Empowering pedophiles & NAMBLA


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

A normal guy, academics say: Sandusky arriving in court last week.

Empowering pedophiles

Last Updated: 12:38 AM,
January 16, 2013

Attorneys for convicted child sex-abuser Jerry Sandusky last week went to court to get their client’s 30- to 60-year prison sentence overturned, while other Penn State officials may yet escape prosecution for failing to protect young boys from Sandusky. But the real outrage on the child-abuse front is occurring in academia — a drive to redefine pedophilia as innocuous “intergenerational intimacy.”

J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University last year published a paper in the Archives of Sexual Behavior arguing that “persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of pedophilic relationships does not yet exist.”

The revisionists even argue that efforts to protect children are the real danger. In her 2002 book “Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex” (University of Minnesota Press), Judith Levine offered a “radical, refreshing and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children’s and teen’s sexuality.” In interviews, she claimed that, while “we do have to protect children from real dangers, that doesn’t mean protecting some fantasy of their sexual innocence.”


The American Psychological Association also helped to define down pedophilia in 1998 when its Psychological Bulletin published “A Meta-analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse.” The study’s three authors (Bruce Rind, Phillip Tromovitch and Robert Bauserman) suggested that such abuse does not cause harm and recommended that pedophilia should instead be given a “value neutral” label like “adult-child sex.”

NAMBLA quickly posted what it called the “good news” on its Web site, gushing that the “current war on boy-lovers has no basis in science.”

But NAMBLA is hardly the only non-academic enabler of this poisonous nonsense. The ACLU rushed to NAMBLA’s defense against a 2000 federal civil-rights lawsuit. The $200 million wrongful-death suit claimed that writings on NAMBLA’s site caused NAMBLA member Charles Jaynes to torture, rape and murder a 10-year-old Boston boy. The ACLU’s intervention eventually helped persuade the murdered boy’s parents to drop the suit.

And now there are media enablers, too. In the wake of Britain’s outrage over Jimmy Savile, the late BBC mega-star music host who has been accused of sexually abusing “hundreds” of children over the past four decades, the Guardian this month published Jon Henley’s article “Pedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires Into the Light.”


Jerry Sandusky?s academic enablers?Anne Hendershott - NYPOST.com
Normalizing Pedophilia

By Wesley J. Smith
January 5, 2013 12:59

Decadence is on the march! And now, a defense of pedophilia as just another “sexual orientation” has been published in the mainstream left wing UK newspaper The Guardian. From, “Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires Into the Light:”

Paedophiles may be wired differently. This is radical stuff. But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia “is a sexual orientation” and therefore “unlikely to change”.


Normalizing Pedophilia - By Wesley J. Smith - Human Exceptionalism - National Review Online
Judges turned down Sandusky's appeal for a new trial. His sexual orientation means he'll leave prison in a pine box.

I have no problem with the result.

Regards from Rosie
There is little doubt that the university elitists knew about Sandusky but the football program and the reputation of the college was more important than the lives and mental stability of his victims. It's a free Country and the 1st Amendment allows groups like the KKK and NAMBLA to exist but the difference is that the KKK is vilified and shunned while NAMBLA enjoys support from the media and the democrat party.
You might well see the day when a child who doesn't want to have sex with an adult is not normal, needs therapy, and counseling to make them more accepting and tolerant.
They ALL knew and they all covered it up and that not only includes Paterno but makes him near top of the list of enablers. I find it amazing the people that supported him even after they knew he covered for a pedophile for years and enabled more kids to get molested, why because he was a great college coach ? BS, Hes no hero to me.
You might well see the day when a child who doesn't want to have sex with an adult is not normal, needs therapy, and counseling to make them more accepting and tolerant.

Baloney. Those that are required by law to report have now expanded to college and university staff too....tho' I dunno why it wasn't mandated for them before now.

Mandatory reporting means if you even have a hint of a whiff of the merest shadow of abuse you must report. This includes teachers and nurses and doctors and ministers and counselors.....professionals in professional contact with children..

