberal judge four days out of the week!

The "dumpster fires" are the four lawfare suits brought by liberal DA's!
The trump campaign isn't winning anything. There is 6 months until the election and few people are paying attention.
Pre marital sex is mentioned in the bible, its called fornication.
Indeed it is, but again, the interpretation of all premarital sex being sinful is not a mainstream Christian view. There was a time when it was, but that's not the case today.
Indeed it is, but again, the interpretation of all premarital sex being sinful is not a mainstream Christian view. There was a time when it was, but that's not the case today.
Doesn't matter what you claim so called mainstream Christians interpret. It is Gods view that it is wrong and Gods interpretation is the only thing that counts..
Doesn't matter what you claim so called mainstrwam Chirstians interpret., It is Gods view that it is wrong and Gods interpretation is the only thing that counts..
While I agree that what matters is God's interpretation, the problem is that none of us know exactly what that is. The Bible itself is subject to interpretation. For example, there was a time when slavery was seen as morally acceptable by most Christians. Slavery is something present in the Old Testament without a specific condemnation. Thankfully, that interpretation is no longer the norm.

Religion evolves just like everything else. That evolution is supposed to be an attempt at better understanding what God's interpretation actually is, since we can never truly know His mind.
Is there a video or an audio of this interview?

I have always been a tad suspect of the entire received consensus narrative, and I am not completely on board that Trump is not working with the establishment. . . so, call me a tin foil hatter. . . .

. . .. but how do I know this entire thing, this "interview," isn't a fiction, made up out of whole cloth to begin with, and Trump hasn't been told to keep his mouth shut about it, or they will let the judges and juries find him guilty?

Is there any photos of this interview? Any proof it actually took place to begin with?

I have looked for both audio, video and photos of it, I can find none. Has anyone seen any proof that this isn't just a fiction?

The reason I made this post, is Trump and his people had to have read this. . .

. . . I'm sure.


The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​

A ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ Influenced the 2020 Election—What Lies Ahead in 2024?​

Republicans may be holding a losing hand this November as the Democratic Party uses the advantages it gained during and after the 2020 election cycle.​

The 2020 ‘Shadow Campaign’​

"In a laudatory 2021 article in Time titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” author Molly Ball detailed a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control the flow of information.”

While praising the effort, Ms. Ball said that the actors “were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”
The “conspiracy,” as Ms. Ball described it, included DNC operatives, union leaders, tech and social-media companies, Wall Street bankers, and a network of nonprofit donor funds that pooled hundreds of millions of dollars to finance “armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time.”

It baffles me, as to why Trump would grant an interview with such hostile media . . . truly.

. . . details about the why, how, when reveled in this interview. . .. (I can't find an embedded version, so you will have to go to C-SPAN's site to watch.)


May 3, 2024 | Part Of Washington Journal 05/03/2024

Washington Journal​

Eric Cortellessa on His Interview with Former President Trump​

Time magazine national political reporter Eric Cortellessa talked about his interview with former President Donald Trump about his vision for a potential second term in office.


Where to start.

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more

That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again
You should take the time to read the unedited straight interview;

Read the Full Transcripts of Donald Trump’s Interviews With TIME​

83 minute read
By TIME Staff
Updated: April 30, 2024 6:27 PM EDT | Originally published: April 30, 2024 7:00 AM EDT

At minute mark 3:30; the author of the piece of your OP admitted, that Donald Trump thanked him for his piece, but thought it was only a 60% accurate portrayal of the interview that they did together. He is honest enough to tell us that much.


What percent of that 11m do you believe is crucial to our economy and it’s future?
If that is a real concern, those illegal criminals, should apply to come the legal way.

You can't have a nation with out laws.

Now you are desperately starting to bargain, because you are in grief on this issue. You know it is a losing issue. Just stop.

Just don't address this issue, pretend it doesn't exist, sort of like that whole letting kids get gender reassignment without their parents' permission thing. It makes you just look like idiots.

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