Zone1 Encouragement for member and friend Dale Smith

:hello77: Dale, :hhello: :) :) :)

Hey BFF!!!! :) . That was one beautiful uplifting song by the Bellamy Brothers. I loved listening to it and watching you play along. Thanks so much. What a treat!

Gosh, I heard this song today in a commercial and it made me think of you and so I am sending it. I like it a lot.

Dale, I hope you are painlessly making it through, day by day, and I love reading the messages others send to you. Aren't they so welcome!!! Sweet people. You have found a place in all of our hearts here and in the prayers of those of us who are believers in a higher power whatever that may be to them. For me, It's all about sending you love and nurturing your soul in any way I can. So here is that uplifting song, and I hope it brings a thoughtful smile to your handsome face. Woot!!!!
Your pal,

:hello77: Dale, :hhello: :) :) :)

Hey BFF!!!! :) . That was one beautiful uplifting song by the Bellamy Brothers. I loved listening to it and watching you play along. Thanks so much. What a treat!

Gosh, I heard this song today in a commercial and it made me think of you and so I am sending it. I like it a lot.

Dale, I hope you are painlessly making it through, day by day, and I love reading the messages others send to you. Aren't they so welcome!!! Sweet people. You have found a place in all of our hearts here and in the prayers of those of us who are believers in a higher power whatever that may be to them. For me, It's all about sending you love and nurturing your soul in any way I can. So here is that uplifting song, and I hope it brings a thoughtful smile to your handsome face. Woot!!!!
Your pal,

In the 50s and 60s, my two favorite singers were Dean Martin and Julie London.
In the 50s and 60s, my two favorite singers were Dean Martin and Julie London.
Hiya Hossfly, my faithful man to humankind! I'm glad you love those two singers as they are both so talented in such different ways.

It is so good to see you today. I love your avie and since I know the character of the man inside, I am honored to have your comment. Your da bestest!!!!!!! :11_2_1043:
:hello77: Dale, :hhello: :) :) :)

Hey BFF!!!! :) . That was one beautiful uplifting song by the Bellamy Brothers. I loved listening to it and watching you play along. Thanks so much. What a treat!

Gosh, I heard this song today in a commercial and it made me think of you and so I am sending it. I like it a lot.

Dale, I hope you are painlessly making it through, day by day, and I love reading the messages others send to you. Aren't they so welcome!!! Sweet people. You have found a place in all of our hearts here and in the prayers of those of us who are believers in a higher power whatever that may be to them. For me, It's all about sending you love and nurturing your soul in any way I can. So here is that uplifting song, and I hope it brings a thoughtful smile to your handsome face. Woot!!!!
Your pal,

Awwww, thank you so much for the post and the song. I am not going to lie but the TIAs are getting worse and happening with greater frequency. I had to use the "Panic Button" on Saturday night when I got home from a gig I played. I was paralyzed after I fell for a good five minutes before I could crawl to the button. By the time they got here, the TIA had subsided. They took my heart rate and blood pressure and they were slightly elevated but not that bad. They wanted to take me to the hospital but I refused because I felt better and a dear friend came over and spent the night on my couch which is next to my hospice bed. She is a tried and true friend and I felt relaxed enough to sleep. I had three smaller attacks today. It's looking like this is just something I am going to have to deal with and work through until I am gone. Thank you and everyone else for caring......words don't adequately describe how grateful I am...

Hugs ya......
Hiya Hossfly, my faithful man to humankind! I'm glad you love those two singers as they are both so talented in such different ways.

It is so good to see you today. I love your avie and since I know the character of the man inside, I am honored to have your comment. Your da bestest!!!!!!! :11_2_1043:
Here's a favorite of mine. Dean has a smile in his voice.

Just one more thing.......I recorded this a year ago when I was thinking about Sandy, my ex and incredible friend. The sad thing is that I can't share this with her because she has a new husband and it just wouldn't be appropriate. I have to respect boundaries but this song describes her and the way I feel about her still that must remain hidden.

Hugs you all......

