End the GOP-Dem Duopoly and Start a NEW Party; Else There is NO Choice 4 Change

Rand Paul is not as batty as his father. Has anyone asked whether Rand Paul believes wars should be fought with letters of marque?

You mean the only other Constitutional way to fight a war without a formal Declaration of War?

Not surprised that you hate the Constitution, too...

another idiot with a partial education of, and a partial understanding of the Constitution, highlights his defects?

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess Article 1 Section 8 was just too fucking complicated, huh? The War Powers Resolution was nothing more than a half-assed attempt to regain SOME control of the Executive Branch after Korea and Vietnam.

Congress is STILL a bunch of pussies, hiding behind an 'authorization to use force' rather than making a formal Declaration.
Dear Lord! You really are a fascist whore, arent you?

You think a POLITICAL PARTY has nothing to do with a democratic system?

You are dumber than a bag of rocks.

reading and comprehension not a strong suit for you?

Parties use the process. They are not part of the system. Parties are not truly democratic in the way people here are implying.

No party is required to have a democratic process, Dumbass. But here in America, we have expected them to be either a caucus driven party, or primary referendum or some combination as established by the respective STATES.

We dont like fascist parties that dictate to the local what to do.

Oh, BTW, go fuck yourself again, jack ass.
Stupidity and ignorance on display. :thewave:

... Parties meet year round during election cycles and out of the cycles. They have committees and rules that have nothing to do with the people who show up on caucus and election day. Johnny come lately? People like you complain about not getting your way. You don't respect process or the system. You're immature foot stomping and yelling will not change reality.

Politics is a game. Learn to play by the rules and one day, some day far into the distant future, if you are lucky, you may win one.

now stfu and stop posting about stuff you are clueless about

Here's the deal, CNN isn't supporting a new political party. It's trying to impact voter turnout in the next election. Here's a unique question. Why not try to improve the quality of candidates who reflect your views within the republican or democrat party? Too lazy? Too full of of political cliches to think straight? The Tea Party is trying to work within the system and improve the quality of candidates and CNN hates them. Does that tell you anything about the current political scene?

Ron Paul is the Godfather of the TEA Party and look what you authoritarian fucks did to him and his supporters! You want to promote the TEA Party but don't want to give credit to the ORIGINATOR of it, go FUCK yourself!

Ron Paul became a republican because he thought the republican party best represented his views and because he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected as a libertarian. Apparently he is still a respected republican but the radicals who claim to be libertarians are mired in hatred for republicans instead of their enemies in the socialist Obama administration. The seething hatred they pretend to have for republicans doesn't make sense unless they are mentally deranged, thoroughly ignorant or the fake libertarians are just garden variety left wing tricksters out to try to split the republican party.
You mean the only other Constitutional way to fight a war without a formal Declaration of War?

Not surprised that you hate the Constitution, too...

another idiot with a partial education of, and a partial understanding of the Constitution, highlights his defects?

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess Article 1 Section 8 was just too fucking complicated, huh? The War Powers Resolution was nothing more than a half-assed attempt to regain SOME control of the Executive Branch after Korea and Vietnam.

Congress is STILL a bunch of pussies, hiding behind an 'authorization to use force' rather than making a formal Declaration.

Idiot, the Constitution allows Congress to pass things like the War Powers resolution. It is the law of the land. Discussing war powers and the US Constitution without full context makes people like you seem dumber than shit .. and that's unfair to shit
JB and the party's identity movements can start their own clerical, religious, and fascist parties. Please do so. Please.

I am wanting a more democratic party, jack ass, not fascism like Romney does.

Reading comprehension is not your long suit, nor is giving a fuck. You are a waste of time, troll, so please go fuck off.
another idiot with a partial education of, and a partial understanding of the Constitution, highlights his defects?

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess Article 1 Section 8 was just too fucking complicated, huh? The War Powers Resolution was nothing more than a half-assed attempt to regain SOME control of the Executive Branch after Korea and Vietnam.

Congress is STILL a bunch of pussies, hiding behind an 'authorization to use force' rather than making a formal Declaration.