If you should have known, as a professional, but ignored obvious signs, you too could be held criminally and civilly liable.

Most professionals report suspicions to their superiors and the school or the office as an institution reports. That protects the professional in many ways.

The tendency is, and has been, more protection for children and more uncovering of abusers.....not less as you falsely claim. People may be wrong when they report; but they are protected when they do.

If people who work with children have nothing to hide then an abuse investigation won't pan out, will it.

Regards from Rosie
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You might well see the day when a child who doesn't want to have sex with an adult is not normal, needs therapy, and counseling to make them more accepting and tolerant.

Baloney. Those that are required by law to report have now expanded to college and university staff too....tho' I dunno why it wasn't mandated for them before now.

Mandatory reporting means if you even have a hint of a whiff of the merest shadow of abuse you must report. This includes teachers and nurses and doctors and ministers and counselors.....professionals in professional contact with children..

If you should have known, as a professional, but ignored obvious signs, you too could be held criminally and civilly liable.

Most professionals report suspicions to their superiors and the school or the office as an institution reports. That protects the professional in many ways.

The tendency is, and has been, more protection for children and more uncovering of abusers.....not less as you falsely claim. People may be wrong when they report; but they are protected when they do.

If people who work with children have nothing to hide then an abuse investigation won't pan out, will it.

Regards from Rosie

All of which can be easily changed. After all what you describe was also how homosexuality was once treated.
sDear AJ: I have an idea.
Let's stick all these people on an island together:
* the ones trying to normalize pedophilia
* and the ones trying to legalize zoophilia and beastility.

They can have at it, and leave everyone else out of their zoo.
Until one group start demonizing the other as perverts!
Probably the lawyers?

Normalizing Pedophilia

By Wesley J. Smith
January 5, 2013 12:59

Decadence is on the march! And now, a defense of pedophilia as just another “sexual orientation” has been published in the mainstream left wing UK newspaper The Guardian. From, “Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires Into the Light:”

Paedophiles may be wired differently. This is radical stuff. But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia “is a sexual orientation” and therefore “unlikely to change”.


Normalizing Pedophilia - By Wesley J. Smith - Human Exceptionalism - National Review Online

A normal guy, academics say: Sandusky arriving in court last week.

Empowering pedophiles

Last Updated: 12:38 AM,
January 16, 2013

Attorneys for convicted child sex-abuser Jerry Sandusky last week went to court to get their client’s 30- to 60-year prison sentence overturned, while other Penn State officials may yet escape prosecution for failing to protect young boys from Sandusky. But the real outrage on the child-abuse front is occurring in academia — a drive to redefine pedophilia as innocuous “intergenerational intimacy.”

J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University last year published a paper in the Archives of Sexual Behavior arguing that “persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of pedophilic relationships does not yet exist.”

The revisionists even argue that efforts to protect children are the real danger. In her 2002 book “Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex” (University of Minnesota Press), Judith Levine offered a “radical, refreshing and long overdue reassessment of how we think and act about children’s and teen’s sexuality.” In interviews, she claimed that, while “we do have to protect children from real dangers, that doesn’t mean protecting some fantasy of their sexual innocence.”


The American Psychological Association also helped to define down pedophilia in 1998 when its Psychological Bulletin published “A Meta-analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse.” The study’s three authors (Bruce Rind, Phillip Tromovitch and Robert Bauserman) suggested that such abuse does not cause harm and recommended that pedophilia should instead be given a “value neutral” label like “adult-child sex.”

NAMBLA quickly posted what it called the “good news” on its Web site, gushing that the “current war on boy-lovers has no basis in science.”

But NAMBLA is hardly the only non-academic enabler of this poisonous nonsense. The ACLU rushed to NAMBLA’s defense against a 2000 federal civil-rights lawsuit. The $200 million wrongful-death suit claimed that writings on NAMBLA’s site caused NAMBLA member Charles Jaynes to torture, rape and murder a 10-year-old Boston boy. The ACLU’s intervention eventually helped persuade the murdered boy’s parents to drop the suit.