Just one more thing.......I recorded this a year ago when I was thinking about Sandy, my ex and incredible friend. The sad thing is that I can't share this with her because she has a new husband and it just wouldn't be appropriate. I have to respect boundaries but this song describes her and the way I feel about her still that must remain hidden.

Hugs you all......

That is beautiful Dale...just beautiful.
Dale, that touching, soul-wrenching song reached my own heart. I think for many of us there was one love that for one reason or another regardless of who left whom and how, when, or why, that will live in our hearts forever as the one true love of our lives, never to be duplicated or resurrected in feelings or actions in future relationships. You wrote in part: I have to respect boundaries but this song describes her and the way I feel about her still that must remain hidden.

Dale, I have a feeling Sandy would love to know how you felt about her then and feel about her...still. That is how it made me feel when those words were imparted by someone to a third party and published in an article, and after many years of changing days and nights, never really knowing how he felt when we parted. An enlightenment, to be brief. A smile to be sure. A vindication of the freedom to have moved on and love in yet another way.

There are many songs by George Jones and Kris Kristofferson, et al that sing of these feelings and I'll include one, other than the one I previously sent you by Dolly Parton.

May you have a restful day, Dale. One day at a time, dearest.

Your cyber-bud,


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Dale, that touching, soul-wrenching song reached my own heart. I think for many of us there was one love that for one reason or another regardless of who left whom and how, when, or why, that will live in our hearts forever as the one true love of our lives, never to be duplicated or resurrected in feelings or actions in future relationships. You wrote in part: I have to respect boundaries but this song describes her and the way I feel about her still that must remain hidden.

Dale, I have a feeling Sandy would love to know how you felt about her then and feel about her...still. That is how it made me feel when those words were imparted by someone to a third party and published in an article, and after many years of changing days and nights, never really knowing how he felt when we parted. An enlightenment, to be brief. A smile to be sure. A vindication of the freedom to have moved on and love in yet another way.

There are many songs by George Jones and Kris Kristofferson, et al that sing of these feelings and I'll include one, other than the one I previously sent you by Dolly Parton.

May you have a restful day, Dale. One day at a time, dearest.

Your cyber-bud,


Yep, that one is a tear jerker for sure. Ray Price did that originally and it always touched my heart. I have a couple of songs on my channel that have to do with Sandy. She knows I regret the way things turned out and I accept 100 percent responsibility as to why we divorced. Why she still loves and cares about me.....just not the way she did once loved me? I will never know. I dated a lot after my divorce but never looked at a lady the way I did Sandy. I thought I could never be alone but I would rather be alone than try to fake my way through a relationship while still holding onto feelings for her that I will never lose. I am sure she knows that I still love her "in that way" but I have to be careful not to step over that line because her husband is someone I love and respect like a brother. When we lost Joshua I told her through tears "I guess there isn't any reason for us to stay in touch anymore now that Josh is gone"....and the thought she might say "Yeah, you are right" absolutely terrified me, but she didn't. She said that she loved me and would always be friends. She texted me twice today to check on me because I told her about the TIAs. She told me about 10 years ago that I am finally the man she knew I was hiding inside. I can't describe how that made me feel. BTW, this is the type of lady she is......she bought a Gerber Life Insurance for Josh and they paid it off. She sent me a check for 10K even though I had no idea she had done that, I never paid a dime for it either.

I told her that I had some serious trepidations about taking it and would sign the check over to her. She refused and said to put it in the bank and that she needed to know that I had a little security. There are not many ex-wives that would do anything like that....but she did. It's tearing her up that I am dying and I told her to not be sad and she said through tears "You can't tell me how to feel". BTW she is listed as the beneficiary for a 40K policy I have and I am glad that I have something to leave her.

Yep, she was incredible. So, I have two songs to share with you all.

P.S Thank you for the friendship.....not just you, Athena....everyone here has a special place in my heart. You all have helped me on this journey.

