End The First Amendment???

And that is why you replied. :lol:

PC, you have limited ability as a writer. You write for a broken libertarian-oriented philosophy. You get irked when you get laughed at. You are being laughed at, and that is what the sensible posters here will be doing for a long, long time.

Tough for you.

You simply don't have what it takes.

Jakey...You better be wearing the Hurt Locker outfit…

So...you think I have some sort of 'dread' as exemplified by calling you stupid???

What's funny is that you don't realize that you've verified my claim.

But, to gild the lily, check this out:
I’ve been carefully observing your ability, and once we get beyond building a log cabin with your French fries, there’s not too much in your resume….

Sound like I have any 'dread' relating to you?

Now it's time for you to head back into the Roach Motel…


....I can't begin to tell you how very much I value your opinion!

I won't waste a minute in taking your critique to heart!
Obviously PC..you were making chocolate chip cookies when Obama was speaking to the UN on the topic..or you'd know that he vehmently defended the first amendment.

They don't come any more stupid than you.

That's why the liar-in-chief is still suggesting censorship and blaming the a video for the damage caused by his policies.

And you buy it like it was on sale.

No chocolate chip cookies for you.

"Suggesting"? That merits the Tea Party Samurai seal of approval:

Obviously PC..you were making chocolate chip cookies when Obama was speaking to the UN on the topic..or you'd know that he vehmently defended the first amendment.

They don't come any more stupid than you.

That's why the liar-in-chief is still suggesting censorship and blaming the a video for the damage caused by his policies.

And you buy it like it was on sale.

No chocolate chip cookies for you.

"Suggesting"? That merits the Tea Party Samurai seal of approval:

I guess us tea party types need to be more like you progressive occupy types huh???? We should all do drugs, shit on police cars, incite violence and rape women.
When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment
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Thanatos, you do not have a right to not be offended when someone tells you that your views are stupid and unAmerican. You do have a right to metaphorically return fire.

See how that works?
When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment
And yet you hypocritical hack they arrested a person for his speech.....
With all the attacks on personal liberty in recent times from both political parties, no one who associates with one can honestly defend or attack.

Being always a 'liberal' or always a 'conservative' shows an inflexibility that is less than human.

It is called being wrong (progressive) or right (conservative)....That isnt being inflexible idiot that's called following the truth.

If I were ever to lower myself to the level of calling someone "idiot", this poster would be at the forefront of the candidates.
When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment

1. Free speech opens one to charges of 'hate crime' in Canada...

2. "Savage, who broadcasts from San Francisco, was heard on nearly 400 stations and has gained notoriety for offending immigrants and minorities, calling the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate" and being banned in 2009 from traveling to England for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. "
News from The Associated Press

But no way the Progressives can make it happen here, true, leftwinger?
With all the attacks on personal liberty in recent times from both political parties, no one who associates with one can honestly defend or attack.

Being always a 'liberal' or always a 'conservative' shows an inflexibility that is less than human.

It is called being wrong (progressive) or right (conservative)....That isnt being inflexible idiot that's called following the truth.

If I were ever to lower myself to the level of calling someone "idiot", this poster would be at the forefront of the candidates.

Wadda guy!...I see beatification in your future.
They arrested the person for violating his probation.

Stop lying.

And that's the reason he got the attention???

You Lefties never seem able to connect the dots unless the NYTimes tells you to....

When you use 4 or 5 different names in public in a month and you are on probation from doing so, then the fire is started by oneself, blaming someone else is an old addicts ruse.
Then, Peggy, don't live in Canada, huh?

And, no, Americans are not going to allow the 1st Amendment to be overturned.

What don't you get?

When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment

1. Free speech opens one to charges of 'hate crime' in Canada...

2. "Savage, who broadcasts from San Francisco, was heard on nearly 400 stations and has gained notoriety for offending immigrants and minorities, calling the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate" and being banned in 2009 from traveling to England for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. "
News from The Associated Press

But no way the Progressives can make it happen here, true, leftwinger?
When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment

1. Free speech opens one to charges of 'hate crime' in Canada...

2. "Savage, who broadcasts from San Francisco, was heard on nearly 400 stations and has gained notoriety for offending immigrants and minorities, calling the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate" and being banned in 2009 from traveling to England for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. "
News from The Associated Press

But no way the Progressives can make it happen here, true, leftwinger?

Neither Canada nor England are covered by our Constitution
It is called being wrong (progressive) or right (conservative)....That isnt being inflexible idiot that's called following the truth.

If I were ever to lower myself to the level of calling someone "idiot", this poster would be at the forefront of the candidates.

Wadda guy!...I see beatification in your future.

Doubt it; not part of that persuasion (or any other). They reserve that distinction for their own.

