End Times Prophecy

the religion of antiquity is spoken in timeless fashion not read - the forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions is a deliberate distortion, the parable of noah - to obscure and plagiarizer its content ...

we will - establish our - shall humanity - all creatures is a joke.

^ the heavens will not interview again for humanity and will allow the triumph of good vs evil to prevail in conclusion as the time for final judgement - the remission to paradise, having been accomplished or punishment (as already witnessed) and extinction.

written properly the biblical shell would reveal the metaphysical pronouncement correctly - the self determination granted a&e, the collapse during the time of noah and the liberation theology of the 1st century reiteration of the original self determination for the return to paradise.

Thanks .
I have studied on this and still on the fence. I know Jesus said that generation would not pass until these things happen,

The Lesson of the Fig Tree
…33So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.…
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Cross References
Matthew 10:23
When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next. Truly I tell you, you will not reach all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

Matthew 16:28
Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."

Matthew 23:36
Truly I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation.

Treasury of Scripture
Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Matthew 12:45
Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
Matthew 16:28
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
Matthew 23:36
Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.

Why would you be on the fence? Either Jesus was right or he was wrong.
Anyone feel we are in the last days?
According to the Bible, no.

Daniel said that God would establish His kingdom in the days of empire and that it would not be destroyed. And as we know, these days ended with Rome. Paul affirmed that the church that God established was also eternal. To God “be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever,” he rejoiced (Eph 3:21). Daniel and Paul both averred the everlasting nature of the kingdom, or of a sovereign and his church, that would emerge in Palestine after Roman occupation. Isaiah and Luke also attested to the Lord’s increasing and everlasting government (Is 9:7; Lk 1:33). God’s kingdom and the temple therein – the church – are everlasting.
Jesus wouldn't have told us to watch and pray these times don't catch us unaware if this were true, he told us to watch and prepare the time is near, didn't He?
No, he didn't tell us that. He told his disciples that.
If your referring to the verse "destroy this temple and I will raise in 3 days" Para quote. That is speaking of Jesus but he also speaks of the another temple also.
Did he not raise a new temple? Or was he wrong again?
well that is certainly true and I might add that the qualification for a true prophet is that he has 100% accuracy. That you find with God of Abraham's prophets, Not the Koran's. With all due respect of course.
A more convincing criterion for legitimacy is that the biblical prophets were Israel. Every prophet in the Bible was of the house of Israel.
According to the Bible, no.

Daniel said that God would establish His kingdom in the days of empire and that it would not be destroyed. And as we know, these days ended with Rome. Paul affirmed that the church that God established was also eternal. To God “be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever,” he rejoiced (Eph 3:21). Daniel and Paul both averred the everlasting nature of the kingdom, or of a sovereign and his church, that would emerge in Palestine after Roman occupation. Isaiah and Luke also attested to the Lord’s increasing and everlasting government (Is 9:7; Lk 1:33). God’s kingdom and the temple therein – the church – are everlasting.

I'm getting taxed on posting on 3 fronts aka threads here. Not sure which era your speaking of.
you are who is confusing - end times w/ end of world - as that is the deficiency of the desert religions where not all will be judged as all being the same - they abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity, the path of remission where the final judgement would be for who were alive and triumphant similarly and if approved would begin the new paradise reclaimed that was long lost. the itinerant would have known having triumphed themselves what that purity would bring.
I simply present the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. And they do not contradict themselves as you would falsely claim, as "All scripture is given by inspiration of God....." -- 2 Tim. 3:16. The Holy Spirit of God inspired the scriptures. We did take note that you cannot produce one passage of scripture that would contradict one word that was presented.

Simply show us the Book, Chapter and Verse that proves a single word that you just presented. You will not because these words do not exist in the entire canon of the Holy Bible.

Satan's only 2 weapons against the truth: Deceit and Deflection. Of course you insist the Bible is not true, that's exactly what any minion of Satan would do. When you start to agree with the Holy Scriptures its time to back up 10 yards and punt. :abgg2q.jpg:
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A more convincing criterion for legitimacy is that the biblical prophets were Israel. Every prophet in the Bible was of the house of Israel.

You do understand there were two houses, Judah and Israel ,right?
A more convincing criterion for legitimacy is that the biblical prophets were Israel. Every prophet in the Bible was of the house of Israel.

Prophecy is bestowed only upon a very wise sage of a strong character, who is never overcome by his natural inclinations in any regard. Instead, with his mind, he overcomes his natural inclinations at all times. He must [also] possess a very broad and accurate mental capacity.

A person who is full of all these qualities and is physically sound...

Rambam 'Mishneh Torah' - Chapter 7

Think broadly - astronauts,
wise, strong, wealthy...
play instruments.
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Twelve houses, or tribes. One kingdom - at times: Israel and Judea. One house.

