"Ender's Game" Boycott

JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

What else would you expect from Joe, he is what he is, and a thinker, he isn't.

He is a guy that thinks he know everything, that's why he has trouble keeping jobs.

Yup, I have so much trouble I've been continuously employed for the last 12 years.

But, Hey, I guess you know everything.
JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

What bigger picture?

Actually, all Card did was take a barely adequate short story and pad it out to a 300 page book.

Now, this might work in a movie, because the movie will only be two hours, and they can boil it down to just the "good parts".

Oh, wait, there weren't any good parts...

Moby Dick is considered a Great American Novel by the People That Know. I can actually point out to them, in detail, why they are wrong, all you can do is say you think it is boring.

And that's the point, isn't it?

The only thing that anyone remembers about that book is that there's a scene at the end where they whale kills everyone...HO-hum. Did we really need 500 pages to get there?

The problem with "Literature" in general is that we tell kids they need to read this stuff. And then you wonder why they get bored with reading.
I may need to see this...anything Joey hates almost has to be pretty good.

Actually, Jack-Axle, it's your kind of book. The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere. For an OCD sufferer like yourself, it's probably gold.

The plot drags on for 300 pages of repetitive action that goes nowhere.

Sort of like the president giving the same speech over ...and over..
I hear he's doing it again this coming Tuesday. :(
There's one big difference. Orson Scott Card knew he was writing fiction when he wrote "Ender's Game". Obama either doesn't know he is babbling fiction, or he is outright LYING (likely the latter).
JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

What bigger picture?

Actually, all Card did was take a barely adequate short story and pad it out to a 300 page book.

Now, this might work in a movie, because the movie will only be two hours, and they can boil it down to just the "good parts".

Oh, wait, there weren't any good parts...

As usual, your analysis is flawed and you are wrong.

Card's book actually works on more than one level, and what it says clearly sails over your diminutive mind. It may not be the most inspired notion, but Ender's Game goes so much deeper than its "battle" framework that it's a true pity all you can see is the surface. But it's not unexpected. You are a poseur and a lightweight.
JoeBitch's "critique" of the book is petty and amateurish.

While there is a kernel of truth in some of what he says, he focuses so much on the components of the book which he doesn't like that he misses the bigger picture.

What else would you expect from Joe, he is what he is, and a thinker, he isn't.

He is a guy that thinks he know everything, that's why he has trouble keeping jobs.

Yup, I have so much trouble I've been continuously employed for the last 12 years.

But, Hey, I guess you know everything.

You sure think you know everything, you know how business and banks work, you are a book critic, a movie critic, you are an expert on race relations, on all religions, you know everything about politics and you know what is best for our military.

It's amazing how smart you seem to think yourself to be.

Moby Dick is considered a Great American Novel by the People That Know. I can actually point out to them, in detail, why they are wrong, all you can do is say you think it is boring.

And that's the point, isn't it?

The only thing that anyone remembers about that book is that there's a scene at the end where they whale kills everyone...HO-hum. Did we really need 500 pages to get there?

The problem with "Literature" in general is that we tell kids they need to read this stuff. And then you wonder why they get bored with reading.

Did you read the Cliff's Notes version? That book was over 1900 pages.

The problem with literature as a field is that it isn't about the good books, it is about technique. I have never met anyone that doesn't enjoy reading something, but the crap teachers expect people to learn to like something because they think reading is like drinking wine. They might be able to teach people about why they think Melville is a great writer, but what it comes down to is how much people like to read the books. By that standard Card is a successful and talented writer, and Melville is a flop.
Translation: "Having been caught in yet ANOTHER lie, I will attempt to distract by flinging feces." Just stop, kid, you're embarrassing yourself.

Guy, first you said that you didn't read the book, but now you wanted to because I hated it.

Then you said you read it and it was "not great, not bad"...

Then denied you said it was good.

I'd tell you to make up your mind, but that works on the assumption you have a mind.

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show me where I said I had not read the book!

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As usual, your analysis is flawed and you are wrong.

Card's book actually works on more than one level, and what it says clearly sails over your diminutive mind. It may not be the most inspired notion, but Ender's Game goes so much deeper than its "battle" framework that it's a true pity all you can see is the surface. But it's not unexpected. You are a poseur and a lightweight.

Yawn, guy, I've written better SF than that mope ever did.

And ender's game is about as deep as a Bush Speech.

So we have 300 pages of repetitive crap followed by an adversary that turns into a big huge dud. (Again, seriously, you kill the queen and they ALL die? Seriously?)

So go back to clinging to your gun and your bible, that's all the depth you need.

The problem with literature as a field is that it isn't about the good books, it is about technique. I have never met anyone that doesn't enjoy reading something, but the crap teachers expect people to learn to like something because they think reading is like drinking wine. They might be able to teach people about why they think Melville is a great writer, but what it comes down to is how much people like to read the books. By that standard Card is a successful and talented writer, and Melville is a flop.

Uh, nobody will still be reading Card in 100 years.

I do think you have a good point in the comparison to teachers thinking reading should be like drinking wine, though. I'd go one further. I think a lot of them are just plain old lazy. They teach to the syllabus. Yeah, we all had to endure a turd blossom like 1984, because teachers are basically kind of lazy and teach to the material.
You sure think you know everything, you know how business and banks work, you are a book critic, a movie critic, you are an expert on race relations, on all religions, you know everything about politics and you know what is best for our military.

It's amazing how smart you seem to think yourself to be.

So you are terrified of people with opinions?

Man, guy, you need to stop the whining....

The problem with literature as a field is that it isn't about the good books, it is about technique. I have never met anyone that doesn't enjoy reading something, but the crap teachers expect people to learn to like something because they think reading is like drinking wine. They might be able to teach people about why they think Melville is a great writer, but what it comes down to is how much people like to read the books. By that standard Card is a successful and talented writer, and Melville is a flop.

Uh, nobody will still be reading Card in 100 years.

I do think you have a good point in the comparison to teachers thinking reading should be like drinking wine, though. I'd go one further. I think a lot of them are just plain old lazy. They teach to the syllabus. Yeah, we all had to endure a turd blossom like 1984, because teachers are basically kind of lazy and teach to the material.

You sound like one of the pretentious assholes that said no one would be reading Twain by now.
You sure think you know everything, you know how business and banks work, you are a book critic, a movie critic, you are an expert on race relations, on all religions, you know everything about politics and you know what is best for our military.

It's amazing how smart you seem to think yourself to be.

So you are terrified of people with opinions?

Man, guy, you need to stop the whining....

I'm bored with know-it-all assholes like yourself.
Dude, go back to The Little Engine That Could...that's more your speed, kid.

I hear you are still struggling with "Green Eggs and Ham". The library callled. They want you to return it. They said if you haven't figured it out by now, you never will.

(Oh, the moral is, stop stalking guys with food they don't want to eat. I think. You need to work on the stalking thing.)

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