End Prohibition.

And I have to disagree with you. The drugs of the 60s and 70s that we did are not even remotely as addictive or as dangerous as the drugs available today. Hell today the have "super pot" which is laced with God knows what and some of those substances are highly addictive. Addictive personality is one thing, highly addictive substances pay no attention to personality.

You seem to be a little vague about your information. Anything specific besides "God knows what" or "highly addictive substances"?

PCP ring any bells?

I recall the 60's and 70's an the drugs we took and smoked. PCP laced pot was around then too so it's nothing new. Furthermore it's and awful high and I strongly recommend no one use it.

Anything else?
Please list the accomplishments of the drug war from preventing people from using.

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

I think the majority of experimenting comes at an early age when fear of illegality is something that very few teenagers engage in. Peer pressure is more important than laws. That's human nature.

Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?
Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

I think the majority of experimenting comes at an early age when fear of illegality is something that very few teenagers engage in. Peer pressure is more important than laws. That's human nature.

Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

I'd bet there would be more than a handfull of adults that would try this or that. I can't see addiction becoming a bigger problem than it is now.

Even if it did, it beats getting killed in drive bys
You really want to make crystal meth and other hard drugs legal? I'm not so sure, I have seen the effects alot of these drugs have and having an open air drug market? I don't know.

Yes. W/o a single doubt.

The only drugs I have not had a chance to try is meth and pcp. Everything else has been at my beck and call.
If you enjoy not being able to think...at ALL...go-ahead & try PCP. I never understood the attraction, to it...after "experimenting" a few times. Let 'em continue tranqing animals, with my share.

Gimme some good, clean blotter....

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

Exactly, legalize hard drugs and instead of stupid college kids guzzling four lokos at frat parties they will be smoking meth and doing lines of cocaine.

They are doing that now.
You seem to be a little vague about your information. Anything specific besides "God knows what" or "highly addictive substances"?

PCP ring any bells?

I recall the 60's and 70's an the drugs we took and smoked. PCP laced pot was around then too so it's nothing new. Furthermore it's and awful high and I strongly recommend no one use it.

Anything else?

Raid, Windex, hair spray, etc. Without quality controls and some dealers playing fast and loose with what they do to their supply....... I don't have a problem with legalizing pot as long as the quality controls are in place and enforced. Where did you "assume" that I did?
I think the majority of experimenting comes at an early age when fear of illegality is something that very few teenagers engage in. Peer pressure is more important than laws. That's human nature.

Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

I'd bet there would be more than a handfull of adults that would try this or that. I can't see addiction becoming a bigger problem than it is now.

Even if it did, it beats getting killed in drive bys

I am not arguing against your preposition, I am simply pointing out some potential pitfalls which the pro-deregulation folks either ignore or intentionally dismiss because it might harm their argument. That's all.

Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

Exactly, legalize hard drugs and instead of stupid college kids guzzling four lokos at frat parties they will be smoking meth and doing lines of cocaine.

....Mostly because they're not doing that, already, right?


Fuck you smart ass.:cool:
Try getting the facts and asking a question instead of being snide. The ban on drugs has prevented many people from not "experimenting", remove the ban and what happens? People who's fear of the illegality consequences start experimenting, some drugs are much more addictive than others, ergo....... If you understood human nature you would understand this.

I think the majority of experimenting comes at an early age when fear of illegality is something that very few teenagers engage in. Peer pressure is more important than laws. That's human nature.

Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?
I think the majority of experimenting comes at an early age when fear of illegality is something that very few teenagers engage in. Peer pressure is more important than laws. That's human nature.

Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.
PCP ring any bells?

I recall the 60's and 70's an the drugs we took and smoked. PCP laced pot was around then too so it's nothing new. Furthermore it's and awful high and I strongly recommend no one use it.

Anything else?

Raid, Windex, hair spray, etc. Without quality controls and some dealers playing fast and loose with what they do to their supply....... I don't have a problem with legalizing pot as long as the quality controls are in place and enforced. Where did you "assume" that I did?

I didn't assume anything. I haven't bought pot for years now. I was just wonder what they could be lacing it with now that is so bad that wasn't available then. The best was some free-base laced pot........ and I don't think there is any (better/worse) than that combination!

Really, it was for a research paper, not that I want to experiment or anything, (nudge nudge, wink wink)

I think legalizing any drug would/should come with regulations regarding purity as well as quality.
You really want to make crystal meth and other hard drugs legal? I'm not so sure, I have seen the effects alot of these drugs have and having an open air drug market? I don't know.