Idiot, the Constitution allows Congress to pass things like the War Powers resolution. It is the law of the land. Discussing war powers and the US Constitution without full context makes people like you seem dumber than shit .. and that's unfair to shit

Another straw man, red herring and unwarranted assumption all rolled into one big stupid inane turd by the Dumbass.

Please, go play in traffic without a vehicle.
reading and comprehension not a strong suit for you?

Parties use the process. They are not part of the system. Parties are not truly democratic in the way people here are implying.

No party is required to have a democratic process, Dumbass. But here in America, we have expected them to be either a caucus driven party, or primary referendum or some combination as established by the respective STATES.

We dont like fascist parties that dictate to the local what to do.

Oh, BTW, go fuck yourself again, jack ass.
Stupidity and ignorance on display. :thewave:

... Parties meet year round during election cycles and out of the cycles. They have committees and rules that have nothing to do with the people who show up on caucus and election day. Johnny come lately? People like you complain about not getting your way. You don't respect process or the system. You're immature foot stomping and yelling will not change reality.

Politics is a game. Learn to play by the rules and one day, some day far into the distant future, if you are lucky, you may win one.

now stfu and stop posting about stuff you are clueless about


Politics is not a fucking game you slimey whore.

People families, and livelihoods depend on good public policy.

Most people dont want to give blow jobs at the bus station like you and your pimp do, so please stfu and esad.
Here's the deal, CNN isn't supporting a new political party. It's trying to impact voter turnout in the next election. Here's a unique question. Why not try to improve the quality of candidates who reflect your views within the republican or democrat party? Too lazy? Too full of of political cliches to think straight? The Tea Party is trying to work within the system and improve the quality of candidates and CNN hates them. Does that tell you anything about the current political scene?

Ron Paul is the Godfather of the TEA Party and look what you authoritarian fucks did to him and his supporters! You want to promote the TEA Party but don't want to give credit to the ORIGINATOR of it, go FUCK yourself!

Ron Paul became a republican because he thought the republican party best represented his views and because he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected as a libertarian. Apparently he is still a respected republican but the radicals who claim to be libertarians are mired in hatred for republicans instead of their enemies in the socialist Obama administration. The seething hatred they pretend to have for republicans doesn't make sense unless they are mentally deranged, thoroughly ignorant or the fake libertarians are just garden variety left wing tricksters out to try to split the republican party.
Well... I support Ron Paul. I guess I know what you think of me. Good to know.
No party is required to have a democratic process, Dumbass. But here in America, we have expected them to be either a caucus driven party, or primary referendum or some combination as established by the respective STATES.

We dont like fascist parties that dictate to the local what to do.

Oh, BTW, go fuck yourself again, jack ass.
Stupidity and ignorance on display. :thewave:

... Parties meet year round during election cycles and out of the cycles. They have committees and rules that have nothing to do with the people who show up on caucus and election day. Johnny come lately? People like you complain about not getting your way. You don't respect process or the system. You're immature foot stomping and yelling will not change reality.

Politics is a game. Learn to play by the rules and one day, some day far into the distant future, if you are lucky, you may win one.

now stfu and stop posting about stuff you are clueless about


Politics is not a fucking game you slimey whore.

People families, and livelihoods depend on good public policy.

Most people dont want to give blow jobs at the bus station like you and your pimp do, so please stfu and esad.

okie dokie, you win.

you are a brilliant advocate....for why people should not allow your choice to win,
Stupidity and ignorance on display. :thewave:

... Parties meet year round during election cycles and out of the cycles. They have committees and rules that have nothing to do with the people who show up on caucus and election day. Johnny come lately? People like you complain about not getting your way. You don't respect process or the system. You're immature foot stomping and yelling will not change reality.

Politics is a game. Learn to play by the rules and one day, some day far into the distant future, if you are lucky, you may win one.

now stfu and stop posting about stuff you are clueless about


Politics is not a fucking game you slimey whore.

People families, and livelihoods depend on good public policy.

Most people dont want to give blow jobs at the bus station like you and your pimp do, so please stfu and esad.

okie dokie, you win.

you are a brilliant advocate....for why people should not allow your choice to win,

Yeah, and live under a Wall Street and K Street picked dictator.

