Energy Dept Discriminates Against Veterans


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody here ever heard of VEVRA? "Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act"

The biggest dildo in history. I can't think of one case ever brought under the act.

And now we have evidence that dimocrap scum are discriminating against Veterans just like they did back in the 60s and 70s and 80s.

SSDD Same Shit Different Day

dimocraps are what they are.

I know what discrimination is. And it's ugly. But there's nobody to represent me.... Or us

Report: Department of Energy discriminated against veterans | Fox News

Report: Department of Energy discriminated against veterans

A new report from federal watchdogs reveals that discrimination against military veterans at the Energy Department and retaliation against whistleblowers who spoke out about the practice were more widespread than previously believed and could cost taxpayers millions.

The report, released Tuesday by DOE's inspector general, revealed that a top legal official explicitly advised human resources officials at the department's Bonneville Power Administration on how to disadvantage veterans in its hiring practices.

BPA then attempted to completely remove two employees from the federal service after they questioned the hiring practices.

Problems at BPA are more widespread than just those two instances, according to the IG.

"In short, there was a massive breakdown in procedures, processes, and management attentiveness at several levels of Bonneville's operation," the IG found.

The report reinforces criticism of BPA by congressional investigators, who in August held a hearing investigating similar allegations from the department's IG.

Remember that IG Report from the IRS about how the obama administration ordered the IRS to shut down Conservative Groups?

How's that going?

You mean this administration discrimminates against the Nation's Military Veterans???

I'm shocked.
As a Veteran and a Division Commander in The American Legion, I keep up with some of what the VA, nationally and statewise, does for Veterans. One of the Key things Obama promised was speeding up VA claims, but there's a longer processing time now and recently than ever.

Obama has a history of being cold to Veterans. Even Clinton did more.
As a Veteran and a Division Commander in The American Legion, I keep up with some of what the VA, nationally and statewise, does for Veterans. One of the Key things Obama promised was speeding up VA claims, but there's a longer processing time now and recently than ever.

Obama has a history of being cold to Veterans. Even Clinton did more.

1) Thank you for your service.

2) obama can rot in hell for all eternity

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