Yep, that one is a tear jerker for sure. Ray Price did that originally and it always touched my heart. I have a couple of songs on my channel that have to do with Sandy. She knows I regret the way things turned out and I accept 100 percent responsibility as to why we divorced. Why she still loves and cares about me.....just not the way she did once loved me? I will never know. I dated a lot after my divorce but never looked at a lady the way I did Sandy. I thought I could never be alone but I would rather be alone than try to fake my way through a relationship while still holding onto feelings for her that I will never lose. I am sure she knows that I still love her "in that way" but I have to be careful not to step over that line because her husband is someone I love and respect like a brother. When we lost Joshua I told her through tears "I guess there isn't any reason for us to stay in touch anymore now that Josh is gone"....and the thought she might say "Yeah, you are right" absolutely terrified me, but she didn't. She said that she loved me and would always be friends. She texted me twice today to check on me because I told her about the TIAs. She told me about 10 years ago that I am finally the man she knew I was hiding inside. I can't describe how that made me feel. BTW, this is the type of lady she is......she bought a Gerber Life Insurance for Josh and they paid it off. She sent me a check for 10K even though I had no idea she had done that, I never paid a dime for it either.

I told her that I had some serious trepidations about taking it and would sign the check over to her. She refused and said to put it in the bank and that she needed to know that I had a little security. There are not many ex-wives that would do anything like that....but she did. It's tearing her up that I am dying and I told her to not be sad and she said through tears "You can't tell me how to feel". BTW she is listed as the beneficiary for a 40K policy I have and I am glad that I have something to leave her.

Yep, she was incredible. So, I have two songs to share with you all.

P.S Thank you for the friendship.....not just you, Athena....everyone here has a special place in my heart. You all have helped me on this journey.

Two very moving songs. I can see why you would embrace them, Dale. I listened to Sade also, for I ALWAYS loved everything about her—a very classy lady with some true feelings expressed through music.

Also, I enjoyed reading about Sandy and the deep and abiding care she really still holds for you in her heart of hearts. Your condition has to also be taking a significant toll on her as she tries to cope with your remaining months AND YEARS!!!! We're all heading in the same direction. Home. One way or another. ⬆️
Peace, my pal,
Upbeat here:
Two very moving songs. I can see why you would embrace them, Dale. I listened to Sade also, for I ALWAYS loved everything about her—a very classy lady with some true feelings expressed through music.

Also, I enjoyed reading about Sandy and the deep and abiding care she really still holds for you in her heart of hearts. Your condition has to also be taking a significant toll on her as she tries to cope with your remaining months AND YEARS!!!! We're all heading in the same direction. Home. One way or another. ⬆️
Peace, my pal,
Upbeat here:

Listen to this song and picture my Sandy singing Rosanne Cash's part because that is her.... to the proverbial "T". When I had her listen to this song, she said "I am a blonde, dumb ass".......that is the term she always used to chide me with. I was like "forget the fox-tail red" part....don't take it literally. Just listen to the song". She loved it. But now it's almost over for me. I think I am going to take your advice and write her an e-mail and lay it all out even though I am sure she already knows I carry these feelings around and have for many years. I think purging my soul to her will help me move on to the next part of my journey. I really do need to get it off my chest. I have thought a lot about how I am revealing so much of myself and my past here but I am "ok" with it. You all have reached out to me from both sides of the fence and I feel like you all deserve to know. I am a pariah to most on the left but there are some lefties here that have sincerely reached out to me. What I am facing isn't easy and there is a part of me that is I am going to have to go through some kind of spiritual gauntlet before I cross over. I have tried to be so stoic about all of this and as I decline? I know that I am closer to the end of my journey than the beginning. It's kind of easy to be "Oh well, this is the hand I have been dealt" when you start but believe me on the weeks fly by and your blood tests tell the doctors I should already be "toe-tagged" and they are confused as to why I am still alive? Reality smacks you in the face and you realize how precious time is. I have always prided myself on being totally transparent as to whom I am and what I stand for but I have taken that to another level because I believe you need to know as much about me as I can tell ya''all . The poster that goes by "Natural Citizen" calls and checks up on me like Hossfly does and he told me "You will never be forgotten....remember that". What a good man he is for reaching out to me like that. Hell, Hossfly had his son drive up here to see think that didn't touch me to the very core? All of you that have taken the time to let me know that I matter to them is just so humbling and I am not ashamed to admit that some of you have caused me to shed happy tears......much love and respect.
Silly boys blind to get there first
Think of second chances as some kind of curse
I've known you forever and ever it's true
If you came by it easy, you wouldn't be you
Make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me forget myself"