Go fuck off, fascist shithead.
Politics is not a fucking game you slimey whore.

People families, and livelihoods depend on good public policy.

Most people dont want to give blow jobs at the bus station like you and your pimp do, so please stfu and esad.

okie dokie, you win.

you are a brilliant advocate....for why people should not allow your choice to win,

Yeah, and live under a Wall Street and K Street picked dictator.

Go fuck off, fascist shithead.


they pay the candidate's campaigns later. K street and Wll Street cannot select who runs and wins in local and state campaigns.

morons like you cannot see the forest for the trees.

step back from the keyboard and see a doctor
Well, before we can do that, we would have to get rid of the Electoral College and do what France does... Have a run-off election if no one gets 50%+1.

Otherwise, the two-party system is kind of here to stay. The EC makes it impossible for a third party to get a toe-hold.
Well, before we can do that, we would have to get rid of the Electoral College and do what France does... Have a run-off election if no one gets 50%+1.

Otherwise, the two-party system is kind of here to stay. The EC makes it impossible for a third party to get a toe-hold.

Electoral College System makes sense for a federalist republic of states like ours.

most all arguments against the electoral college are out forth by losers and academics with little real world experience in electoral politics.

Principled arguments are few. Most arguments are based on faulty assumptions that do not adequately or realistically address human nature and the political process.
A "democratic" party the libertarian idiots can dominate. Shoot the four of you on the board can't cooperate. How can you work in your own party? Oh, that's right: not very well.

Poor l'll BowieFascist, can't handle the Troll Party so he wants to create a libertartroll party.

You guys are simply foolish.

JB and the party's identity movements can start their own clerical, religious, and fascist parties. Please do so. Please.

I am wanting a more democratic party, jack ass, not fascism like Romney does.

Reading comprehension is not your long suit, nor is giving a fuck. You are a waste of time, troll, so please go fuck off.
another idiot with a partial education of, and a partial understanding of the Constitution, highlights his defects?

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I guess Article 1 Section 8 was just too fucking complicated, huh? The War Powers Resolution was nothing more than a half-assed attempt to regain SOME control of the Executive Branch after Korea and Vietnam.

Congress is STILL a bunch of pussies, hiding behind an 'authorization to use force' rather than making a formal Declaration.

Idiot, the Constitution allows Congress to pass things like the War Powers resolution. It is the law of the land. Discussing war powers and the US Constitution without full context makes people like you seem dumber than shit .. and that's unfair to shit

You know Dumbfuck, just because they pass some shit like this doesn't make it right. They pass a lot of laws that aren't right, even though they're legal. This is one of them. It's an abdication of Constitutional responsibility that gives the pussies wiggle room if something doesn't go as sweetly as planned.

Example: Look at how the Dems all backpedaled like bitches on Iraq.
Here's the deal, CNN isn't supporting a new political party. It's trying to impact voter turnout in the next election. Here's a unique question. Why not try to improve the quality of candidates who reflect your views within the republican or democrat party? Too lazy? Too full of of political cliches to think straight? The Tea Party is trying to work within the system and improve the quality of candidates and CNN hates them. Does that tell you anything about the current political scene?

Ron Paul is the Godfather of the TEA Party and look what you authoritarian fucks did to him and his supporters! You want to promote the TEA Party but don't want to give credit to the ORIGINATOR of it, go FUCK yourself!

Ron Paul became a republican because he thought the republican party best represented his views and because he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected as a libertarian. Apparently he is still a respected republican but the radicals who claim to be libertarians are mired in hatred for republicans instead of their enemies in the socialist Obama administration. The seething hatred they pretend to have for republicans doesn't make sense unless they are mentally deranged, thoroughly ignorant or the fake libertarians are just garden variety left wing tricksters out to try to split the republican party.

For fucks sake you're an ignorant motherfucker! Ron Paul has ALWAYS been a Republican. He ran for President on the LP ticket in 1988 because he was against the former CIA boss getting the Presidency. Fucking moron!

For your information, the Republican Party just did a fantastic job of splitting ITSELF with their jackbooted tactics in Tampa last week. You can't blame that shit on anyone but Establishment hacks and Romney's attack dog lawyer.