Yes. W/o a single doubt.

The only drugs I have not had a chance to try is meth and pcp. Everything else has been at my beck and call.

The idea that it all being legal will lead to greater addiction is utter non-sense.

Even if it did, the gains we would get out weigh the losses.

Have you tried heroin? my brother is an ex heroin addict and he is totally useless, he is totally unable to hold down a job or sustain himself at all, I would not want that available for anyone to buy.
To each, his own.....

I've never used junk, or a syringe....mostly 'cause I was never so desperate to get high I was willing to dump-my-guts (every time), like my junkie-buds accepted. The idea that the DEA has decided doctors should not be permitted to use heroin, for the pain-management of the terminally-ill, seems awfully fucked-up, though.

I'm thinkin' there are a lotta people who shouldn't own guns.....but, I'm not about to penalize everyone, for the irresponsibility of the few.​
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Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.

Most of that was done before the hazards were known.
Get high on coke and you could work for hours and hours w/o need for rest.

then the nose bleeds, then the removal of the sinus gor around and it stopped [mostly]
Yes. W/o a single doubt.

The only drugs I have not had a chance to try is meth and pcp. Everything else has been at my beck and call.

The idea that it all being legal will lead to greater addiction is utter non-sense.

Even if it did, the gains we would get out weigh the losses.

Have you tried heroin? my brother is an ex heroin addict and he is totally useless, he is totally unable to hold down a job or sustain himself at all, I would not want that available for anyone to buy.
To each, his own.....

I've never used junk, or a syringe....mostly 'cause I was never so desperate to get high I was willing to dump-my-guts (every time), like my junkie-buds accepted.

I'm thinkin' there are a lotta people who shouldn't own guns.....but, I'm not about to penalize everyone, for the irresponsibility of the few.​

Most people dont use guns they bought legally from a store to kill people or commit crimes because they are traceable, I don't see what this has to do with heroin. Once that dragon gets its hooks into you, there is no going back, heroin addicts are barely more than zombies who can be ordered around as long you give them their next high.
Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.

Me :eek::eek:

But I did try it first as a teenager.

But I do understand your point on cocaine and the age of the average first time user. I think it might have to do with wealth too.
Wringel, I have to disagree with you. I was in my late teens and twenties in the '60s. Drugs were easily available. I never tried any of them because of really bad reactions from legal drugs. I had many friends that tried them a few times and just decided they were not worth it.

The same people that get hung up on drugs are usually the same people that have problems with alcohol. Perhaps, rather than running a multi-billion dollar enforcement and incarceration system, we should be trying to address those defects in physiology and psychology that create addicts to whatever substance.

And I have to disagree with you. The drugs of the 60s and 70s that we did are not even remotely as addictive or as dangerous as the drugs available today.


Hell today the have "super pot" which is laced with God knows what and some of those substances are highly addictive.

Lemme guess......you've got a lifetime-subscription to Readers Digest, right?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWZrE8akpg0]YouTube - Retirees demand marijuana[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS32QtGgBZ8]YouTube - Older Patients Turn to Marijuana for Relief[/ame]​
Wringel, I have to disagree with you. I was in my late teens and twenties in the '60s. Drugs were easily available. I never tried any of them because of really bad reactions from legal drugs. I had many friends that tried them a few times and just decided they were not worth it.

The same people that get hung up on drugs are usually the same people that have problems with alcohol. Perhaps, rather than running a multi-billion dollar enforcement and incarceration system, we should be trying to address those defects in physiology and psychology that create addicts to whatever substance.

And I have to disagree with you. The drugs of the 60s and 70s that we did are not even remotely as addictive or as dangerous as the drugs available today.


Hell today the have "super pot" which is laced with God knows what and some of those substances are highly addictive.

Lemme guess......you've got a lifetime-subscription to Readers Digest, right?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWZrE8akpg0]YouTube - Retirees demand marijuana[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS32QtGgBZ8]YouTube - Older Patients Turn to Marijuana for Relief[/ame]​

Were you born stupid or is this something you have to work on. Personally, since you don't appear to have to work on it I would select the former.
Ya know we could upgrade your brain. We could insert an amoeba.
Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.

Me :eek::eek:

But I did try it first as a teenager.

But I do understand your point on cocaine and the age of the average first time user. I think it might have to do with wealth too.

Don't limit you demographics for anything, it's kinda silly and does nothing more than skew the results.

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