Employers access to workers history on web browsers?


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010
It will be interesting to see if the data and search histories of users can be obtained by your employer or prospective employer through a third party. Google is making more data accessible to third parties and if it is profitable I can see other search companies doing the same thing.

So theoretically your boss could get a report from a third party company and see what sites you visit while you are at home, looking to see if you visit porn sites or Tea party sites or whatever. Prospective employers might be able to do the same thing to determine if you are compatible to the business. Basically it is the same as doing a criminal background search of which there are hundreds of those companies that have sprung up.

And who would have access to this information, companies of course and Private Investigators, and even your neighbor or maybe that person who is dating you ....
This kind of stuff is accessible only on your hard drive. However, if you give out too much information when you visit places like Facebook or whatever prospective employers can look it up easily.
Have you ever wondered why those ads that appear seem to customized for you? The sites are using information gleaned from you search history.

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