Note: I may be an idiot and that may be indicated by even responding to such a reprehensible poster as 'death head'. In the context of my above post, her/his verbiage is idiotic, yet I refrain from calling the individual 'idiot'.
Perhaps other countries will progress to better free speech protection.
When this way-Left President, with inordinate sensitivities when it comes to Islam, suggests he will be more 'flexible' after his re-election.....

....the following is exactly what he means.

1. "The World Doesn’t Love the First Amendment

2. The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech.

3. In a world linked by YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, countless videos attacking people’s religions, produced by provocateurs, rabble-rousers, and lunatics, will spread to every corner of the world, as fast as the Internet can blast them, and beyond the power of governments to stop them.

4. But there is another possible response. This is that Americans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

5. The First Amendment earned its sacred status only in the 1960s, and then only among liberals and the left, who cheered when the courts ruled that government could not suppress the speech of dissenters, critics, scandalous artistic types, and even pornographers.

6. ...conservatives have invoked the First Amendment to oppose efforts to make everyone, in universities and elsewhere, speak “civilly” about women and minorities. I’m talking of course about the “political correctness” movement beginning in the 1980s, which often merged into attempts to enforce a leftist position on race relations and gender politics.

7. For the left, the amendment today is like a dear old uncle who enacted heroic deeds in his youth but on occasion says embarrassing things about taboo subjects in his decline.

8. We have to remember that our First Amendment values are not universal...

9. Americans have not always been so paralyzed by constitutional symbolism.

10. Try explaining that to the protesters in Cairo or Islamabad."
The vile anti-Muslim video and the First Amendment: Does the U.S. overvalue free speech? - Slate Magazine

Read between the lines......

....Slate magazine.....

....the Left has decided it's time to end free speech....
.... coincidentally, the White House wants to control the internet.

Are you Liberals ready to go along with that?

You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment


You really believe you posted something profound here, something new or startling, something PoliticalChick doesn't know, doesn't understand from a glance, doesn't take for granted?


rightwinger, your mundane truisms have absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about. You're not even close. You might as well be traipsing about in a tutu on the planet Pluto and singing Barry Manilow tunes.

Read this and get back to us, or don't read it and go away:

Some on this thread claim that PoliticalChic's dispute with Posner is off the mark, albeit, by confounding the essence of her dispute with the potential, universal threat to the unbridled free speech of the global forum posed by certain members of the United Nations. It's I who posted the related U.N. story, and I never claimed that the actualization of this threat would necessarily overthrow the First Amendment in America . . . though such a thing would certainly have repercussions on the unfettered expression of American ideas abroad. Make no mistake about that, and the reality of that, apparently, files right over the heads of some.

No. PoliticalChick's dispute with Posner goes to his sentiments as they correspond with those expressed by certain members of Obama's Administration, his associates, persons who are clearly not big fans of unbridled free speech, particularly when it comes to the expression of ideas with which they disagree. That coupled with Obama's womanish, overly sensitive concerns for the feelings of barbarians, PoliticalChick suggests that we have good reason to be suspicious of the sincerity of Obama's declarations of allegiance to First Amendment liberties. —M.D. Rawlings​


Is it just me or is anyone else tired of wading through reams of drivel on threads that should be interesting?
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You lack an understanding of the first amendment. The first amendment say "Congress shall pass no laws" which means you cannot be jailed or fined based on what you say. Nor can they suppress your speech. It is a major right of a free people

There is no right that says you cannot face consequences for what you say. You can still be ridiculed, condemned, ostricized or suffer consequences. If you tell your boss that his wife is fat and ugly...he can fire you. You have no first amendment protections

Someone who makes an offensive film can be criticized. Even by his own government. He is not protected by the first amendment

1. Free speech opens one to charges of 'hate crime' in Canada...

2. "Savage, who broadcasts from San Francisco, was heard on nearly 400 stations and has gained notoriety for offending immigrants and minorities, calling the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate" and being banned in 2009 from traveling to England for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. "
News from The Associated Press

But no way the Progressives can make it happen here, true, leftwinger?

Neither Canada nor England are covered by our Constitution

Strangely enough....neither are we.

Not since King FDR the 1st......
1. Free speech opens one to charges of 'hate crime' in Canada...

2. "Savage, who broadcasts from San Francisco, was heard on nearly 400 stations and has gained notoriety for offending immigrants and minorities, calling the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate" and being banned in 2009 from traveling to England for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. "
News from The Associated Press

But no way the Progressives can make it happen here, true, leftwinger?

Neither Canada nor England are covered by our Constitution

Strangely enough....neither are we.

Not since King FDR the 1st......

We follow the Constitution more closely after FDR than we did before

Ask any black American

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