Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

Time Interview With Trump​

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more
It all seems perfectly reasonable to me.
That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again
Are you American? If so, then you'd better hope that he does otherwise you are going to be swamped by the very people you think are "on your side" ..... but they ain't! If you are not American then I understand your point of view - DESTRUCTION.
No one ever counted inflation that way before Unfortunately
LIAR. Google "total inflation under Biden". It shows the total amount prices rose under his presidency.

Inflation spiked to the highest level in over 40 years. Despite recent moderation, consumer prices are up nearly 18% overall during Biden’s time. Gasoline is up 29%.

That was 18% in his 1st 3-years. Add the inflation for 2024 of 5.9% and you still end up with ~24% inflation under Biden. Families are losing buying power as Biden over-spends to try to buy votes. Stupid Joe is always wrong.
So the government tracking pregnancies isn’t chilling?

So much for personal freedom and small unobtrusive government
If that is a real concern, those illegal criminals, should apply to come the legal way.

You can't have a nation with out laws.

Now you are desperately starting to bargain, because you are in grief on this issue. You know it is a losing issue. Just stop.

Just don't address this issue, pretend it doesn't exist, sort of like that whole letting kids get gender reassignment without their parents' permission thing. It makes you just look like idiots.
No one is desperate except the right who believe there is an invasion underway. :uhoh3:

You admit that we need the workers. Great.
Why send them away only to need them again over nothing more than the misdemeanor offense of being in this country without proper authorization?
That sounds absolutely ridiculous.
The better, cheaper and more efficient play would be to identify the best candidates and grant them green cards. A guaranteed pathway to citizenship need not be granted immediately but only earned in time.

The left has been pushing this idea for decades. Only to be rejected by the right every time.
No one is desperate except the right who believe there is an invasion underway. :uhoh3:

You admit that we need the workers. Great.
Why send them away only to need them again over nothing more than the misdemeanor offense of being in this country without proper authorization?
That sounds absolutely ridiculous.
The better, cheaper and more efficient play would be to identify the best candidates and grant them green cards. A guaranteed pathway to citizenship need not be granted immediately but only earned in time.

The left has been pushing this idea for decades. Only to be rejected by the right every time.

Boot 20 million illegals and then start a temporary worker visa program.
No one is desperate except the right who believe there is an invasion underway. :uhoh3:
Well, by the rule of law, it is an invasion. The fact that law enforcement is doing diddly squat about it doesn't make it legal. But then I guess you have to define "invasion". If illegally rushing the gates is an invasion then that's what it is. In this case where people are going around the gate unopposed I'm not sure what it is. If domestic police have quit stopping speeders on the road is exceeding the speed limit no longer illegal?
Well, by the rule of law, it is an invasion. The fact that law enforcement is doing diddly squat about it doesn't make it legal. But then I guess you have to define "invasion". If illegally rushing the gates is an invasion then that's what it is. In this case where people are going around the gate unopposed I'm not sure what it is. If domestic police have quit stopping speeders on the road is exceeding the speed limit no longer illegal?
Diddly squat?
So no one is apprehended?
Just wide open?
A piece of tissue isnt a human. But thanks again for keeping trump out of the WH.
The libtard penchant for labeling a developing human being as being a “clump of cells” or a “piece of tissue” is quite stale and establishes the inability of our libturds to even think.
Well, by the rule of law, it is an invasion. The fact that law enforcement is doing diddly squat about it doesn't make it legal. But then I guess you have to define "invasion". If illegally rushing the gates is an invasion then that's what it is. In this case where people are going around the gate unopposed I'm not sure what it is. If domestic police have quit stopping speeders on the road is exceeding the speed limit no longer illegal?
Diddly squat?
So no one is apprehended?
Just wide open?
That's a fair question. "So no one is apprehended?" I'm not qualified to answer that part of your question. "Just wide open?" This question and the one preceding it are linked. I'll stick to the fundamental issue: If there are immigration laws then it is my opinion they should be observed and obeyed. So, maybe it is better that you give me the answers to your questions. Then we can see if it applies to what I believe or not.

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