And now there are media enablers, too. In the wake of Britain’s outrage over Jimmy Savile, the late BBC mega-star music host who has been accused of sexually abusing “hundreds” of children over the past four decades, the Guardian this month published Jon Henley’s article “Pedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires Into the Light.”


Jerry Sandusky?s academic enablers?Anne Hendershott - NYPOST.com

Seriously, this shit just makes me want to vomit. On one hand, the libturds will do anything to "protect the children". Currently, their big push is to seize the firearms of all legitimate, decent American citizens...to "protect the children". Flip the page and here are the libturd academics telling us that pedophilia is just another sexual orientation, on par with homosexuality and heterosexuality. Where's all that protection "for the children" now? I'm beginning to favor retroactive abortions carried out on these liberal/progressives fuckwads.
They ALL knew and they all covered it up and that not only includes Paterno but makes him near top of the list of enablers. I find it amazing the people that supported him even after they knew he covered for a pedophile for years and enabled more kids to get molested, why because he was a great college coach ? BS, Hes no hero to me.

There are other social factors in there, as with other cases of bullying and incest that go on without being reported

* people tend to have a bystander syndrome approach - if they don't know what to do, they rely on social cues from others, so if no one else does anything, they wait for someone else!

I hate this, yet it happens every day, in politics where people don't want to go against their peers or leaders, it is very weird but it is part of human and social psychology.

People assume someone else will take charge if it's really important

* people tend to justify or rationalize around any cognitive dissonance
if there is not enough motivation to change or take risk
the tendency to blame a rape victim often comes from a desire to believe there is justice in the world so that if something goes wrong, it must be caused by something and had to be at least partially the fault of the person. it is too disturbing to fear injustice without cause.

* people fear legal ramifications in biased onesided ways
instead of fearing trouble if they DON'T report abuse
they may be more afraid if they do report it and can't prove it and get sued for it

This happened in one school district where no one could come forward because there wasn't proof and the man threatened to sue, and scared people off who could report it.

I happen to relate to the young men who kept pushing and pushing and weren't believed or followed up on. It took one person to break this case open and then it all came out.

I've seen bullying cases go and go where everyone justifies going along with it because the victim can't prove wrongdoing is illegal while the other side has resources and threats to sue

My understanding is that it is a spiritual process, and at some point people agree to change and quit tolerating the wrong, then things can turn around. in the meantime, it's either karma or other social factors that block people from taking action. They just wait on others when they don't know what to do or don't feel they have enough support to change things?

We do need to work on this. I would love to see people become so aware of the process we can catch or prevent any bullying or abuse at the very onset and never let it go any further!

In my personal family, some of my siblings got into physical fights we realized later were abuse due to mental illness. We did not catch it or stop it, but thought it was a phase. So this can happen to even good people, just blindness and not realizing to take action sooner.
They ALL knew and they all covered it up and that not only includes Paterno but makes him near top of the list of enablers. I find it amazing the people that supported him even after they knew he covered for a pedophile for years and enabled more kids to get molested, why because he was a great college coach ? BS, Hes no hero to me.

There are other social factors in there, as with other cases of bullying and incest that go on without being reported

* people tend to have a bystander syndrome approach - if they don't know what to do, they rely on social cues from others, so if no one else does anything, they wait for someone else!

I hate this, yet it happens every day, in politics where people don't want to go against their peers or leaders, it is very weird but it is part of human and social psychology.

People assume someone else will take charge if it's really important

* people tend to justify or rationalize around any cognitive dissonance
if there is not enough motivation to change or take risk
the tendency to blame a rape victim often comes from a desire to believe there is justice in the world so that if something goes wrong, it must be caused by something and had to be at least partially the fault of the person. it is too disturbing to fear injustice without cause.

* people fear legal ramifications in biased onesided ways
instead of fearing trouble if they DON'T report abuse
they may be more afraid if they do report it and can't prove it and get sued for it

This happened in one school district where no one could come forward because there wasn't proof and the man threatened to sue, and scared people off who could report it.

