End-time believers just don’t care about climate change

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..
Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..
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I believe Christ is going to return. I don't have any idea when, but looking at the signs it seems clear we are in the last days (However long those will last).

But my belief in Christ's return has nothing to do with the reasons I don't care about global warming. I don't care about global warming because it's pure nonsense. It's a scam. It's junk science that has zero basis in reality. The very fact that they had to rename it climate change because the world wasn't warming supports my position.

See the facts just don't support it. The planet hasn’t been warming. The GW predictions started off predicting global cooling. When they temperature went up, they changed to global warming. When the temperature once again started to cool, they changed it to climate change.

We were supposed to be facing the Apocalypse from global warming back in the 90s. When those predictions didn't occur, they made it further out. New York City would be under the sea right now if those who were predicting it for the past 40 years were correct.

Isn't it convenient that everything supposedly proves global warming? If the temperature goes up, Global warming. If it goes down, global warming. If there is heavy snowfall, global warming. If there is no snowfall, global warming. If there are lots of strong hurricanes, global warming. If it's a weak hurricane season, global warming. Somehow earthquakes are caused by global warming. Global warming is going to warm the planet. No it's going to cause the next ice ages by raising the temperatures.

Don't you think that it's also convenient that the only solution to global warming problem happen to be more government regulations? The ones that people didn't be for any rational economic reason are not the policies that supposedly save us from global warming. The problem is no one can prove that they actually do anything. Don't you think it's convenient that a politician can say that any regulation they support will stop global warming or any regulation they oppose will cause it more and there is zero way to test it because global warming is always some future specter that we never actually see occurring despite the predictions that fail again and again?

Why is it the global warming or climate change advocates can't ever answer what temperature the world is supposed to be at? The temperature has been going up and down for millions of years and we have about 100 years of data at the most. And we are supposed to believe that despite the fact that the temperature changed before man was on the planet, that mankind is somehow causing the planet to warm through our activities, except when it gets colder?

Did you ever consider that maybe the planet being warmer might be a good thing? There may be more land to farm and live on providing homes for people. We could also cut back on the energy used to heat our homes. More CO2 in the atmosphere can help plant life spread throughout the world.

You mock people who have faith in Christ or practice any religion whatsoever, but global warming takes even more faith to believe. And what’s more unlike many religions, it’s absolutely blind faith because you never ask any questions about its validity. While religions of various kinds encourage people to ask questions, to seek wisdom and knowledge from God through Study and faith, require people to think and learn for themselves. Yes, there are people of faith who blindly follow asking no questions despite what the religion teaches them.

But you claim global warming is occurring because science supposedly “says” so. But science doesn’t say anything. Science is the method we use to learn about the world around us. Scientific theories change as we learn more knowledge and gather more data. It doesn’t say “This is it and nothing will change it”. Science encourages people to ask questions. It doesn’t shut down debate. Or try to ridicule and mock people who don’t agree with a specific theory. The only reason to ridicule and mock people who disagree with you is because you are too ignorant to actually discuss the questions.

So why do the global warming advocates try to shut down the debate and ridicule people if anyone has the audacity to question them? Because global warming has nothing to do with science and everything to do with giving politicians a political tool to control the masses. It’s the perfect crisis because it’s always in the future. It can scare people and motivate them to change their life and you can “prove” it no matter what contradictory information you have.

I don’t believe global warming because the evidence just isn’t there. Too many questions are ignored and ridiculed without being answered.

If you seriously want to persuade people to believe it, you can start by answering the question “what temperature the planet is supposed to be?” My guess is you will never be able to answer it. But will you even try?
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..
Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..

It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?
Ludnut, What about those who care about our earth but are not fooled by the old carbon footprint, humans make the earth warm, Gore your wallets, bullshit?

The earth warms and cools. That is a fact. That you or your beagle or your chevy are responsible is just ridiculous. And you lapped it right up. Unbelievable! And Christians confound you???

