End Prohibition.

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
End all of them.

We waste tons of money and man-hours enforcing laws that simply should not be.

We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are. So the people that make money buying and selling drugs would just concentrate on other things and the murders will keep happening.

Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.

So if we made all drugs legal, we could do away with the DEA, and transfer the officers and agents elsewhere. And THEN we could collect taxes on harder to make narcotics. It would save money and lives.

Legalize prostitution. Last I heard, it’s still considered the oldest profession. We could transfer officers from picking up whores to other areas where real crime is occurring.

Same goes for gambling. Tons of money is made by casinos. Why would anyone not want the tax money that comes from that?

If we legalize it, gangs have little else to work with. Street dealers will need to get jobs. Whores will have the justice system on their side. We will pay less to keep users in jail.

But the government is our parents, and to make sure we don’t do these things they will send us to jail and ruin our lives. And there are people out there that actually think America will collapse if we did.

If I wanted to get high, I would. If it is made legal, I would still tell my kids not to.

How about you?
Two Thumbs, per usual, spot on.

Let people handle their morals in their own way, not in government's way.
End all of them.

We waste tons of money and man-hours enforcing laws that simply should not be.

We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are. So the people that make money buying and selling drugs would just concentrate on other things and the murders will keep happening.

Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.

So if we made all drugs legal, we could do away with the DEA, and transfer the officers and agents elsewhere. And THEN we could collect taxes on harder to make narcotics. It would save money and lives.

Legalize prostitution. Last I heard, it’s still considered the oldest profession. We could transfer officers from picking up whores to other areas where real crime is occurring.

Same goes for gambling. Tons of money is made by casinos. Why would anyone not want the tax money that comes from that?

If we legalize it, gangs have little else to work with. Street dealers will need to get jobs. Whores will have the justice system on their side. We will pay less to keep users in jail.

But the government is our parents, and to make sure we don’t do these things they will send us to jail and ruin our lives. And there are people out there that actually think America will collapse if we did.

If I wanted to get high, I would. If it is made legal, I would still tell my kids not to.

How about you?

For the most part I completely agree to say its been ineffective would be a complete understatement.
End all of them.

We waste tons of money and man-hours enforcing laws that simply should not be.

We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are. So the people that make money buying and selling drugs would just concentrate on other things and the murders will keep happening.

Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.

So if we made all drugs legal, we could do away with the DEA, and transfer the officers and agents elsewhere. And THEN we could collect taxes on harder to make narcotics. It would save money and lives.

Legalize prostitution. Last I heard, it’s still considered the oldest profession. We could transfer officers from picking up whores to other areas where real crime is occurring.

Same goes for gambling. Tons of money is made by casinos. Why would anyone not want the tax money that comes from that?

If we legalize it, gangs have little else to work with. Street dealers will need to get jobs. Whores will have the justice system on their side. We will pay less to keep users in jail.

But the government is our parents, and to make sure we don’t do these things they will send us to jail and ruin our lives. And there are people out there that actually think America will collapse if we did.

If I wanted to get high, I would. If it is made legal, I would still tell my kids not to.

How about you?

then who would we jail ?

I think the government should worn us , should regulate drugs but not jail over use alone , what we do under the influence is no excuse .
Only point to throw in is that it should still be illegal to use those drugs and drive, same as alcohol.
End all of them.

We waste tons of money and man-hours enforcing laws that simply should not be.

We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are. So the people that make money buying and selling drugs would just concentrate on other things and the murders will keep happening.

Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.

So if we made all drugs legal, we could do away with the DEA, and transfer the officers and agents elsewhere. And THEN we could collect taxes on harder to make narcotics. It would save money and lives.

Legalize prostitution. Last I heard, it’s still considered the oldest profession. We could transfer officers from picking up whores to other areas where real crime is occurring.

Same goes for gambling. Tons of money is made by casinos. Why would anyone not want the tax money that comes from that?