I happen to relate to the young men who kept pushing and pushing and weren't believed or followed up on. It took one person to break this case open and then it all came out.

I've seen bullying cases go and go where everyone justifies going along with it because the victim can't prove wrongdoing is illegal while the other side has resources and threats to sue

My understanding is that it is a spiritual process, and at some point people agree to change and quit tolerating the wrong, then things can turn around. in the meantime, it's either karma or other social factors that block people from taking action. They just wait on others when they don't know what to do or don't feel they have enough support to change things?

We do need to work on this. I would love to see people become so aware of the process we can catch or prevent any bullying or abuse at the very onset and never let it go any further!

In my personal family, some of my siblings got into physical fights we realized later were abuse due to mental illness. We did not catch it or stop it, but thought it was a phase. So this can happen to even good people, just blindness and not realizing to take action sooner.

Please don't compare "bullying" to the sexual abuse of children.
Seriously, this shit just makes me want to vomit. On one hand, the libturds will do anything to "protect the children". Currently, their big push is to seize the firearms of all legitimate, decent American citizens...to "protect the children". Flip the page and here are the libturd academics telling us that pedophilia is just another sexual orientation, on par with homosexuality and heterosexuality. Where's all that protection "for the children" now? I'm beginning to favor retroactive abortions carried out on these liberal/progressives fuckwads.

This statement is so striking, it is humbling.

I just spoke with someone distressed that "mental illness" such as medication for depression could merit reports to federal govt and loss of the right to bear arms.

So you are right that on one hand, the mentally ill seem to be coddled as a disability when it suits their political purpose, as here; but then when it doesn't they go to the other extreme.
Totally confusing, like "what side are you on again?"

I didn't get it either when the liberal Democrats pushed for the federal mandates
that totally abrogated any notion of "pro-choice" in people's rights not controlled by govt.

Now this!

If this keeps up, if I'm not already out of my mind, they will make me crazy!
Burning out both sides of my brain trying to follow the double logic? ???
Please don't compare "bullying" to the sexual abuse of children.

The bullying is used to cover it up, do you agree?
Look up Amanda Todd, where she couldn't get help either.
There are other cases I know where people were bullied into having sex so it's still rape.

I was talking about the denial going on,
in longterm cases of abuse. There is a psychology
going on there which needs to be addressed if we are going to
learn to break out of that pattern of waiting for someone else to act.
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Please don't compare "bullying" to the sexual abuse of children.

The bullying is used to cover it up, do you agree?
Look up Amanda Todd, where she couldn't get help either.
There are other cases I know where people were bullied into having sex so it's still rape.

I was talking about the denial going on,
in longterm cases of abuse. There is a psychology
going on there which needs to be addressed if we are going to
learn to break out of that pattern of waiting for someone else to act.

Pedophiles are mostly male adults who usually prey on kids that they supervise or kids that they pick at random. The physical acts are so horrendous that they sometimes result in the deaths of the victims or long term psychological injury. Bullying is a peer pressure thing that can be interpreted in a hundred ways.
Hi Whitehall: WHO is saying anything about Pedophilia being "the same as" bullying????

The subject of the thread is ENABLING pedophiles.
So that is what I am addressing is how could the people AROUND the abuse
allow this to happen?

CLEARLY the people AROUND it are not the same as the person with the
criminal illness and sexual addiction. That is NOT what I am saying.

Not all of us are AROUND a case of Pedophilia, but all of us have seen bullying go on.
So if we can learn how to intervene and "make it safe" to report bullying and abuse instead of ENABLING it, we will also learn how to make it safer to report worse crimes!

NOTE: the criminal illness and addiction involved in predatory stalking and also chronic rage etc, CAN BE CURED through spiritual diagnosis and therapy. This does NOT mean to let people run around free and be "normalized" which I agree is dangerous as being protested against NAAMBLA. These dangerous people can still be detained as a threat, especially once science is developed to prove their sickness is active and not have to legally wait for them to attack to prove they are dangerous. But they CAN be treated as medically ill instead of judging them as animals and inhuman.