That letter will mean so much to Sandy later on, I don't think there is a greater gift you could give.

Here's one for you, ever listened to Greg Brown?

Write it, Dale. I wish I had done it for Dennis. We, you and I, spoke about that. The "no regrets" and the guilt I carry and will always carry. I cry for you. I cry for him. Write it so she doesn't cry too badly feels remorse or guilt about anything. Nor you feel those emotions either. Just write it.
Hello, Dale I think a lot about you and you know that I love you very much and I could also call you but I am a little shy at least for now but you should do otherwise than me and write and say what you feel, you must have no regrets and I love you very much whatever happens I would always think of you because you are very dear to me.

I chose this song for you mon Ami American from far away !

Hello, Dale I think a lot about you and you know that I love you very much and I could also call you but I am a little shy at least for now but you should do otherwise than me and write and say what you feel, you must have no regrets and I love you very much whatever happens I would always think of you because you are very dear to me.

I chose this song for you mon Ami American from far away !

Dalia, you have always been a blessing going all the way back to the day I was introduced to your postings. You are still an incredible sweetheart. Love you as well........

That there is a real entertainer, y'all.

I wish Dale would be slappin' more Fabian Socialists around these days, but I'll be happy with the hand I'm dealt.

Even if I have to bluff.
Well, folks, with Greyson being gone, it has been really lonely around here. It's like losing a son all over again. He is back to move his stuff into his new apartment and take his dog. I sure got attached to that mutt. I had a really bad TIA a week ago and that dog wouldn't leave my side and kept nudging me the entire time. Everything has turned upside down for me. NOW I have to pay all the utilities and getting everything put in my name is a pain. Everythingis just so damn expensive now and Social Security has drug it's feet to pay my very legitimate claim. Sucks that all the money I and my employer paid over a 40 year span isn't forthcoming. I will make it, it's just gonna be tight. My pain level isn't bad and I have good days and days when I just don't want to get up at all. I am "sliding" as the medical term goes. Hossfly checks on me as has Gracie and tme the poster that goes by "Natural Citizen"....what a tremendously good man he is. He really lifted my spirits when he said "You will never be forgotten " oh man that caused some happy tears.

So, on a happier note? Here are a couple of Sheryl Crow tunes I covered as well as one by Tom Petty.
Love ya'll so much......

Well, folks, with Greyson being gone, it has been really lonely around here. It's like losing a son all over again. He is back to move his stuff into his new apartment and take his dog. I sure got attached to that mutt. I had a really bad TIA a week ago and that dog wouldn't leave my side and kept nudging me the entire time. Everything has turned upside down for me. NOW I have to pay all the utilities and getting everything put in my name is a pain. Everythingis just so damn expensive now and Social Security has drug it's feet to pay my very legitimate claim. Sucks that all the money I and my employer paid over a 40 year span isn't forthcoming. I will make it, it's just gonna be tight. My pain level isn't bad and I have good days and days when I just don't want to get up at all. I am "sliding" as the medical term goes. Hossfly checks on me as has Gracie and tme the poster that goes by "Natural Citizen"....what a tremendously good man he is. He really lifted my spirits when he said "You will never be forgotten " oh man that caused some happy tears.

So, on a happier note? Here are a couple of Sheryl Crow tunes I covered as well as one by Tom Petty.
Love ya'll so much......

I ain't forgettin' no Dale Smith, or Kat, or tinydancer. Naw. Or DarkFury, for that matter. :aargh:

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