Own it, bitch!
I guess Article 1 Section 8 was just too fucking complicated, huh? The War Powers Resolution was nothing more than a half-assed attempt to regain SOME control of the Executive Branch after Korea and Vietnam.

Congress is STILL a bunch of pussies, hiding behind an 'authorization to use force' rather than making a formal Declaration.

Idiot, the Constitution allows Congress to pass things like the War Powers resolution. It is the law of the land. Discussing war powers and the US Constitution without full context makes people like you seem dumber than shit .. and that's unfair to shit

You know Dumbfuck, just because they pass some shit like this doesn't make it right. They pass a lot of laws that aren't right, even though they're legal. This is one of them. It's an abdication of Constitutional responsibility that gives the pussies wiggle room if something doesn't go as sweetly as planned.

Example: Look at how the Dems all backpedaled like bitches on Iraq.

there you go again. 'they'

They are our elected representatives. Why do you hate America so much? The right and wrong of laws? What are you, some kind of American Taliban?
Idiot, the Constitution allows Congress to pass things like the War Powers resolution. It is the law of the land. Discussing war powers and the US Constitution without full context makes people like you seem dumber than shit .. and that's unfair to shit

You know Dumbfuck, just because they pass some shit like this doesn't make it right. They pass a lot of laws that aren't right, even though they're legal. This is one of them. It's an abdication of Constitutional responsibility that gives the pussies wiggle room if something doesn't go as sweetly as planned.

Example: Look at how the Dems all backpedaled like bitches on Iraq.

there you go again. 'they'

They are our elected representatives. Why do you hate America so much? The right and wrong of laws? What are you, some kind of American Taliban?

'They' have been co-opted by monied interests whose self interest is in direct opposition to the public interest.

Interesting, isn't it?
Ron Paul is the Godfather of the TEA Party and look what you authoritarian fucks did to him and his supporters! You want to promote the TEA Party but don't want to give credit to the ORIGINATOR of it, go FUCK yourself!

Ron Paul became a republican because he thought the republican party best represented his views and because he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected as a libertarian. Apparently he is still a respected republican but the radicals who claim to be libertarians are mired in hatred for republicans instead of their enemies in the socialist Obama administration. The seething hatred they pretend to have for republicans doesn't make sense unless they are mentally deranged, thoroughly ignorant or the fake libertarians are just garden variety left wing tricksters out to try to split the republican party.

For fucks sake you're an ignorant motherfucker! Ron Paul has ALWAYS been a Republican. He ran for President on the LP ticket in 1988 because he was against the former CIA boss getting the Presidency. Fucking moron!

For your information, the Republican Party just did a fantastic job of splitting ITSELF with their jackbooted tactics in Tampa last week. You can't blame that shit on anyone but Establishment hacks and Romney's attack dog lawyer.

Own it, bitch!

Ron Paul has always represented his district as a member of the Republican Party, Ron Paul resigned from the Republican Party in 1987 and launched a bid for the presidency running on the Libertarian Party ticket. - even wikipedia has this one

:eusa_whistle: When one resigns from a party, they are NO longer a member of that party.

see how ignorant and stupid Ron Paul followers are?


Ron Paul also turned on his supposed principles in: At a September 10, 2008, press conference, Paul announced his general support of four third-party candidates: Cynthia McKinney (Green Party); Bob Barr (Libertarian Party); Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party); and Ralph Nader (independent).

Party member Ron Paul should have resigned again, but he would not...he's invested in his Congressional pension
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You know Dumbfuck, just because they pass some shit like this doesn't make it right. They pass a lot of laws that aren't right, even though they're legal. This is one of them. It's an abdication of Constitutional responsibility that gives the pussies wiggle room if something doesn't go as sweetly as planned.

Example: Look at how the Dems all backpedaled like bitches on Iraq.

there you go again. 'they'

They are our elected representatives. Why do you hate America so much? The right and wrong of laws? What are you, some kind of American Taliban?

'They' have been co-opted by monied interests whose self interest is in direct opposition to the public interest.

Interesting, isn't it?

who votes? people. who has been co-opted by the money? the voters. who votes? who is stupid enough to allow false messages to dictate choices? people like you?

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