So if we treat these dangerous criminal illness as diseases that need to be cured, and offered help, maybe more people would come forward to report these cases and get help for the sickness!

Please don't compare "bullying" to the sexual abuse of children.

The bullying is used to cover it up, do you agree?
Look up Amanda Todd, where she couldn't get help either.
There are other cases I know where people were bullied into having sex so it's still rape.

I was talking about the denial going on,
in longterm cases of abuse. There is a psychology
going on there which needs to be addressed if we are going to
learn to break out of that pattern of waiting for someone else to act.

Pedophiles are mostly male adults who usually prey on kids that they supervise or kids that they pick at random. The physical acts are so horrendous that they sometimes result in the deaths of the victims or long term psychological injury. Bullying is a peer pressure thing that can be interpreted in a hundred ways.
NOTE: the criminal illness and addiction involved in predatory stalking and also chronic rage etc, CAN BE CURED through spiritual diagnosis and therapy.


There's no such thing as "spiritual diagnosis and therapy". Pedophilia can't be "cured". There hasn't been one successful "curing" of a pedophile, like ever. It's impossible.

It's like trying to "cure" homosexuality through prayer and other unscientific practices, never has been done, never will be.

Therapy in this case wouldn't be used to cure anything, just help manage behavior.

I've seen enough studies and interviews where even the pedophiles will tell you they are incurable.
I'm waiting for the hip music crowd to start belting out catchy tunes begging acceptance because pedophiles were "born that way". Then they can appear at some swanky WH party and spew their filth.
You might well see the day when a child who doesn't want to have sex with an adult is not normal, needs therapy, and counseling to make them more accepting and tolerant.

Baloney. Those that are required by law to report have now expanded to college and university staff too....tho' I dunno why it wasn't mandated for them before now.

Mandatory reporting means if you even have a hint of a whiff of the merest shadow of abuse you must report. This includes teachers and nurses and doctors and ministers and counselors.....professionals in professional contact with children..

If you should have known, as a professional, but ignored obvious signs, you too could be held criminally and civilly liable.

Most professionals report suspicions to their superiors and the school or the office as an institution reports. That protects the professional in many ways.

The tendency is, and has been, more protection for children and more uncovering of abusers.....not less as you falsely claim. People may be wrong when they report; but they are protected when they do.

If people who work with children have nothing to hide then an abuse investigation won't pan out, will it.

Regards from Rosie

All of which can be easily changed. After all what you describe was also how homosexuality was once treated.

Interesting how you adhere to your ignorance and stupidity, where you’ve been told in numerous other threads that pedophilia is a crime perpetrated on unwilling children, and homosexuality concerns two consenting adults.
There is little doubt that the university elitists knew about Sandusky but the football program and the reputation of the college was more important than the lives and mental stability of his victims. It's a free Country and the 1st Amendment allows groups like the KKK and NAMBLA to exist but the difference is that the KKK is vilified and shunned while NAMBLA enjoys support from the media and the democrat party.

Given you’ve failed to cite any media entity or official of the Democratic Party endorsing or voicing support for NAMBLA, you’ve confirmed once again you’re a liar.
NOTE: the criminal illness and addiction involved in predatory stalking and also chronic rage etc, CAN BE CURED through spiritual diagnosis and therapy.


There's no such thing as "spiritual diagnosis and therapy". Pedophilia can't be "cured". There hasn't been one successful "curing" of a pedophile, like ever. It's impossible.

It's like trying to "cure" homosexuality through prayer and other unscientific practices, never has been done, never will be.

Therapy in this case wouldn't be used to cure anything, just help manage behavior.

I've seen enough studies and interviews where even the pedophiles will tell you they are incurable.
I'm waiting for the hip music crowd to start belting out catchy tunes begging acceptance because pedophiles were "born that way". Then they can appear at some swanky WH party and spew their filth.

You’ll be waiting forever, then.

To even suggest anyone would for a second consider the crime of pedophilia ‘acceptable’ or ‘normal,’ regardless its source or cause, is moronic partisan idiocy.

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