End Prohibition.


Exactly, legalize hard drugs and instead of stupid college kids guzzling four lokos at frat parties they will be smoking meth and doing lines of cocaine.

....Mostly because they're not doing that, already, right?


Fuck you smart ass.:cool:

I always like to know when I'm winning an argument!!

I could NEVER live in a dry county, sounds like hell.

We all went to the lake and drank instead of a bar or club. or drove 30 miles to the "big city". it wasn't really all that different.

So if I am barbequing on my front porch and I'm guzzling a 40 and someone sees me, will I get arrested? I can't do the dry county thing man, reminds me too much of my time in Kuwait when we had so sneak booze like it was cocaine or something.

Drinking on your property was ok. Public drinking or buying and selling was a no go. The lake was a "every knows but doesn't know' kinda thing.
We all went to the lake and drank instead of a bar or club. or drove 30 miles to the "big city". it wasn't really all that different.

So if I am barbequing on my front porch and I'm guzzling a 40 and someone sees me, will I get arrested? I can't do the dry county thing man, reminds me too much of my time in Kuwait when we had so sneak booze like it was cocaine or something.

Drinking on your property was ok. Public drinking or buying and selling was a no go. The lake was a "every knows but doesn't know' kinda thing.

Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.
Why are you limiting your view to only one age group?

Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.

Where were you living, in the '80s???? :confused:

When grams could be had for $65, there were plenty o' teens who managed to throw-in and buy!!!

(Well....maybe not, in Iowa.)​
So if I am barbequing on my front porch and I'm guzzling a 40 and someone sees me, will I get arrested? I can't do the dry county thing man, reminds me too much of my time in Kuwait when we had so sneak booze like it was cocaine or something.

Drinking on your property was ok. Public drinking or buying and selling was a no go. The lake was a "every knows but doesn't know' kinda thing.

Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.

The Southern Bapists and the Pentacost ruled the county. These people are batshitcrazy. And seriously needed to drink and the Pents really needed more sex, lots and lots more
Have you tried heroin? my brother is an ex heroin addict and he is totally useless, he is totally unable to hold down a job or sustain himself at all, I would not want that available for anyone to buy.
To each, his own.....

I've never used junk, or a syringe....mostly 'cause I was never so desperate to get high I was willing to dump-my-guts (every time), like my junkie-buds accepted.

I'm thinkin' there are a lotta people who shouldn't own guns.....but, I'm not about to penalize everyone, for the irresponsibility of the few.​

Most people dont use guns they bought legally from a store to kill people or commit crimes because they are traceable, I don't see what this has to do with heroin.
My point WAS....if someone can afford their habit...and, stay productive....'cause that does happen (just ask Keith Richards)....who's to say what they're doing is "wrong"?

It's the same, with guns....if you've got a handful o' fuck-ups, using guns irresponsibly (like a bad-junkie), do you bust everyone for gun-ownership? Obviously, not.

It should be the same with drugs. If there are people who can use drugs recreationally/responsibly....why should they get busted....'cause there's a handful o' fuck-ups givin' recreational-use a bad-name??​
Drinking on your property was ok. Public drinking or buying and selling was a no go. The lake was a "every knows but doesn't know' kinda thing.

Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.

The Southern Bapists and the Pentacost ruled the county. These people are batshitcrazy. And seriously needed to drink and the Pents really needed more sex, lots and lots more

It sounds like religion wants to take away the fun things like drinking and sex.
Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.

The Southern Bapists and the Pentacost ruled the county. These people are batshitcrazy. And seriously needed to drink and the Pents really needed more sex, lots and lots more

It sounds like religion wants to take away the fun things like drinking and sex.

There was a high side to it.

We had nearly zero crime, no gangs, best school in the state, the town was very clean, and we had parks.

Only thing we didn't have was bars and package stores.
Experience. Mature adults should know better. Best example is one of the legal drugs available, tobacco. How many people start smoking as an adult verus how many people started when they were young teenagers?

I see where you're coming from but take a look at cocaine, who were the primary users in the 80s? It wasn't the teens.

Me :eek::eek:

But I did try it first as a teenager.

But I do understand your point on cocaine and the age of the average first time user. I think it might have to do with wealth too.
....AND, location.

Colorado was flooded with good, clean coke, during the early-to-mid '80s.

I'm pretty certain it was the same in Seattle, Portland, San Fran, L.A., Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, and all points North & East.​
And I have to disagree with you. The drugs of the 60s and 70s that we did are not even remotely as addictive or as dangerous as the drugs available today.


Lemme guess......you've got a lifetime-subscription to Readers Digest, right?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWZrE8akpg0]YouTube - Retirees demand marijuana[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS32QtGgBZ8]YouTube - Older Patients Turn to Marijuana for Relief[/ame]​

Were you born stupid or is this something you have to work on. Personally, since you don't appear to have to work on it I would select the former.
Ya know we could upgrade your brain. We could insert an amoeba.
In-other-words, you have NO IDEA what you're talkin'-about....but, your lips are flappin'....there's a noise comin'-out.....and, you've got your imagination on FULL-AUTO!!!!!

Yeah.....it's that obvious.

Then you obviously have no concept of the human condition. Would the gains out weigh the losses? Maybe yes, maybe no, there's only one way to find out and what if you're wrong.
So.....you prefer paranoia, over calculated-risks, huh?

You sound like someone who'd have preferred the Brits running this Country, back in the 1700s....'cause there'd have been less a chance of trouble, that way.

You worry, much, about having an adrenaline-overdose?

You think too-much excitement, in your Life, is gonna cancel your "pass" thru The Pearly Gates? What if you're wrong, about that?!!

