End-time believers just don’t care about climate change

End-time believers just don’t care about climate change

Um....I don't know how to break this to you but....

The people who are the end-time believers are the warmerist scaremnoger wackaloons.
End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.

But the more important questions are:

1. Do they have life insurance?
2. Do they have a will?
3. Do they contribute to a retirement plan?
End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.

You seem to have a warped point of view. Consider that it is usually the irreligious non-Christians types, who tattoo themselves all over. It is usually the non-Christian types who party by drinking until wasted. It is the usually the non-Christian types who seem to push for "free love" and abortion on demand. It is usually the non-Christian types who feel that homosexual "marriage" should be naturalized and accepted.
It would seem that if non-Christians cannot even take care of themselves (doing what is good and righteous), and are seemingly on a path to do whatever they wish, whenever they wish, by whatever means are on hand with their "own" bodies---- how on this God created earth can they imagine that they can save the planet. They can't even save themselves. Christians care. They simply see a broader picture --- and it isn't under the control of liberals. One must love God first and then one can love thy neighbor as thyself. At that point such will also see that the planet actually belongs to GOD and is worthy to be respected.
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But the more important questions are:

1. Do they have life insurance?
2. Do they have a will?
3. Do they contribute to a retirement plan?

The answer is "Yes" because the teaching is we are to plan for tomorrow but live like He is coming back today. The Bible says no man knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return and He hasn't come back for 2,000 years.

My boss at work goes on vacation and the workers don't tell the boss when he/she is supposed to come back.
Christians do want to take care of the Earth.
Why? The bible tells us to be good stewards of the Earth and all of the creatures in it.
When Jesus returns, Christians will rule with him here on Earth for 1,000 years.
Just because many people see the global warming theory as a scam for what it really is, does not make them stupid.
This climate thing is about Governments controlling the people, not about the Earth's climate.
This is about God being in control and the people not turning from their wickedness.
Revelation 16:8-9
8- Then the fourth angle poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire
9- And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give him glory.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus is coming back to rule with Christians for a 1,000 years. If you can come up with the prophecies about this, then you've made up your own Bible.
End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

Research suggests a belief in the apocalypse, common in the GOP, reduces interest in the government taking action.

End time belief has an almost salacious appeal in America—and not just to the four out of ten Americans who believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth by 2050. [Emphasis mine] ...

... some in the spectator camp hold that America’s remarkably durable “rapture culture” is no laughing matter; that it might, in fact, be a menace to society. At issue is end time believers’ perceived lack of investment in the earth’s future. That is, if they believe Jesus is coming back, do they have any incentive to preserve and protect the environment for future generations?

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.

You seem to have a warped point of view. Consider that it is usually the irreligious non-Christians types, who tattoo themselves all over. It is usually the non-Christian types who party by drinking until wasted. It is the usually the non-Christian types who seem to push for "free love" and abortion on demand. It is usually the non-Christian types who feel that homosexual "marriage" should be naturalized and accepted.
It would seem that if non-Christians cannot even take care of themselves (doing what is good and righteous), and are seemingly on a path to do whatever they wish, whenever they wish, by whatever means are on hand with their "own" bodies---- how on this God created earth can they imagine that they can save the planet. They can't even save themselves. Christians care. They simply see a broader picture --- and it isn't under the control of liberals. One must love God first and then one can love thy neighbor as thyself. At that point such will also see that the planet actually belongs to GOD and is worthy to be respected.

Christians hate our Creator and only get along with the neighbors that agree with their false religious dogma. This is why Christians attack and kill Muslims and try control the world.
End-time believers just don?t care about climate change - Salon.com

It seems we might want to stop making fun of the rapture fans. The fantasy of being sucked up to the sky is just as ridiculous as always but, AMAZINGLY!!, almost half of Americans believe it.

Does this shock anyone else? Honestly, I've always thought that a very few uneducated and easily led sheeples would believe an imaginary sky fairy character was gonna suck them off the face of their own planet.

I can't remember the last time I was this shocked, amazed, surprised at the idiocy of my fellow Americans but also ... What a lousy excuse for shitting all over the planet they say they believe was created by that same magical sky fairy.

Makes me think of those scummy folks who leave a shitty disposable diaper on the pavement of a parking lot and just drive away.

You seem to have a warped point of view. Consider that it is usually the irreligious non-Christians types, who tattoo themselves all over. It is usually the non-Christian types who party by drinking until wasted. It is the usually the non-Christian types who seem to push for "free love" and abortion on demand. It is usually the non-Christian types who feel that homosexual "marriage" should be naturalized and accepted.
It would seem that if non-Christians cannot even take care of themselves (doing what is good and righteous), and are seemingly on a path to do whatever they wish, whenever they wish, by whatever means are on hand with their "own" bodies---- how on this God created earth can they imagine that they can save the planet. They can't even save themselves. Christians care. They simply see a broader picture --- and it isn't under the control of liberals. One must love God first and then one can love thy neighbor as thyself. At that point such will also see that the planet actually belongs to GOD and is worthy to be respected.

Christians hate our Creator and only get along with the neighbors that agree with their false religious dogma. This is why Christians attack and kill Muslims and try control the world.

Wow! Can I get a hit off your crack pipe?
oh my, we are ALL GONNA DIE because the earth has been here for how many years?
but now the climate is going doom us all..it was nice knowing some of you..kiss your ass goodby..

my gawd....friggen SALON is so full of it..they dragged up, end time believers..

this is the DISGUSTING GARBAGE that salon serves up..

that site should be SHUNNED...do not support this kind of garbage..

It's ironic that they are trying to scare people into getting the government to regulating them by creating a phoney apocalypse and somehow they think belief in the apocalypse reduces interest in the government taking action. Shouldn't the very fact that they believe in a global warming apocalypse and they want to regulate people more disprove that assertion?

Not ironic but typically stupid that neither of you bothered to see that the story did not come from Salon.

That's what you get when you stop using your brain and make all decisions based on your noses up each other's butts.

Talk about red herring. I didn't mention Salon. Clearly you can't deal with what I actually said and feel the need to divert the conversation to something irrelevant.

Here's a crazy idea: Why don't you address the problems people have with your global warming hoax instead of trying to change the topic when people bring them up?
But the more important questions are:

1. Do they have life insurance?
2. Do they have a will?
3. Do they contribute to a retirement plan?

Why wouldn't end time believers do this?

Lud doesn't seem to understand that the end times doesn't indicate that the earth is going to cease to exist or that we won't continue to be alive.

The end time simply means Christ will return and the wicked will be destroyed. There will still be society. There will still be people living. Family life will still continue.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus is coming back to rule with Christians for a 1,000 years. If you can come up with the prophecies about this, then you've made up your own Bible.

Revelation 20:4 ¶ And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.

Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Revelation 20:7 ¶ And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus is coming back to rule with Christians for a 1,000 years. If you can come up with the prophecies about this, then you've made up your own Bible.

Revelation 20:4 ¶ And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.

Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Revelation 20:7 ¶ And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

You're efforts have been for naught. Theword doesn't have a problem quoting scripture when he thinks it helps him. But he does nothing about whine and complain about the corruption of scriptures when it goes against him.

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