End the GOP-Dem Duopoly and Start a NEW Party; Else There is NO Choice 4 Change

Here's the deal, CNN isn't supporting a new political party. It's trying to impact voter turnout in the next election. Here's a unique question. Why not try to improve the quality of candidates who reflect your views within the republican or democrat party? Too lazy? Too full of of political cliches to think straight? The Tea Party is trying to work within the system and improve the quality of candidates and CNN hates them. Does that tell you anything about the current political scene?

Dear God, did you read the fucking article? Or do you somehow imagine that Christian libertarians can just rub a fucking lamp and have a genie pop out and make things right?

The GOP is dead, gone, a wasted peice of shit. Fuck every godamed one of them and I hope Obama gets re-elected.
There is no genuinely populist third party. There is a fringe with a smattering of support. The reason why they are prohibited from entering venues is because they are disruptive to the majority.

Of COURSE a third party is disruptive to the majority, Sherlock!

lolol, dear god!

If the third party fringe just accepted that they are no more than a handful and acted accordingly they could go wherever they wished.

Yeah if they would just accept getting sodomized by Wall Street like their bought and paid for whore conservative bretheren then they might be able to enjoy it.

No thank you, dude.
There is no genuinely populist third party. There is a fringe with a smattering of support. The reason why they are prohibited from entering venues is because they are disruptive to the majority. If the third party fringe just accepted that they are no more than a handful and acted accordingly they could go wherever they wished.

Perot fucked his Reform Party. Nader fucked his Green Party. Anderson fucked over his Independent Party.

I had nothing to do with it. They offered an alternative. Why did they implode?

Wrong, the Duopoly fucked ALL of them. When you own the media you can destroy ANYONE that threatens your hold on power. That's exactly what happened to those who 'bucked the system'. That's exactly what WILL happen to whomever tries to buck it again.

Or wasn't the destruction of Ron Paul enough of an example to you?

Notice how Drudge has totally ignored this story? He is awhore for Wall Street just like the rest of them.
So why isn't your chosen third party hitting back. The Greens were able to fuck up the 2000 election. I think you're just a whiner.

Fine call me a whiner, I dont give a shit.

I will continue to point out the duopoly that runs our political system and remind conservatives that the GOP is run by people who think that they are a bunch of stupid rubes, and if the conservatives vote for the GOPe annointed liar and theif in charge then they CONFIRM that they are stupid rubes.

I choose to be a whiner than a bendover and take it up the ass guy any day of the week.

You are a whiner. You pretend that there's no third parties. No one is stopping you from choosing, or creating, your own third party and actually building it. Instead you want to cry like a little sissy, and expect that your unidentified agenda just be given you. Put your ass on the line, and stop your fucking whining.

Yeah, blah blah blah, whiner blah blah whiner blah blah balh blah....

Just fuck off.
Rules fight sparks drama at RNC – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The days-long fight reached climax just hours after the Tuesday RNC session began, with supporters of the rules cheering their adoption and opponents booing against them. Moments before, some delegates even laid out angry – yet unsubstantiated – claims of meddling to keep some delegates away from a committee vote.

Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker, catch the latest updates from the GOP convention on CNN's 2012 Conventions Live Blog, and check out the CNN Electoral Map and Calculator to game out your own strategy for November.

At issue: two rules dubbed Rule 16 and Rule 12.

The first is a compromise of an earlier proposal, named Rule 15, that was vehemently opposed by many grassroots activists, including many Ron Paul supporters. It addresses delegate selection in future Republican presidential primaries – instituting stronger enforcement mechanisms to compel delegates to vote as they are bound by their states. In the original proposal, future presidential candidates would have had veto power over who could become a delegate.

The second rule concerns the RNC's ability to change its rules in between its conventions.

Both rules were adopted on the convention floor by a voice vote. Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, chairman of the Rules Committee and a top surrogate for Romney, presented the rules. House Speaker John Boehner held the audible floor vote to adopt them.

Though the voices "for" and "against" sounded about the same, Boehner declared: "The ayes have it."...

Calling it a "controversial rule change" that is "so very disappointing," Palin added: "It's a direct attack on grassroots activists by the GOP establishment, and it must be rejected."

Some delegates reacted angrily to the committee passage of Rule 16.

"This takes us away from state sovereignty," said Colorado delegate Florence Sebern. "It takes us away from local control in our states. And it moves us towards, as a Republican Party, central control and top-down decisions. That's what this is."

"Are we the Republican Party?" she added.

"My inbox blew up. I had over 8,000 Coloradans emailing and calling me saying, 'Stand firm on these two issues.'"

Her anger was backed up by others outside the convention. Many grassroots activists, including tea party sponsor FreedomWorks, urged opposition to the rules.

Julianne Thompson, a national Romney delegate and a Georgia State Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, wrote an open letter to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and members of the Rules Committee.