Are you Jewish? If you were you'd understand what I'm saying. Unless your secular of course then your probably liberal.
Are you Jewish? If you were you'd understand what I'm saying. Unless your secular of course then your probably liberal.
I'm Christian. I'm just not fooled by the contradictions and subjectivity or dispensationalists and evangelicals.

The kingdom of Israel was at times both the north and the south - Israel and Judea. One house. All tribes descended from one man.

One house.

Now no house. Extinct. Gone.
A more convincing criterion for legitimacy is that the biblical prophets were Israel. Every prophet in the Bible was of the house of Israel.
Its easy to test anyone that claims they are a prophet of God. "If there arises among you a prophet or dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or wonder (claiming to be a miracle), and the sign or wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, 'let us go after different gods - which you have not known - and let us serve them.' you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreams, for the Lord is testing you to know whether you love the Lord with all your heart and soul." -- Deut. 13:1-3.

If a man claims that Jesus did not come in the flesh, we know that he is a false prophet because it contradicts what the Bible actually says. (1 John 4:2-3). This is where several "cults" fail the test and are documented presenting an antichrist doctrine, such as the Mormons, the Muslims, and the Witnesses (who have failed grievously at playing the prophecy game......being documented to have failed at least 5 times in recent history).

There are no modern day prophets. The Bible teaches that prophets and prophecies were only temporary and would one day fail or cease. "But whether there are prophecies, THEY WILL FAIL......whether there are tongues (the supernatural ability to speak in a langue that one has never learned in order to preach to people's of foreign lands to spread the Gospel Truth, as demonstrated in Acts 2), they shall cease........." -- 1 Cor. 13:9-12. When would these gifts of the Holy Spirit cease? When that which is perfect has come. The "perfect" spoken of by Paul is a Greek Word that means to make whole or complete. Thus the Perfect is the finished works of the Holy Bible. The Perfect Law of Liberty as spoken of by James, the same Greek Word perfect (James 1:25)

Today the remaining gifts of the Holy Spirit are "Faith", "Hope" and "Charity or Love"........with love being the greatest of these gifts. (1 Cor. 13:13)

Today we have something to guide us that the early church did not have...........all the records left behind by the Apostles of Christ to future generations the same apostles who were eyewitnesses to the Majesty of Jesus, left these records for us to find enlightenment. (2 Peter 1:16-19). Jesus has already given us everything pertaining to Life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3)

As is recorded in Jude 3. "The faith has been once delivered by the saints (of the 1st century)."
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I'm Christian. I'm just not fooled by the contradictions and subjectivity or dispensationalists and evangelicals.

The kingdom of Israel was at times both the north and the south - Israel and Judea. One house. All tribes descended from one man.

One house.

Now no house. Extinct. Gone.

Except for that tiny minority
all seem to think have been ruling the world,
yet are 'extinct' with their 'outdated' covenant and prophecies...

But the main part is that Christians and Muslims are nodding in reassuring unison, correct?
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I simply present the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. And they do not contradict themselves as you would falsely claim, as "All scripture is given by inspiration of God....." -- 2 Tim. 3:16. The Holy Spirit of God inspired the scriptures. We did take note that you cannot produce one passage of scripture that would contradict one word that was presented.

Simply show us the Book, Chapter and Verse that proves a single word that you just presented. You will not because these words do not exist in the entire canon of the Holy Bible.

Satan's only 2 weapons against the truth: Deceit and Deflection. Of course you insist the Bible is not true, that's exactly what any minion of Satan would do. When you start to agree with the Holy Scriptures its time to back up 10 yards and punt. :abgg2q.jpg:
by inspiration of God....."

the three desert religions are immanently delusional -

I am giving you my blessing. Have a lot of children and grandchildren, so people will live everywhere on this earth. 2 All animals, birds, reptiles, and fish will be afraid of you. - - I have placed them under your control, 3 and I have given them to you for food. - - From now on, you may eat them, as well as the green plants that you have always eaten.

" your" scriptures - straight from the inferno ... who would ever read such a book.

your "actual content of the Holy Scriptures" only prove further the corruption the 1st century events were meant to mend only to fail by the crucifixion of their message, liberation theology, self determination than the religion of servitude the crucifiers surreptitiously wrote in the late 4th century - christian bible.
So you only have the truth? I thought the reason to study was to find the truth.
Anyway doesn't the Quran acknowledge Jesus of the Bible.
Now that's all I want to say unless you to study about the end times. Or end of the earth as we know it.
Put up a thread on Quran if you like. I know a little about it,not much of course;
I don't see what that has to do with anything I said.

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