Empowering pedophiles & NAMBLA

Just as homosexuality was once illegal, and has now been legalized and whitewashed, as " normal
lifestyle choice" , so now we have pedophiles in academia, trying to whitewash pedophilia, and to
get the American Psychiatric Association to noramlize it, just as they did with homosexuality.

I have seen this all before. What should be done , is the criminalization of homosexaulity, just as
pedophilia is a crime. This man Sandusky is a homosexaul first, and then included pedophilia into
his repitoire. It is the acceptance, and normalization of homosexuality, that is now leading
to people wanting to legalize pedophila. Both acts must be criminalized.Homosexuality , and pedophila
must be made into criminal offenses.
Just as homosexuality was once illegal, and has now been legalized and whitewashed, as " normal
lifestyle choice" , so now we have pedophiles in academia, trying to whitewash pedophilia, and to
get the American Psychiatric Association to noramlize it, just as they did with homosexuality.

I have seen this all before. What should be done , is the criminalization of homosexaulity, just as
pedophilia is a crime. This man Sandusky is a homosexaul first, and then included pedophilia into
his repitoire. It is the acceptance, and normalization of homosexuality, that is now leading
to people wanting to legalize pedophila. Both acts must be criminalized.Homosexuality , and pedophila
must be made into criminal offenses.

Sandusky is not homosexual. He has a wife who has stated he isn't gay.

Having sex with children already is criminal everywhere. Children cannot consent.

What consenting adults do is subject to the right of privacy. That includes same gendered adults.

Sandusky was a kiddie raper. He will never do it again because the Court stopped his criminal activity permanently.

Society never has and never will condone kiddie rape. It will remain criminal.

Regards from Rosie
Just as homosexuality was once illegal, and has now been legalized and whitewashed, as " normal
lifestyle choice" , so now we have pedophiles in academia, trying to whitewash pedophilia, and to
get the American Psychiatric Association to noramlize it, just as they did with homosexuality.

I have seen this all before. What should be done , is the criminalization of homosexaulity, just as
pedophilia is a crime. This man Sandusky is a homosexaul first, and then included pedophilia into
his repitoire. It is the acceptance, and normalization of homosexuality, that is now leading
to people wanting to legalize pedophila. Both acts must be criminalized.Homosexuality , and pedophila
must be made into criminal offenses.

Sandusky is not homosexual. He has a wife who has stated he isn't gay.

Having sex with children already is criminal everywhere. Children cannot consent.

What consenting adults do is subject to the right of privacy. That includes same gendered adults.

Sandusky was a kiddie raper. He will never do it again because the Court stopped his criminal activity permanently.

Society never has and never will condone kiddie rape. It will remain criminal.

Regards from Rosie

There are many homosexuals who are married with children. They use marriage as a cover.
The man may be homosexual , and a pedophile, and used his marriage as a cover for
both sexual abnormalities.
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Just as homosexuality was once illegal, and has now been legalized and whitewashed, as " normal
lifestyle choice" , so now we have pedophiles in academia, trying to whitewash pedophilia, and to
get the American Psychiatric Association to noramlize it, just as they did with homosexuality.

I have seen this all before. What should be done , is the criminalization of homosexaulity, just as
pedophilia is a crime. This man Sandusky is a homosexaul first, and then included pedophilia into
his repitoire. It is the acceptance, and normalization of homosexuality, that is now leading
to people wanting to legalize pedophila. Both acts must be criminalized.Homosexuality , and pedophila
must be made into criminal offenses.

Sandusky is not homosexual. He has a wife who has stated he isn't gay.

Having sex with children already is criminal everywhere. Children cannot consent.

What consenting adults do is subject to the right of privacy. That includes same gendered adults.

Sandusky was a kiddie raper. He will never do it again because the Court stopped his criminal activity permanently.

Society never has and never will condone kiddie rape. It will remain criminal.

Regards from Rosie

They are many homosexuals who are married with children. They use marriage as a cover.
The man may be homosexual , and a pedophile, and used his marriage as a cover for
both sexual abnormalities.

You must have never heard of bisexuality.

Raping boy children doesn't make Sandusky a homosexual. It makes him a kiddie raper and prison inmate for the next 30 years. For him that is a life sentence at his age.

A discussion would be more fruitful if you actually knew what you think you do.

Regards from Rosie
Sandusky is not homosexual. He has a wife who has stated he isn't gay.

Having sex with children already is criminal everywhere. Children cannot consent.

What consenting adults do is subject to the right of privacy. That includes same gendered adults.

Sandusky was a kiddie raper. He will never do it again because the Court stopped his criminal activity permanently.