"With your current attempt at this rules change, you are essentially striking the first blow that chips away at that freedom, and you disenfranchise the very people that turned the tide for the GOP in 2010 by returning power in the U.S. House of Representatives to Republicans," Thompson wrote....

Romney attorney Ben Ginsburg – a Washington D.C. delegate – spoke about the rule.

"It's a great compromise," Ginsburg said. "It brings the party together. Some of the grassroots activists told us they had concerns about [the original proposal.] They were valid concerns. We were able to work out a compromise."

When pressed about lingering grassroots opposition to it, Ginsberg said:

"The vote was 78-14. It had the overwhelming support of the committee."

"I'm sorry we can't please everybody."

Can't please everybody? They did not even try to give opponents an equal say in what wen on and even pulled shenanigans that amount to kidnapping to prevent opponents from organizing their opposition effectively.

The pure fascist side of Romney and the GOPe is plain and unavoidable.

Grassroots TPM and social conservatives must start a new party. Romney is dead and even if he wins he is no better than Obama, forget all the spin, partisan bullshit and nonsense. Obama is NOT a Kenyan Communist Manchurian candidate. That is nothing more than stupid bullshit lies to keep the stupid inside the GOP.

It is over, fold up the chairs, turn out the lights and start planning for a third party run by TPM and social conservatives in 2016.

Fuck these god damned Wall Street Republicans and their fucking lobbyists.

you advocate factionalism. a conservative party.

start on the local level. no credible major party can exist at only the national level
Perot fucked his Reform Party. Nader fucked his Green Party. Anderson fucked over his Independent Party.

I had nothing to do with it. They offered an alternative. Why did they implode?

Wrong, the Duopoly fucked ALL of them. When you own the media you can destroy ANYONE that threatens your hold on power. That's exactly what happened to those who 'bucked the system'. That's exactly what WILL happen to whomever tries to buck it again.

Or wasn't the destruction of Ron Paul enough of an example to you?

Notice how Drudge has totally ignored this story? He is awhore for Wall Street just like the rest of them.

To be fair, i have seen stories on this linked off Drudge.
You are making the same cow noises as those that are the top of the ramp looking out longingly at freedom lost and about to be shot in the head, bled, skinned and butchered.

The time to act on your freedom is not at the door of the slaughterhouse.

Dont know what cow noises you are hearing, but I was simply pointing out the track record of fraud.

How do we change the present if we cant refer to past events that brought us to the present circumstances? That is not whining or making cow noises, that is a necesary part to making change.

How many states require the voter to register as a Pube or a dem or an independant?

It used to be that all politics was REALLY local.. Those days are gone. Now a pac can come in from outside any local region and like the Walker recall outspend the local money 8, 10, 20 or 100 to one.

If we don't get rid of Citizens United there will be NO local decisions on ANY legislative seat that has any bearing nationaly. Big money is totally happy with two parties. They can control two parties. They can easily play one party against the other. They don't need a third party pissing in the punch bowl. The super pacs will not allow a third party to fuck up their scam.

The only power we have left is to elect a president and U S senators that will nominate and confirm New Supreme Court justices that will overturn CU.

NOTHING else matters from here on out. All other politics is just pissing in the wind.

Huggy, I agree but we have to change the fucks in power before we can do that.

Maybe the states can pass a call for a constitutional convention and reform it that way, but Boner and his whores will never go along.
I've had an opportunity to listen to what Ron Paul has had to say for years. It's one of the reasons I concluded he was a lunatic.
There is no genuinely populist third party. There is a fringe with a smattering of support. The reason why they are prohibited from entering venues is because they are disruptive to the majority. If the third party fringe just accepted that they are no more than a handful and acted accordingly they could go wherever they wished.

The fact that you support 'prohibiting' shows just what kind of authoritarian prick you are. The 1st Amendment is in effect ALL the time, you don't check it at the door when you enter politics. Any party that cannot forbear voices of dissent is a party that is not worth being a member of, because they do not honor the Constitution they have SWORN to uphold.

Fucking imbeciles, the whole damned lot of you!!

There is no right to disrupt the legally convened assemblies of others. It is not free speech it is being disruptive.

The vote on the rules change was disrupted by the GOP elite, not the Paulistas.

Those rules changes make the GOP controled totally 100% fromthe top down.

So much for the Will of the People.
Perot fucked his Reform Party. Nader fucked his Green Party. Anderson fucked over his Independent Party.

I had nothing to do with it. They offered an alternative. Why did they implode?

Wrong, the Duopoly fucked ALL of them. When you own the media you can destroy ANYONE that threatens your hold on power. That's exactly what happened to those who 'bucked the system'. That's exactly what WILL happen to whomever tries to buck it again.

Or wasn't the destruction of Ron Paul enough of an example to you?