Once upon a time in 1903 the Northwest passage was navigable, apparently because my great grandma started a campfire, and her cow farted.
Then she made some popsicles, and the passage iced over.
I had some red hot sex with my old man yesterday and BAM, we almost opened the Northwest Passage again, and if we do it 2 more times, the trade route is open for business. ;)
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What if global warming is the rapture??? Just a really really really really slow rapture?
In other news, Marshall Applewhite called with his travel itinerary for you wannabe Endtimers.
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..
Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..

It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?

Not ironic but typically stupid that neither of you bothered to see that the story did not come from Salon.

That's what you get when you stop using your brain and make all decisions based on your noses up each other's butts.
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..

It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?

Not ironic but typically stupid that neither of you bothered to see that the story did not come from Salon.

That's what you get when you stop using your brain and make all decisions based on your noses up each other's butts.

that is all you have to defend this piece of crap you posted?
and your link says, SALON...I don't care where that garbage story supposedly came from..that they would put that on their website say's all you need to know about them

PEOPLE do not go to these left wing sites and give them support..leave that to the luddies and lakhotas
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End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.

Dudley makes fun of religious people while at the same time being a dedicated follower to the belief in man made climate change. Talk about irony.
There is no man-mad climate change. same BS as man-made GW
Global warming as with cooling is a natural evolutionary process. Con artists use this fact as a tool to further their personal agenda and financial position.
It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?

Not ironic but typically stupid that neither of you bothered to see that the story did not come from Salon.

That's what you get when you stop using your brain and make all decisions based on your noses up each other's butts.

that is all you have to defend this piece of crap you posted?
and your link says, SALON...I don't care where that garbage story supposedly came from..that they would put that on their website say's all you need to know about them

PEOPLE do not go to these left wing sites and give them support..leave that to the luddies and lakhotas
I don't even click on their links anymore.
Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

I care about climate change but there are questions about the motives of those who push the idea of global warming. They want to limit families to one child like China because they don't want to be hastled by waiting in line at the grocery store because they want to have all of the earth's resources and they don't want to share it all.

The water from the flood during Noah's time froze and it is inevitable that it would melt so the idea that it should stay frozen is probably not normal.

Nowhere does the Bible say when Jesus is coming back. Nowhere does your study show me that the survey was done accurately because the sample size was too small or inaccurate because the poster wanted to make a statement and not worry about truth.

It is also inaccurate because Christians are pre, mid and post trib which means they can't agree on the timing of the rapture so to say that it is going to happen by 2050 is nonsense and not giving a reason for the belief is nonsense too. You also don't give a basis for what Christian means because there are different Christians.

If you were concerned about accuracy, salon is not peer reviewed for Biblical accuracy.
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Well, this is where the awfulness of the Bible begins and for some to have read no further.

* all are expelled and the Christians above and others only reaffirm the wickedness of why .... and selfishly threaten the species with extinction.

I think religious folks tend to be thankful for what they believe God gave them and want to be good stewards of the blessings God bestowed unto them. I would suspect the exact opposite of the quoted hit piece is actually true.
It would make just as much sense as to suggest the "rapture culture" believe in abortions because all the little children are going to heaven anyway.
This is quite possibly the shallowest and most inane hit piece I've seen yet. Just stupid.
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Christians do want to take care of the Earth.
Why? The bible tells us to be good stewards of the Earth and all of the creatures in it.
When Jesus returns, Christians will rule with him here on Earth for 1,000 years.
Just because many people see the global warming theory as a scam for what it really is, does not make them stupid.
This climate thing is about Governments controlling the people, not about the Earth's climate.
This is about God being in control and the people not turning from their wickedness.
Revelation 16:8-9
8- Then the fourth angle poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire
9- And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give him glory.
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..

It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?

Not ironic but typically stupid that neither of you bothered to see that the story did not come from Salon.

That's what you get when you stop using your brain and make all decisions based on your noses up each other's butts.

Says the one who put the link up and did not read it. :cuckoo:
It is clearly from salon re reported by an unbeliever PHD.
Re read your link Luddly
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Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Well, this is where the awfulness of the Bible begins and for some to have read no further.

* all are expelled and the Christians above and others only reaffirm the wickedness of why .... and selfishly threaten the species with extinction.


GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to farm the land and to take care of it.

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