England looks different, sounds different, feels different than these people want it to be


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The man and the incident would feel perfectly at home in Jonathan Coe’s 12th novel, Middle England, which examines the country over an eight-year period from 2010. It dissects the events that led the UK – or, rather, parts of England and Wales – to vote to leave the EU, the arguments that divided families during the campaign, and the almost comical attempts at negotiating Brexit that have ensued ever since.

Middle England review: Delving into the heart of Brexit Britain
I think the review gets it about right. There are people at my local pub just like that and who still believe Brexit will change nothingand things will remain as they've always been; I hope they are right.
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.
The man and the incident would feel perfectly at home in Jonathan Coe’s 12th novel, Middle England, which examines the country over an eight-year period from 2010. It dissects the events that led the UK – or, rather, parts of England and Wales – to vote to leave the EU, the arguments that divided families during the campaign, and the almost comical attempts at negotiating Brexit that have ensued ever since.

Middle England review: Delving into the heart of Brexit Britain

That's a way of laughing at people for wanting their culture back.

It never ends well, btw. And The Lark Ascending is a breathtaking piece of music, but funny to laugh at that, isn't it? Laugh at everything that made your nation great, until you no longer have a nation left.

Goodbye, Britain.
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

And we don't want them here, those sniveling Brits. When it's finally taken over by Middle Easterns and they really, irrevocably feel like minorities in their own land, we do not want them here as refugees or asylum seekers in America. I don't care if we were once their colony; I don't care if we share a language and we are so-called "allies" and whatnot.

They cannot come here after they have derided us for our immigration and our president and God knows what--anything and everything--after all these years.

Sit in your own damn stew, Brits. You, Tommy, your stew of Tommies and all of it.
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

And we don't want them here, those sniveling Brits. When it's finally taken over by Middle Easterns and they really, irrevocably feel like minorities in their own land, we do not want them here as refugees or asylum seekers in America. I don't care if we were once their colony; I don't care if we share a language and we are so-called "allies" and whatnot.

They cannot come here after they have derided us for our immigration and our president and God knows what--anything and everything--after all these years.

Sit in your own damn stew, Brits. You, Tommy, your stew of Tommies and all of it.

Gee thanks. I'm a snivelling Brit, albeit in exile.

I come to USMB to snivel.

I was hoping they'd give me asylum. :11_2_1043:

Oh, and I want my colonies back. :10:
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

Get rid of Mayor Khan. :113:
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

Get rid of Mayor Khan. :113:
Sadie Khan can't be kicked out. He's British, born and bred. In Tooting, I believe.

He's a Sunni, on the soft side of Islam.

Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

And we don't want them here, those sniveling Brits. When it's finally taken over by Middle Easterns and they really, irrevocably feel like minorities in their own land, we do not want them here as refugees or asylum seekers in America. I don't care if we were once their colony; I don't care if we share a language and we are so-called "allies" and whatnot.

They cannot come here after they have derided us for our immigration and our president and God knows what--anything and everything--after all these years.

Sit in your own damn stew, Brits. You, Tommy, your stew of Tommies and all of it.

Gee thanks. I'm a snivelling Brit, albeit in exile.

I come to USMB to snivel.

I was hoping they'd give me asylum. :11_2_1043:

Oh, and I want my colonies back. :10:

Of course there are exceptions. But in my opinion, the exceptions are not taking care of their own in Europe. They are being mindlessly stupid in the way they treat America and Americans, and slowly but surely souring Americans on how we think of Europe. This is clearly seen in the way President Trump is responding to the EU. Most Europeans thought foolishly that this would never, ever reflect in actual policy--that somehow, they could continue to laugh at and abuse us forever and we would be too stupid to notice.

They were wrong.
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

And we don't want them here, those sniveling Brits. When it's finally taken over by Middle Easterns and they really, irrevocably feel like minorities in their own land, we do not want them here as refugees or asylum seekers in America. I don't care if we were once their colony; I don't care if we share a language and we are so-called "allies" and whatnot.

They cannot come here after they have derided us for our immigration and our president and God knows what--anything and everything--after all these years.

Sit in your own damn stew, Brits. You, Tommy, your stew of Tommies and all of it.

Gee thanks. I'm a snivelling Brit, albeit in exile.

I come to USMB to snivel.

I was hoping they'd give me asylum. :11_2_1043:

Oh, and I want my colonies back. :10:

Of course there are exceptions. But in my opinion, the exceptions are not taking care of their own in Europe. They are being mindlessly stupid in the way they treat America and Americans, and slowly but surely souring Americans on how we think of Europe. This is clearly seen in the way President Trump is responding to the EU. Most Europeans thought foolishly that this would never, ever reflect in actual policy--that somehow, they could continue to laugh at and abuse us forever and we would be too stupid to notice.

They were wrong.

Some of that mindless hate I see on these forums, has spread to Europe.

It's quite sickening. And you have to be careful who you talk to.
Ya... Londonistan isn't even part of Europe anymore. It's a muslim coddling, politically correct, crippled, liberal, slack jawed, gutless shell of what used to be Britain, and I know for a fact not all the Brits are happy with it. They're disgusted.

And we don't want them here, those sniveling Brits. When it's finally taken over by Middle Easterns and they really, irrevocably feel like minorities in their own land, we do not want them here as refugees or asylum seekers in America. I don't care if we were once their colony; I don't care if we share a language and we are so-called "allies" and whatnot.

They cannot come here after they have derided us for our immigration and our president and God knows what--anything and everything--after all these years.

Sit in your own damn stew, Brits. You, Tommy, your stew of Tommies and all of it.

Gee thanks. I'm a snivelling Brit, albeit in exile.

I come to USMB to snivel.

I was hoping they'd give me asylum. :11_2_1043:

Oh, and I want my colonies back. :10:

Of course there are exceptions. But in my opinion, the exceptions are not taking care of their own in Europe. They are being mindlessly stupid in the way they treat America and Americans, and slowly but surely souring Americans on how we think of Europe. This is clearly seen in the way President Trump is responding to the EU. Most Europeans thought foolishly that this would never, ever reflect in actual policy--that somehow, they could continue to laugh at and abuse us forever and we would be too stupid to notice.

They were wrong.

Some of that mindless hate I see on these forums, has spread to Europe.

It's quite sickening. And you have to be careful who you talk to.

You're just speaking of Naziism, which I will remind you, has deep roots and catastrophic effects in Europe. Did not "spread to" Europe.

What I'm talking about is what I've seen on the WWW since the WWW opened. It used to be that Americans WERE shielded from European anti-American snobbery. By two oceans, Mexico and Canada and geography, basically. The WWW opened and the snobbery and bile has poured forth without ceasing. Unaccountably, Europeans really think we're too stupid to notice. Now that is a gross generalization but generally, this is true.

We notice. We're not THAT stupid.

And on the whole, we care less about what you think and care less about leaping to your defense. It's a great "cooling off". And yes, I think in part because Americans have been exposed to European anti-American snobbery via the internet.

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