Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith

Dale, thank you for your kind words to me. They are touching. I listened to the song you asked us to hear and it truly is a moving sound and one you want to hear repeatedly. At first, I couldn't catch all the words so I went to the song and then read listeners' comments and one man was nice enough to put up the lyrics, which I will include here. Everyone who commented was very much touched by that song. Dale, please don't feel any guilt or pressure regarding us. I think we know how touched you are by all the love you are receiving. Please don't push yourself. And please, recall something you may have heard in the past by Dr. Suess: "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened".

That TORO!!!! I didn't know what that word meant he said, something about a chemblast or such but I "winnered" him because on more than one occasion he has proved to be a friend to me and I am ever loyal to him. He has grit and is a great guy, I feel it in my bones.

And where is our good buddy and friend, Hossfly? I hope he is okay. And to LA RAM FAN----thank you sweetheart for being such a good friend to me. You are the best! Hugs to everyone in this entire thread.


Brian Lombera

3 years ago
When you find your love, you'll find your song Even though you've been digging through the break of dawn You've been pushing and the push is gone You think it makes you strong Strong Ohh Nobody knows when it goes When it goes Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you When there's nothing left to mediate You take your coat and you close the gate And you grow your hair in branches long And you lose your days in the LA sun Ohh Nobody knows when it goes When it goes Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you We have mostly wasted time Half-asleep and have-to-buy Waiting for the faintest lie And waiting for these wounds to heal No, we're never as lost or as found as we think we are No, we're never as lost or as found as we think we are Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you

I am so humbled that you listened to that song for me and that you like it. It just touches my heart so much. Love ya.....btw, my phone number is 972-786-2326 if you ever want to chat. It would be an honor to speak with you if you are so inclined to call. Your number is safe with me, I promise.
Dale, thank you for your kind words to me. They are touching. I listened to the song you asked us to hear and it truly is a moving sound and one you want to hear repeatedly. At first, I couldn't catch all the words so I went to the song and then read listeners' comments and one man was nice enough to put up the lyrics, which I will include here. Everyone who commented was very much touched by that song. Dale, please don't feel any guilt or pressure regarding us. I think we know how touched you are by all the love you are receiving. Please don't push yourself. And please, recall something you may have heard in the past by Dr. Suess: "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened".

That TORO!!!! I didn't know what that word meant he said, something about a chemblast or such but I "winnered" him because on more than one occasion he has proved to be a friend to me and I am ever loyal to him. He has grit and is a great guy, I feel it in my bones.

And where is our good buddy and friend, Hossfly? I hope he is okay. And to LA RAM FAN----thank you sweetheart for being such a good friend to me. You are the best! Hugs to everyone in this entire thread.


Brian Lombera

3 years ago
When you find your love, you'll find your song Even though you've been digging through the break of dawn You've been pushing and the push is gone You think it makes you strong Strong Ohh Nobody knows when it goes When it goes Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you When there's nothing left to mediate You take your coat and you close the gate And you grow your hair in branches long And you lose your days in the LA sun Ohh Nobody knows when it goes When it goes Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you We have mostly wasted time Half-asleep and have-to-buy Waiting for the faintest lie And waiting for these wounds to heal No, we're never as lost or as found as we think we are No, we're never as lost or as found as we think we are Love takes some time to bloom When it's right, it'll find you When it's right, it'll find you Like sunlight breaking through When it's right, it'll come to you When it's right, it'll find you

Thank you so much for listening to that song. It really moves me every time I listen to it. Everyone that hears it loves it as well. You are very special and thank you so much for reaching out to me like you have. If you ever want to chat you and anyone else is welcome to call me. 972-786-2326. Your numbers will be safe with me. I don't know if you saw this but I made this video when Hoss and his son came to see me. They are just the best and I love them so very much and blown away that they would drive that far to see was humbling. Love and hugs to you! "Loved "Don't cry because it's over.....Smile because it happened. That is going to be my new motto......

:hello77:BFF!!!!! :) :) :)

Dale, what a sweet letter to me and others here. Thanks so much for that. You offered your phone number to those of us who might be interested in calling you directly but because my hubby and I have an understanding regarding USMB, I must decline your request and honor my commitment to him which is "no contact with members of the opposite sex for any personal reason". Public communication only. I would feel uncomfortable talking with you on the phone, without his knowledge, for certain. We live by the Golden Rule and we have mutual trust and respect and I avoid doing anything that would bring me regrets. "When in doubt, don't" has been a philosophy of mine for many years. I feel it has served me well.

So, for now, I am sending you best wishes this week as you cope with so much opposition from the relentless force trying to bring you down. One day many of us will face the same fate and I have learned through you how better to cope with it and how to rid oneself of some of the emotional pain. The things you are doing to stay busy surely have been cathartic and you have gained a sense of yourself you may have thought was over. You surely sound more peaceful, my friend.