Society never has and never will condone kiddie rape. It will remain criminal.

Regards from Rosie

They are many homosexuals who are married with children. They use marriage as a cover.
The man may be homosexual , and a pedophile, and used his marriage as a cover for
both sexual abnormalities.

You must have never heard of bisexuality.

Raping boy children doesn't make Sandusky a homosexual. It makes him a kiddie raper and prison inmate for the next 30 years. For him that is a life sentence at his age.

A discussion would be more fruitful if you actually knew what you think you do.

Regards from Rosie

Bisexuality is just another cover for homosexuality. Raping boys makes him a homosexual pedophile rapist. Homosexuality and pedophilia must both be criminalized.
You can not have one sexual abnormaility, homosexuality, as leagal, and ok in the
society, and then then tell these homosexuals, who are already on a deviant path,
not to practice pedophilia.You should not allow one deviancey to exist, and then
not expect to see other deviant behavior from the deviant homosexual.
We can say that homosexuality lead up to the pedophilia. Both are deviant abnormal acts.
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There is little doubt that the university elitists knew about Sandusky but the football program and the reputation of the college was more important than the lives and mental stability of his victims. It's a free Country and the 1st Amendment allows groups like the KKK and NAMBLA to exist but the difference is that the KKK is vilified and shunned while NAMBLA enjoys support from the media and the democrat party.

Given you’ve failed to cite any media entity or official of the Democratic Party endorsing or voicing support for NAMBLA, you’ve confirmed once again you’re a liar.

Perhaps not the Dem party, per se, but this administration has given NAMBLA a nod or two. Sometimes silence speaks more eloquently than any words.

Obama Safe School Czar is a supporter of NAMBLA(North American Man-Boy Love Association) | RedState

There's no such thing as "spiritual diagnosis and therapy". Pedophilia can't be "cured". There hasn't been one successful "curing" of a pedophile, like ever. It's impossible.

It's like trying to "cure" homosexuality through prayer and other unscientific practices, never has been done, never will be.

Therapy in this case wouldn't be used to cure anything, just help manage behavior.

I've seen enough studies and interviews where even the pedophiles will tell you they are incurable.
I'm waiting for the hip music crowd to start belting out catchy tunes begging acceptance because pedophiles were "born that way". Then they can appear at some swanky WH party and spew their filth.

You’ll be waiting forever, then.

To even suggest anyone would for a second consider the crime of pedophilia ‘acceptable’ or ‘normal,’ regardless its source or cause, is moronic partisan idiocy.

No lesser august body than the American Psychiatric Association has made such a proposal.

Conference aims to normalize pedophilia | The Daily Caller

APA Says Pedophilia is Not a Mental Disorder - Godfather Politics
Just as homosexuality was once illegal, and has now been legalized and whitewashed, as " normal
lifestyle choice" , so now we have pedophiles in academia, trying to whitewash pedophilia, and to
get the American Psychiatric Association to noramlize it, just as they did with homosexuality.

I have seen this all before. What should be done , is the criminalization of homosexaulity, just as
pedophilia is a crime. This man Sandusky is a homosexaul first, and then included pedophilia into
his repitoire. It is the acceptance, and normalization of homosexuality, that is now leading
to people wanting to legalize pedophila. Both acts must be criminalized.Homosexuality , and pedophila
must be made into criminal offenses.

Not all pedophiles are homosexual, however. They prey on girls and boys, or even both.
They are many homosexuals who are married with children. They use marriage as a cover.
The man may be homosexual , and a pedophile, and used his marriage as a cover for
both sexual abnormalities.

You must have never heard of bisexuality.

Raping boy children doesn't make Sandusky a homosexual. It makes him a kiddie raper and prison inmate for the next 30 years. For him that is a life sentence at his age.

A discussion would be more fruitful if you actually knew what you think you do.

Regards from Rosie

Bisexuality is just another cover for homosexuality. Raping boys makes him a homosexual pedophile rapist. Homosexuality and pedophilia must both be criminalized.
You can not have one sexual abnormaility, homosexuality, as leagal, and ok in the
society, and then then tell these homosexuals, who are already on a deviant path,
not to practice pedophilia.You should not allow one deviancey to exist, and then
not expect to see other deviant behavior from the deviant homosexual.
We can say that homosexuality lead up to the pedophilia. Both are deviant abnormal acts.

No we can't say, since most kiddie rapists are men. And they rape more little girls than boys. By your logic, males who are attracted to women are on a path toward raping girls. Your assertion and mine right here about kiddie rapists are both patently false.