If we legalize it, gangs have little else to work with. Street dealers will need to get jobs. Whores will have the justice system on their side. We will pay less to keep users in jail.

But the government is our parents, and to make sure we don’t do these things they will send us to jail and ruin our lives. And there are people out there that actually think America will collapse if we did.

If I wanted to get high, I would. If it is made legal, I would still tell my kids not to.

How about you?

then who would we jail ?

I think the government should worn us , should regulate drugs but not jail over use alone , what we do under the influence is no excuse .

Slightly different topic.

You get high and hurt someone. You go to jail, the excuse I was high, will not be tolerated b/c you are still responsible for your actions.

I'd let the lawyers hammer out what the charge would be and how much time is to be served.
Oh and lets not forget the added health care costs to tax payers, cost to families (destruction of lives and all that entails) and the increase of other crimes as potentially thousands of new addicts find ways to fuel their habit.
And no, I'm not talking about pot.
Oh and lets not forget the added health care costs to tax payers, cost to families (destruction of lives and all that entails) and the increase of other crimes as potentially thousands of new addicts find ways to fuel their habit.
And no, I'm not talking about pot.

Please list the accomplishments of the drug war from preventing people from using.
Oh and lets not forget the added health care costs to tax payers, cost to families (destruction of lives and all that entails) and the increase of other crimes as potentially thousands of new addicts find ways to fuel their habit.
And no, I'm not talking about pot.

Please list the accomplishments of the drug war from preventing people from using.

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.
You really want to make crystal meth and other hard drugs legal? I'm not so sure, I have seen the effects alot of these drugs have and having an open air drug market? I don't know.
Oh and lets not forget the added health care costs to tax payers, cost to families (destruction of lives and all that entails) and the increase of other crimes as potentially thousands of new addicts find ways to fuel their habit.
And no, I'm not talking about pot.

Please list the accomplishments of the drug war from preventing people from using.

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

Exactly, legalize hard drugs and instead of stupid college kids guzzling four lokos at frat parties they will be smoking meth and doing lines of cocaine.
Oh and lets not forget the added health care costs to tax payers, cost to families (destruction of lives and all that entails) and the increase of other crimes as potentially thousands of new addicts find ways to fuel their habit.
And no, I'm not talking about pot.

What do you think the percentage of people that are inclined to do drugs but don't because they are illegal is?
Wringel, I have to disagree with you. I was in my late teens and twenties in the '60s. Drugs were easily available. I never tried any of them because of really bad reactions from legal drugs. I had many friends that tried them a few times and just decided they were not worth it.

The same people that get hung up on drugs are usually the same people that have problems with alcohol. Perhaps, rather than running a multi-billion dollar enforcement and incarceration system, we should be trying to address those defects in physiology and psychology that create addicts to whatever substance.
You really want to make crystal meth and other hard drugs legal? I'm not so sure, I have seen the effects alot of these drugs have and having an open air drug market? I don't know.

There are enough physically damaging affects from meth to keep it off the market for the same reason that we do not allow benzine to be used in most processes.
Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.
That's like suggesting....home-brewers are putting commercial beer-brewing-companies outta business!!!!!

Not likely.......

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Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide.

Excellent point. Try providing us with some facts to back up your claim that if drugs were legalized scores of people would suddenly be rushing the streets to get their next fix. Let's see some data from some studies done on the topic other than you just saying so because in your mind you believe it to be the logical progression of that action.
You really want to make crystal meth and other hard drugs legal? I'm not so sure, I have seen the effects alot of these drugs have and having an open air drug market? I don't know.

Yes. W/o a single doubt.

The only drugs I have not had a chance to try is meth and pcp. Everything else has been at my beck and call.

The idea that it all being legal will lead to greater addiction is utter non-sense.

Even if it did, the gains we would get out weigh the losses.
Please list the accomplishments of the drug war from preventing people from using.

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

Exactly, legalize hard drugs and instead of stupid college kids guzzling four lokos at frat parties they will be smoking meth and doing lines of cocaine.

They are doing that now.

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