Your eternal pal, 🧜‍♀️

:hello77:BFF!!!!! :) :) :)

Dale, what a sweet letter to me and others here. Thanks so much for that. You offered your phone number to those of us who might be interested in calling you directly but because my hubby and I have an understanding regarding USMB, I must decline your request and honor my commitment to him which is "no contact with members of the opposite sex for any personal reason". Public communication only. I would feel uncomfortable talking with you on the phone, without his knowledge, for certain. We live by the Golden Rule and we have mutual trust and respect and I avoid doing anything that would bring me regrets. "When in doubt, don't" has been a philosophy of mine for many years. I feel it has served me well.

So, for now, I am sending you best wishes this week as you cope with so much opposition from the relentless force trying to bring you down. One day many of us will face the same fate and I have learned through you how better to cope with it and how to rid oneself of some of the emotional pain. The things you are doing to stay busy surely have been cathartic and you have gained a sense of yourself you may have thought was over. You surely sound more peaceful, my friend.

Your eternal pal, 🧜‍♀️

I hope I didn't offend you by suggesting you and all of you here have carte blanch to call if you ever wanted. You see? My nephew is leaving to go Ft.Worth to pursue his career. He is a critical care RN and he has been living here with me in the house my dad left me and my little brother. He has taken incredible care of me and prolonged my life but most importantly gave it quality with this homeopathic treatment he researched. I would have died in October had it not been for him. He is leaving Monday and I am going to be lost without him. He said I should just move with him but I can't do that. He needs to experience life without his dying uncle taking up residency.....but that tells you a lot about this young man. He got his brown belt in Jiu Jitsu tonight and I am so proud of him. Family is a big deal to us and we are all close. He is one of a kind and I hide my emotions from him because I don't want him to feel sadder than he already is. The treatment he got me on was a longshot at best but it did help a lot but it's wearing off. My hospice nurse told Greyson that I am "slipping" and I know that's not good. I am too weak to do anything but keep this place clean but that doesn't require that much effort. I wonder how I am going to cope without him. These are the beginning of some very dark days. At least I have my little cat Fugly for company. My brother is going to take her in when I am gone........thanks for listening to me.
Oh Gosh Dale you show so much strength and grace, I wish the best for you. I sometimes hesitate to say that, being very unsure of what the best is. God hold you in the palm of his hand.
I am finding out that I am not as strong or as stoic as I want to be. It's easy to be brave when you have been told you have months to go but now those months are turning into weeks. Thank you for the kind words and thoughts.......means a lot.
I am finding out that I am not as strong or as stoic as I want to be. It's easy to be brave when you have been told you have months to go but now those months are turning into weeks. Thank you for the kind words and thoughts.......means a lot.
My goodness. Did they give you an end date? How do they know weeks?
My goodness. Did they give you an end date? How do they know weeks?
Blood work. It's the tale of the tape. Everything pretty much revolves aroud your blood and how it circulates. My blood oxygen level is extremely low. It doesn't help that I like vodka and 7 but they never dog me about me.....afterall, I am dying so it doesn't really matter. Me speeding up the process isn't a bad thing to hospice.....afterall, it's inevitable and there are always new patients that need their help.....
My half sister died last week. She basically had no lungs. She turned down a transplant because she wanted to save someone younger. She was kept alive by a breathing machine for days. Her husband firmly believed in healing by the laying on of hands. The hospital then went to our brother and her son that gave the order to disconnect. They set up a camera and streaming feed. The far flung family, extended family and part family were all electronically together. The machine was turned off. Truly gave one last sigh, her mouth twitched, almost as if starting a smile. Then she was gone.

That little twitch bothered me. When Steve Jobs died, at the very moment of death he smiled broadly. His last words were "oh wow, oh wow, oh wow." What did he see? What did Trudy see? I keep ruminating over this question.

Oh dear, I do hope I'm not depressing you.
Talked to Dale on the phone a little earlier this P.M. He's been sick for about a week with a stomach virus but is almost over it. I wish I had the positive attitude Dale exhibits, He is one outstanding person.
Talked to Dale on the phone a little earlier this P.M. He's been sick for about a week with a stomach virus but is almost over it. I wish I had the positive attitude Dale exhibits, He is one outstanding person.
I talked to him a few days ago and he sounded exhausted. You know what I found odd, Hoss? Given the circumstances of what he's been dealt and the clear lack of energy in his voice since the last time we spoke, he spent more time talking about me and his obervations/view in terms of my qualities rather than his health and how/what he's doing. I found this to be completely selfless. There's probably a lot one could say about that sort of resolve in a man.
I'm going to call you today. Sometime before noon, and I hope you are well enough for a quick chat. Thought you might get a kick out of hearing me speak since I still have no teeth due to bone spurs EVERYWHERE in my mouth and I don't get to see the new competent dentist for another 3 weeks. It's pretty painful to talk but mostly it's hilarious because I can't thay my etheth and I sound like my mouth is full of food....I WISHED. lol
Anyway....I'll holler attcha in about 10 hours, give or take. Be prepared for garbled speech. Hopefully you will laugh about it cuz I do when I am not wincing, heh.
Please excuse me for having a lack of control over my emotions. You all have moved my heart and the love I feel for you all is genuine.

BTW, it was so good to talk to Gracie today. I have worried about her for a long time. For her to take that step to call me made me so glad.......


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