So you claim that the third parties were too weak to fight back? Sounds like you support the losers. How many states have Libertarian, Constitutional, White Socialists, Reform, etc., candidates on their ballots. Most did, and didn't get anyone to vote for them. Ross "fucking insane" Perot was on 48 ballots, and didn't win shit.

I think you're another piece of shit whiner.

And you are a cum-guzzling sperm bucket. So fucking what bitch?
Sad to say, but a viable Third Party just isn't an option. The System is far too entrenched and corrupt for that to happen. The two Political Parties thoroughly control the MSM. Dr. Paul has fully understood this. The best one can hope for, is that his son and others change the Republican Party from the inside. And i'm actually optimistic about that happening. The cause of Freedom & Liberty is very powerful. And many more Americans are catching on. There is hope.

Yes, there is hope, but there is VERY little time...
Very little time? For... What?

I don't think there is a chance in hell for anyone but Obama or Willard to be voted into the big chair. Ron won, and lost, by playing by the rules. I'm pretty sure he knew he wasn't going to get in, but boy... The media was much better this go around.

Unless the next president hunts us down we'll remember this election year for the next one. For anyone that is against Dems and Repubs it's a win/win no matter if Obama or Willard wins. But in that win, we all still lose given both of them are shit.

I mean... Obama wins and we can say hey... We told you dumb fuckers you needed us to beat him. Would it really have been so bad to change your platform to meet the majority of people who would normally vote for you?

Willard wins... He'll be a shit president. Nothing he's done in the past in regards to government suggests he'll do anything worth anything. Hey... We told you dumb fuckers to change the platform... You promoted the wrong guy.

With all that said... I'd love to be proven wrong by a presidency that actually works for us.
Not the Will of the People. The will of a smattering of people, but not the majority of the People.
Rules fight sparks drama at RNC – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The days-long fight reached climax just hours after the Tuesday RNC session began, with supporters of the rules cheering their adoption and opponents booing against them. Moments before, some delegates even laid out angry – yet unsubstantiated – claims of meddling to keep some delegates away from a committee vote.

Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker, catch the latest updates from the GOP convention on CNN's 2012 Conventions Live Blog, and check out the CNN Electoral Map and Calculator to game out your own strategy for November.

At issue: two rules dubbed Rule 16 and Rule 12.

The first is a compromise of an earlier proposal, named Rule 15, that was vehemently opposed by many grassroots activists, including many Ron Paul supporters. It addresses delegate selection in future Republican presidential primaries – instituting stronger enforcement mechanisms to compel delegates to vote as they are bound by their states. In the original proposal, future presidential candidates would have had veto power over who could become a delegate.

The second rule concerns the RNC's ability to change its rules in between its conventions.

Both rules were adopted on the convention floor by a voice vote. Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, chairman of the Rules Committee and a top surrogate for Romney, presented the rules. House Speaker John Boehner held the audible floor vote to adopt them.

Though the voices "for" and "against" sounded about the same, Boehner declared: "The ayes have it."...

Calling it a "controversial rule change" that is "so very disappointing," Palin added: "It's a direct attack on grassroots activists by the GOP establishment, and it must be rejected."

Some delegates reacted angrily to the committee passage of Rule 16.

"This takes us away from state sovereignty," said Colorado delegate Florence Sebern. "It takes us away from local control in our states. And it moves us towards, as a Republican Party, central control and top-down decisions. That's what this is."

"Are we the Republican Party?" she added.

"My inbox blew up. I had over 8,000 Coloradans emailing and calling me saying, 'Stand firm on these two issues.'"

Her anger was backed up by others outside the convention. Many grassroots activists, including tea party sponsor FreedomWorks, urged opposition to the rules.

Julianne Thompson, a national Romney delegate and a Georgia State Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots, wrote an open letter to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and members of the Rules Committee.

"With your current attempt at this rules change, you are essentially striking the first blow that chips away at that freedom, and you disenfranchise the very people that turned the tide for the GOP in 2010 by returning power in the U.S. House of Representatives to Republicans," Thompson wrote....

Romney attorney Ben Ginsburg – a Washington D.C. delegate – spoke about the rule.

"It's a great compromise," Ginsburg said. "It brings the party together. Some of the grassroots activists told us they had concerns about [the original proposal.] They were valid concerns. We were able to work out a compromise."

When pressed about lingering grassroots opposition to it, Ginsberg said:

"The vote was 78-14. It had the overwhelming support of the committee."

"I'm sorry we can't please everybody."

Can't please everybody? They did not even try to give opponents an equal say in what wen on and even pulled shenanigans that amount to kidnapping to prevent opponents from organizing their opposition effectively.

The pure fascist side of Romney and the GOPe is plain and unavoidable.