Once again, instead of reading ALL of my posts, (it's amazing that you actually can read, at the 2nd grade level you do read at), you choose to pick the ones you think (there's another phenomenon concerning you) you might disagree with, make some very broad assumptions, then attack. Pathetic, honestly pathetic.
This is supposed to qualify as answers to my questions??


I guess I'll have to assume you're scared-shitless of calculated-risks, and.....without a lifetime of suffering, you're certain St. Pete will tell you to "Get lost!"

Soooooooo....rather than enjoying all Life has to offer & experience.....you prefer a lifetime o' sacrifice & martyrdom (as a cover for your fears), and try to "share" your misery & tentative-nature with everyone-else.....in search of others, like you.

Got it.

You can use him if you want, hes a scumbag and I could honestly care less anymore, hes stretched the limits of my patience and kindess. I'll answer your questions,

did you ever try it? No, never had a interest.
Hang around people who did? No.
Do your utmost to keep people from it? Sure but thats hard if the person is an addict.
Did he have no idea what could happen to him?Sure he knew, but he was under the impression he could control it, most addicts think they can.

Ya' ever ask him what his biggest-disappointment was, during the course of his Life?​

Nope, I haven't talked to him in over 5 years, if we ever saw each other again I think one of us would end up dead.
Well....people don't get hung-up on junk for the sheer "entertainment-value" of it.​
We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are.
Actually, marijuana is the most profitable illegal drug.

Marijuana | Medill National Security Zone

Some like to claim we can collect taxes on pot. Bit of a stretch, since it’s a weed and will grow damn near anywhere grass [actual grass] can.
Actually marijuana is not as easy to grow as you might suppose and not everyone is in a position to grow it, nor would everyone who likes marijuana prefer to grow it rather than buy it -- as long as the price is reasonable. (Now that liquor is readily available in stores there are not too many "stills" operating.)
Wellllllllllllllll.....it's not that difficult to grow....but, seeing-as-how it's a plant, it does take time. Enjoying the whole gardening-trip can make it more-enjoyable, as well.

Outdoors, you can (only) plan one one season/crop. Indoors, you can get a lot-more practice/experimentation....and, easily knock-off two crops, per year.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qnwp6J7P20]YouTube - Marijuana Inc. on MSNBC with Al Roker - Part 1 of 5[/ame]


Hey....it's part o' America's Legacy!!!

We're the spawn of Outlaws!!!

(Well.....except for that "conservative"-aberration.....)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBXIfs85lis]YouTube - Marijuana Cannabis A Chronic History 1 6 The History Channel[/ame]​
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We hear, every now and then, legalize pot. Why just pot? It’s not the vast money maker coke and meth are.
Actually, marijuana is the most profitable illegal drug.

Marijuana | Medill National Security Zone

Actually marijuana is not as easy to grow as you might suppose and not everyone is in a position to grow it, nor would everyone who likes marijuana prefer to grow it rather than buy it -- as long as the price is reasonable. (Now that liquor is readily available in stores there are not too many "stills" operating.)

Very true. This would be a good thing but drug money corruption is so widely and firmly imbedded that it will take a major political revolution to break the back of the monster.

I agree.

Same goes for gambling. Tons of money is made by casinos. Why would anyone not want the tax money that comes from that?

If we legalize it, gangs have little else to work with. Street dealers will need to get jobs. Whores will have the justice system on their side. We will pay less to keep users in jail.

But the government is our parents, and to make sure we don’t do these things they will send us to jail and ruin our lives. And there are people out there that actually think America will collapse if we did.

If I wanted to get high, I would. If it is made legal, I would still tell my kids not to.

How about you?
Me, too!

Thanks about the value of pot update. My info may be outed as I thought due to the size, and value per ounce it did create as much profit.

Far as growing; You can pick up a "High Times" mag and learn most of what you need to know. Granted there will be a market for high end product, but comparing it to the work and equipment needed for a still, is a bit of a stretch. Mostly cuz I knew a guy that grew his in his closet using a neon light.
You mean fluorescent-lights??

Those are ideal for starting plants, but....ya' gotta switch-over to metal-halides, once they hit (approx.) 4"-6" height.

Hell....you can get 250w MH lights at Lowe's now!!!
So if I am barbequing on my front porch and I'm guzzling a 40 and someone sees me, will I get arrested? I can't do the dry county thing man, reminds me too much of my time in Kuwait when we had so sneak booze like it was cocaine or something.

Drinking on your property was ok. Public drinking or buying and selling was a no go. The lake was a "every knows but doesn't know' kinda thing.

Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.
In the mid-'90s, you could hit them in Oklahoma.​
Hmm why were these counties dry, religious reasons? I thought the only dry counties we had in the US were in Utah.

The Southern Bapists and the Pentacost ruled the county. These people are batshitcrazy. And seriously needed to drink and the Pents really needed more sex, lots and lots more

It sounds like religion wants to take away the fun things like drinking and sex.
Only if you plan on gettin' to Heaven.


Ringel05 will verify that.​
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8 in a row.

I win.
I think it safe to assume that the majority of Americans understand that marijuana prohibition is a pernicious policy that causes far more harm than people smoking it ever did.

So the only real question is this:

Why is it STILL illegal?

I think in oder to answer that question we must ask ourselves this question:

Who benefits from this prohibition?
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I think it safe to assume that the majority of Americans understand that marijuana prohibition is a pernicious policy that causes far more harm than people smoking it ever did.

So the only real question is this:

Why is it STILL illegal?

I think in oder to answer that question we must ask ourselves this question:

Who benefits from this prohibition?

construction co's

You know, the usual suspects.

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