Taylor Swift’s sexuality questioned by NY Slimes

Ok there is what like 8.5 billion people on earth? Why does one person's sexuality matter?

The only time I give a shit is when it's shoved in my face. And in this day and age that happens on a nearly constant basis.

She is popular so they are trying to stir up more readership by printing negative stories to get attention.

Pretty much.

You can report good stuff only for so long before people get bored with it. So you then go the opposite direction and bring back readers by pissing them off. But eventually they will get tired of pretending to be mad and get bored.

It's all just this constant game of manipulation to get clicks and viewers. There is so much damn information now everyone is desperate to get attention because it's so spread out now. So they resort to tabloid style methods of trying to shock, anger or scare people into looking. But when everyone is doing it, it's hard to be effective.
She was outed nine years ago by Miles as an Intel asset and a manipulated influencer .
Parents are standard top elite bankers and spook backgrounds .

Check his paper written in April 2015 . Always way ahead of the game .
Who’s Miles?

Miles Davis?
Is Tay-Tay a political advisor now?

If you get your political advice from her you are an idiot.
Taylor Swift fans go scorched earth on NY Times after op-ed questions her sexuality: 'Ethics out the window'

Taylor Swift fans go scorched earth on NY Times after op-ed questions her sexuality: 'Ethics out the window'

Comment 1. Who gives a shit one way or the other?

Comment 2: isn’t it contrary to our modern understanding of “socially responsible reporting” to “out” someone who hasn’t agreed to be outed, even if she is gay?

Comment 3: we were recently told that conservatives were upset with Taylor because of her recent awards and her get out the vote power. So why is a leftist rag like The New York Slimes doing any hatchet job on the entertainer?

She better come out as gay or trans if she wants to keep her career.
Have you seen my award-winning thread The New York Times Sucks?

(HINT: They're not Leftists. They're not The Liberal Press. They are completely profit-driven, with no ethical standards in their editorial section. In their strict reporting of the news they are still world class, and no one can prove otherwise.)
That is not true. Their views are forced on people. And they pay for it from the purchase. At one time even if left leaning the paper was much more respected. Cable TV is an example. Forcing bundles on people most pushing Prog agendas. ESPN cost about 8 dollars a month per subscriber. Many do not want it. It is forced. If it was premium, it would cost 25 to 30 dollars a month. Let people choose their own channels. Many would pick one news channel and not receive the rest. Let more traditional channels on also that produce entertainment geared for those who want that kind of entertainment. Can the networks have another channel for more traditional people with say late night talk shows with hosts that speak to them. Make nasty jokes about Progs just like the Progs do to them. There is a combination of forced socialism mixed with capitalism that has forced social agendas attached to it.

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