Empty promises from both party's


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The real winner The IMF and all it funnel's the money too
The hard truth as to why we as a society can not stop the economic collapse.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D71aiYq7jeM&feature=channel_video_title]Economic Collapse -- Why It Won't Be Stopped - YouTube[/ame]
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It's all lies folks face the cold hard facts Some of the richest people in America are politicans and all of the richest people in American pay for the politicans campiagn. And some of those filthy rich support people from both party's
Ron Paul is the only candidate for 2012 that lives in reality, and more importantly has the balls to say something.

Fantastic fucking video. Were either going to unite for 2012 or the union will be destroyed post economic collapse. Only the strictist fiscal policy and removal of corrupt policies will turn this ship around, and even then it will be a tough ten years as we pay this debt down.

People wonder why Ron Paul has the 'do or die' support that he does. Its simple really, as the only candidate who is speaking the truth we are left no choice on who to elect.
Ron Paul is the only candidate for 2012 that lives in reality, and more importantly has the balls to say something.

Fantastic fucking video. Were either going to unite for 2012 or the union will be destroyed post economic collapse. Only the strictist fiscal policy and removal of corrupt policies will turn this ship around, and even then it will be a tough ten years as we pay this debt down.

People wonder why Ron Paul has the 'do or die' support that he does. Its simple really, as the only candidate who is speaking the truth we are left no choice on who to elect.

Ron Paul is a politican I distrust them all But I trust him a little more than the rest.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dey all just a buncha sneaky, snaky, vote-fer-the-rich politicians...
New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government
October 25, 2011 - Americans’ Approval of Congress Drops to Single Digits
With Election Day just over a year away, a deep sense of economic anxiety and doubt about the future hangs over the nation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, with Americans’ distrust of government at its highest level ever. The combustible climate helps explain the volatility of the presidential race and has provided an opening for protest movements like Occupy Wall Street, to highlight grievances about banks, income inequality and a sense that the poor and middle class have been disenfranchised. Almost half of the public thinks the sentiment at the root of the Occupy movement generally reflects the views of most Americans.

With nearly all Americans remaining fearful that the economy is stagnating or deteriorating further, two-thirds of the public said that wealth should be distributed more evenly in the country. Seven in 10 Americans think the policies of Congressional Republicans favor the rich. Two-thirds object to tax cuts for corporations and a similar number prefer increasing income taxes on millionaires. On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office released a new study concluding that income distribution had become much more uneven in the last three decades, a report that could figure prominently in the battle over how to revive the economy and rein in the federal debt.

The poll findings underscore a dissatisfaction and restlessness heading into the election season that has been highlighted through competing voices from the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements, a broad anti-Washington sentiment and the crosscurrents inside both parties about the best way forward. Not only do 89 percent of Americans say they distrust government to do the right thing, but 74 percent say the country is on the wrong track and 84 percent disapprove of Congress — warnings for Democrats and Republicans alike. Republican voters remain unenthused about their options to challenge President Obama next year, as the competition intensifies among Mitt Romney, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and other contenders. The uncertainty has provided an opening for Herman Cain, who was viewed more enthusiastically by Republican primary voters than were other Republican candidates.

The approval rating for Mr. Obama, 46 percent, appears to be elevated by positions he has taken on foreign affairs. Sixty percent of those questioned said they approve of his handling of Iraq, a question added to the poll after his announcement last Friday that American troops would come home by the end of the year. But the president, whose disapproval rating is also 46 percent, also faces mixed signals from the public about his latest job-creation proposals. While the poll found substantial support for the plan’s individual components, more than half of the public say he lacks a clear plan for creating jobs, despite his extensive travels around the country over the last six weeks selling his proposals.


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