Pedophilia and Child Sexual Molestation

Regards from Rosie
'Bestiality, pedophilia ... pick your poison'

New 'hate-crimes' legislation 'shocks the conscience'



Republican opponents of the legislation claim Democrat supporters of the measure are not being clear about who exactly will receive special protections under the bill.

“Bestiality, pedophilia … pick your poison,” adds Barber.

He says the legislation “shocks the conscience” and is clearly unconstitutional because it “guarantees unequal protection under the law.”

“It’s denying protections for veterans, for homeless people, for the elderly that it’s granting pedophiles.”

Democrat Sens. Edward Kennedy and Patrick Leahy have produced matching legislation in the U.S. Senate, and President Obama supports the measure.

Read more at ?Bestiality, pedophilia ? pick your poison?
'Bestiality, pedophilia ... pick your poison'

New 'hate-crimes' legislation 'shocks the conscience'



Republican opponents of the legislation claim Democrat supporters of the measure are not being clear about who exactly will receive special protections under the bill.

“Bestiality, pedophilia … pick your poison,” adds Barber.

He says the legislation “shocks the conscience” and is clearly unconstitutional because it “guarantees unequal protection under the law.”

“It’s denying protections for veterans, for homeless people, for the elderly that it’s granting pedophiles.”

Democrat Sens. Edward Kennedy and Patrick Leahy have produced matching legislation in the U.S. Senate, and President Obama supports the measure.

Read more at ?Bestiality, pedophilia ? pick your poison?

Ack, gag!
What I find particularly ironic about the Sanduskey debacle is the definitive book dealing with child porn on the internet is "Beyond Tolerance" by Philip Jenkins who is a professor at ......you guessed it....Penn State.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Tolerance-Child-Pornography-Online/dp/0814742629]Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography Online: Philip Jenkins: 9780814742624: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia and the literary champions of paedophilia

By Tim Stanley Politics Last updated: March 1st, 2014


Allen Ginsberg in Hyde Park (photo: ALAMY).
From Saturday's Daily Telegraph

Paedophilia isn’t just about dirty old nobodies in raincoats. The scandal surrounding Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt’s links to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) shows us how evil men once exploited the sexual revolution and the Left’s naivety to advance their agenda and invade the mainstream. But the corruption didn’t stop there. It infected the literary establishment, too.

In 1995, Calvin Klein unveiled a controversial commercial featuring scantily clad teenagers. Camille Paglia, the feminist social critic, took to the pages of celebrated gay magazine The Advocate to attack the firm – but not for indecency. She accused them of cowardice. She wrote: “If [the manufacturers] want to borrow the iconography of paedophilia, they should have the courage to step forward and admit it.” Paglia added: “Paedophilia is an increasingly irrational issue in America. Gays must valiantly defend their cultural tradition by carefully articulating its highest meanings.”


Paedophilia was a theme in Allen Ginsberg’s poetry, and he often spoke in defence of child molesters. He dedicated a poem to NAMBLA so vile that I’d probably get a visit from the police if I quoted it. Whether he was a paedophile himself is a matter of contention. He denied it but, then again, anyone with a healthy fear of prison probably would. In a little-known interview with The Harvard Crimson, titled “Politics, Pederasty and Consciousness”, Ginsberg said: “As I get older, having very specialised sexual tastes, it gets harder to make out… I like young boys. Why?… I’d have more chance at making out with younger guys if I were younger, dewier, dewy-limbed.”

Even in perversion, Ginsberg could be lyrical. Although his friendship with the feminist Andrea Dworkin ended after a rather more crude argument over the ethics of child porn. Dworkin described him as, “a paedophile… exceptionally aggressive about… his constant pursuit of under-age boys’’.


Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia and the literary champions of paedophilia ? Telegraph Blogs
As someone quite fond of sexual intimacy (as my name should indicate, well, maybe only to fellow Trekkies heh) pedophiles annoy me to no end. Especially the activistic types. Difficult enough getting people to tolerate and celebrate sexuality without some nutter somewhere extolling the virtue of pedophilia. Tolerating the notion of two equal aged kids fooling around is one thing, but that doesn't then translate into general acceptance of kids and adults together. Youths' sexual experimentation and discovery is normal and natural, but adults 'spoiling the mystery and discovery' for a kid is reprehensible. If pedophiles really love children they should be able to see how letting nature unfold as it has for millenia is the better thing. Bringing a child fully into the sexual realm is too much too soon. I wonder then if a component of pedophilia is either psychopathy or sociopathy. Surely you have to be incapable of feeling another person's emotions to use them for your own pleasures?