Grassroots TPM and social conservatives must start a new party. Romney is dead and even if he wins he is no better than Obama, forget all the spin, partisan bullshit and nonsense. Obama is NOT a Kenyan Communist Manchurian candidate. That is nothing more than stupid bullshit lies to keep the stupid inside the GOP.

It is over, fold up the chairs, turn out the lights and start planning for a third party run by TPM and social conservatives in 2016.

Fuck these god damned Wall Street Republicans and their fucking lobbyists.

The Problem is we the People have little Power to establish another party, the GOP and DEMS have rigged the game so they control who gets a chance to sit at the table.

I don't think there is a Non Violent way for us to break that power grasp they share willingly.

Then so be it.
I've had an opportunity to listen to what Ron Paul has had to say for years. It's one of the reasons I concluded he was a lunatic.

Yeah, because it is just soooo dangerous to let the people decide anything.

lololol, Dr Paul was all about personal liberty and responsibility.

It is amazing how so many gullible conservatives can h ave their opinion of a well respected leader completely turned inside out with millions of bucks in advertisnig and a few talking head repeating the bullshit.
Wrong, the Duopoly fucked ALL of them. When you own the media you can destroy ANYONE that threatens your hold on power. That's exactly what happened to those who 'bucked the system'. That's exactly what WILL happen to whomever tries to buck it again.

Or wasn't the destruction of Ron Paul enough of an example to you?

Notice how Drudge has totally ignored this story? He is awhore for Wall Street just like the rest of them.

To be fair, i have seen stories on this linked off Drudge.

I must have missed them. If so, my bad and I take it back. I have not seen them myself.
Dont know what cow noises you are hearing, but I was simply pointing out the track record of fraud.

How do we change the present if we cant refer to past events that brought us to the present circumstances? That is not whining or making cow noises, that is a necesary part to making change.

How many states require the voter to register as a Pube or a dem or an independant?

It used to be that all politics was REALLY local.. Those days are gone. Now a pac can come in from outside any local region and like the Walker recall outspend the local money 8, 10, 20 or 100 to one.

If we don't get rid of Citizens United there will be NO local decisions on ANY legislative seat that has any bearing nationaly. Big money is totally happy with two parties. They can control two parties. They can easily play one party against the other. They don't need a third party pissing in the punch bowl. The super pacs will not allow a third party to fuck up their scam.

The only power we have left is to elect a president and U S senators that will nominate and confirm New Supreme Court justices that will overturn CU.

NOTHING else matters from here on out. All other politics is just pissing in the wind.

Huggy, I agree but we have to change the fucks in power before we can do that.

Maybe the states can pass a call for a constitutional convention and reform it that way, but Boner and his whores will never go along.

I've been asking people this for ages: Can you name a dozen people you'd feel comfortable with...comfortable with tinkering with the US Constitution?
The fact that you support 'prohibiting' shows just what kind of authoritarian prick you are. The 1st Amendment is in effect ALL the time, you don't check it at the door when you enter politics. Any party that cannot forbear voices of dissent is a party that is not worth being a member of, because they do not honor the Constitution they have SWORN to uphold.

Fucking imbeciles, the whole damned lot of you!!

There is no right to disrupt the legally convened assemblies of others. It is not free speech it is being disruptive.

The vote on the rules change was disrupted by the GOP elite, not the Paulistas.

Those rules changes make the GOP controled totally 100% fromthe top down.

So much for the Will of the People.

Prime example of a Ron Paul type: Will of what people? It's a political party. A partisan group run by committees and rules.
I've had an opportunity to listen to what Ron Paul has had to say for years. It's one of the reasons I concluded he was a lunatic.

Ron Paul and his spawn, Rand Paul, are imbeciles worthy of contempt. Like Ayn Rand they appeal to untrained, underdeveloped, and uncritical minds --- immature minds.

Coming from you Dante, I'll take that as a compliment. You're one of those people who would rather be told what is good for you than to have to use your brain and make up your own mind.

It has always amazed me the amount of vitriol one man standing for Liberty can generate from both the Right AND the Left. You've got to believe that if both EXTREMES hate him he is really telling the TRUTH.
I've had an opportunity to listen to what Ron Paul has had to say for years. It's one of the reasons I concluded he was a lunatic.

Ron Paul and his spawn, Rand Paul, are imbeciles worthy of contempt. Like Ayn Rand they appeal to untrained, underdeveloped, and uncritical minds --- immature minds.

Coming from you Dante, I'll take that as a compliment. You're one of those people who would rather be told what is good for you than to have to use your brain and make up your own mind.

It has always amazed me the amount of vitriol one man standing for Liberty can generate from both the Right AND the Left. You've got to believe that if both EXTREMES hate him he is really telling the TRUTH.

Before the de-institutionalist movement, State and County Mental Hospitals were full of Ron Paul's and his followers

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