Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

How’s old Comer doing by the way?
That kinda fizzled out huh?
Yep. With a majority of one in the House pursuing the Biden Crime Family will need to wait a year.
It will be better with a DOJ on the right side instead of covering crimes up anyway.
What? Rounding up ELEVEN MILLION PEOPLE would not be a horror show???

You’re really really stupid
Rounding up 11 million people who came here or remain here illegally. And the actual number is certainly much higher.

Why would it be a “horror show” to evict illegal aliens?

Get the fuck out. Go home.

We live in an age where people illegally enter people’s homes or apartments and call themselves “squatters. “ And they get legal protection to stay in the property belonging to other folks.

It’s insane. It’s liberal. It’s Democrat policy.

And it is absolutely wrong and unacceptable.

Same for illegal aliens.

Give them their “removal proceedings.” But when they are found to have entered here illegally or to have overstayed their legal rights to remain here, ship them the fuck out.

It is our country and our laws. It is not their right to ignore our laws and not their right to be here.
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One or two million a year would do quite nicely. Obama's pace. Remember the "Deporter in Chief"?
As Hitler showed… once you build the camps… you gotta keep em filled

Ya know… Florida was gonna crack down on illegals. Really nail em if they were found moving around the state.

Now what happened ? They started to leave Florida.

Know what Florida said to em?

Only kidding guys… we weren’t serious
Rounding up 11 million people who came here or remain here illegally. And the actual number is certainly much higher.

Why would it be a “horror show” to evict illegal aliens?

Get the fuck out. Go home.

We live in an age where people legally enter people’s homes or apartments and call themselves squatters. And they get legal protection to stay in the property belonging to other folks.

It’s insane. It’s liberal. It’s Democrat policy.

And it is absolutely wrong and unacceptable.

Same for illegal aliens.

Give them their “removal proceedings.” But when they are found to have entered here illegally or to have overstayed their legal rights to remain here, ship them the fuck out.

It is our country and our laws. It is not their right to ignore our laws and intent their right to be here.

Exactly! Once it gets rolling, they'll deport themselves.
As Hitler showed… once you build the camps… you gotta keep em filled

Ya know… Florida was gonna crack down on illegals. Really nail em if they were found moving around the state.

Now what happened ? They started to leave Florida.

Know what Florida said to em?

Only kidding guys… we weren’t serious
What a ridiculous post.
As Hitler showed… once you build the camps… you gotta keep em filled

Ya know… Florida was gonna crack down on illegals. Really nail em if they were found moving around the state.

Now what happened ? They started to leave Florida.

Know what Florida said to em?

Only kidding guys… we weren’t serious
Yes. And good for him, you retard

You’re a joke. I do believe him for the most part.

Hacks like you only chose to believe him when it suits your partisan hack purposes at any given moment.

Did I mention that you’re a joke? Because it shouldn’t go unmentioned.

You’re a joke.
The joke is you trying to cover for the shit he’s planning next time around. You’re too stupid to even see it.
The joke is you trying to cover for the shit he’s planning next time around. You’re too stupid to even see it.
Fakey Fakey Fakey.

That you are incapable of speaking or posting intelligibly is a given.

But you don’t need to prove it with every one of your faggoty worthless posts.

The topic is still: a claim that the interview was “chilling.” Damn. You pussies give everybody else douche chills.

You cannot truly think that any part of the actual interview was “chilling.” You’d have to be as big a pussy as the OP.
Trump needs to be a dictator for more than just one day.

And…..there it is folks.
Fakey Fakey Fakey.

That you are incapable of speaking or posting intelligibly is a given.

But you don’t need to prove it with every one of your faggoty worthless posts.

The topic is still: a claim that the interview was “chilling.” Damn. You pussies give everybody else douche chills.

You cannot truly think that any part of the actual interview was “chilling.” You’d have to be as big a pussy as the OP.
The fact that you see nothing wrong with what he’s saying says far more about you, dope.
You focus on a word because you have no defense for what he’s saying.
Weak shit. Per usual. Dodging twatery.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

So, it is up to us to see that the Nazis don't come back to power.
Trump isn't a national socialist, although if you're calling him a fascist, that actually fits Biden and our political establishment in general far better. Fascism involves the collusion of industry and the state. We basically already have a partially fascist economy and state, particularly when you look at how the military industrial complex operates.

If you want to keep "Nazis" out of power, then you need to vote warmongers and other corporatists out of government. That would be most Democrats and about half of the GOP as well.

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