I've been enjoying sex since quite young. But looking back on that, a lot of the enjoyment came from all the sneaking around doing something I knew was more or less forbidden. But it was with girls my own age. And judging by how well I remember each and every experience I have to wonder how it'd effect some kids' development later if their first-times was with some adult. Liasons like that will always suffer from the catch-22 nature of it: sex is wonderful and natural BUT you can't tell anyone about it. Even a child is going to interpret that like a flashing neon sign. Something's rotten in Denmark.

Children should be allowed to be children. If sexual exploration happens with their friends fine, but it shouldn't happen with adults. Ideally, everyone's first-time should be with a boy/girlfriend they're in love with, without having to sneak around, or wonder at mixed messages having to keep it secret. Pedophiles and pedophilia are upsetting nature pursueing their own lusts and selfish desires with no thought for the child and how sex is going to effect them the rest of their life. And it does, you never forget those first times. Sex involves so much more than the physical. If pedophiles really cared about children they'd understand that and not pursue them.

There's no such thing as "spiritual diagnosis and therapy". Pedophilia can't be "cured". There hasn't been one successful "curing" of a pedophile, like ever. It's impossible.

It's like trying to "cure" homosexuality through prayer and other unscientific practices, never has been done, never will be.

Therapy in this case wouldn't be used to cure anything, just help manage behavior.

I've seen enough studies and interviews where even the pedophiles will tell you they are incurable.
I'm waiting for the hip music crowd to start belting out catchy tunes begging acceptance because pedophiles were "born that way". Then they can appear at some swanky WH party and spew their filth.

You’ll be waiting forever, then.

To even suggest anyone would for a second consider the crime of pedophilia ‘acceptable’ or ‘normal,’ regardless its source or cause, is moronic partisan idiocy.

What Sandusky was doing was actually pederasty, assaulting pubescent boys, not pre-pubescent children.

And that's exactly what NAMBLA supports, not pedophilia, and what Harry Hay had no issue with.

From Hay:

"f the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world."
Forced sex with another person is only one thing: rape. Pedophilia, pederasty, etc. don't imply lack of consent so using them for non-consensual sex crimes is going to be inaccurate and misleading. Be like saying a man who rapes an underaged girl was a horrible heterosexual. It inaccurately equates heterosexuality with rape. Whereas rape is simply rape each and every time regardless of genders or ages involved.
Forced sex with another person is only one thing: rape. Pedophilia, pederasty, etc. don't imply lack of consent so using them for non-consensual sex crimes is going to be inaccurate and misleading. Be like saying a man who rapes an underaged girl was a horrible heterosexual. It inaccurately equates heterosexuality with rape. Whereas rape is simply rape each and every time regardless of genders or ages involved.

In the case of pedophilia and pederasty before the age of consent, no consent CAN be given.
Its rape, forcible or not.
Forced sex with another person is only one thing: rape. Pedophilia, pederasty, etc. don't imply lack of consent so using them for non-consensual sex crimes is going to be inaccurate and misleading. Be like saying a man who rapes an underaged girl was a horrible heterosexual. It inaccurately equates heterosexuality with rape. Whereas rape is simply rape each and every time regardless of genders or ages involved.

In the case of pedophilia and pederasty before the age of consent, no consent CAN be given.
Its rape, forcible or not.

That's a legal definition, not a scientific proof. Fact that different US states have different AoCs, to say nothing of the rest of the world, or how states with a given AoC exempt it if you're married shows how such definitions aren't based on science or when our brains stop developing. So yes, legally, those under whatever arbitraily assigned aoc can't give sexual consent. But when the law is arbitrary and not based on anything even remotely scientific letting that be the end of it is a really bad idea.

Fact that we have two criminal definitions for identical crimes: forcible rape and statutory rape suggest consent can be given even if under an AoC. That's then 'consensual, if statutory rape' whereas lack of consent is the more serious forcible rape charge.
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Forced sex with another person is only one thing: rape. Pedophilia, pederasty, etc. don't imply lack of consent so using them for non-consensual sex crimes is going to be inaccurate and misleading. Be like saying a man who rapes an underaged girl was a horrible heterosexual. It inaccurately equates heterosexuality with rape. Whereas rape is simply rape each and every time regardless of genders or ages involved.

In the case of pedophilia and pederasty before the age of consent, no consent CAN be given.
Its rape, forcible or not.

That's a legal definition, not a scientific proof. Fact that different US states have different AoCs, to say nothing of the rest of the world, or how states with a given AoC exempt it if you're married shows how such definitions aren't based on science or when our brains stop developing. So yes, legally, those under whatever arbitraily assigned aoc can't give sexual consent. But when the law is arbitrary and not based on anything even remotely scientific letting that be the end of it is a really bad idea.

So you basically think it is OK for grown men to bugger boys under 15 as long as they "want it"?

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